You're missing my point, CW. First of all, MC does not equate to "braindead". It can and I'd agree that stories that are purely stroke mind control tales can be bereft of character development. But there are a number of stories (including some of mine), that involve characters that have been controlled and still have their personalities intact (if not, somewhat changed). These characters can be developed in the way any character in any story can be developed.
And you're also missing my point. It's true, there are some wonderful MC stories, but the genre is based on a lazy wish-fulfillment trope that makes it difficult to write meaningful stories. Thus the good examples are outnumbered by the truly terrible 'rape fantasy' elements. I'm not saying that decent examples can't be written, only that it's more difficult to write them, because of the genre's basic assumptions going in.
Way back up in this thread, I gave a couple of fairly easy to pull off controls to keep MC stories from veering into simple 'rape fantasies' (ex: someone becoming incapacitated, or losing years from their life every time they 'control' anyone, or someone who has to 'fight' those controlled the entire time they're controlled, so it becomes too exhausting to continue to control them, then pitting them against those seeing revenge for their enslavement). But those types of plots are few and far between.
Face it, many genre favorites are popular because the basic assumptions make them incredibly easy to write, because most of the plot is handled on autopilot. Those, to me, are examples of lazy writing simply because the authors don't get into it to write superior fiction, but because they don't have to waste much time on plot development.
That's why, every time I undertake a new subgenre (PA, zombie apocalypse, MC, telepathy) I try to turn the entire genre on it's head and do the exact opposite of what's expected, because face it, the expected ends up being mind-numbingly boring after a while.
By the way, my Catalyst series wasn't written as a MC story, but as a way of justifying how harem stories might unfold in a logical and rational scenario (i.e. where the women would want to be in a given harem situation). I tried that for two different series (Catalyst and Great Death) until I finally got it out of my system).