@Remus2Unfortunately, the "Academicians" are certain that "If Only They would be allowed to control the CENTRAL PLANNING then society would enjoy "paradise" or whatever... Bureaucrats, and some politicians encourage this fallacy because they crave to have the POWER of Central Control.
Human Error does result in many vehicle, aircraft, and other accidents. "Robots"/Computers (auto-pilots) are best at "mindless" repetitive tasks. They don't have nearly as good a record in crisis situations. I believe that every vehicle/aircraft, etc. carrying human beings should have the capability of Human Override.
Human beings who desire a license to operate a vehicle/watercraft/aircraft should be required to demonstrate they have received minimal training, and testing to verify they have the requisite skills to operate (whatever) craft. There should be multiple level of qualification, such as pilot's licenses, and some nations vehicle licenses.
I would accept a system in urban areas where the far-left lane is the Commuter/Trucker automated-lane for car/van pools, busses, and long-distance tractor-trailer rigs (all of which would enter from the left side of the freeway (where practicable). The far-right lane would also be "automated" as well as on-ramps and off-ramps. At least half of the freeway lanes would be for driver controlled vehicles.
I could also accept making the "downtowns" of major urban centers predominantly, or even exclusively for "autonomus" vehicles, at least from say 7:00AM to 6:00PM. Many urban cores already significantly restrict POVs (Personally Owned Vehicles).
Central Planners want to CONTROL our travel, not primarily for safety, nor efficiency. They want to control where we go, and where we live. There are already neighborhoods where there is No Parking on the street, nor in garages, etc.
Central Planning is rarely as efficient as the independent decisions of millions of individuals; although that may seem counter-intuitive.
Central Planners don't understand entrepreneurialism, innovation, nor most emerging technologies. Microsoft, Nitendo, Amazon, Google, and Starbucks, just to name a few locally significant corporations, were a total surprise to government bureaucrats. Freeways and Transit systems were planned based upon Existing industries and business models.
"Public" (GOVERNMENT) Transit did not serve these new employers; even decades later they are not as well served as locations of now defunct industries. In some cases, such as the downtown core, Government Employees are now a plurality, if not the majority of commuters (or people who work in businesses that depend upon government business, or services such as coffee or lunch for govt. workers).
Cronies and Central Planners will conspire to "strangle in the cradle" entrepreneurs and innovation. Abusing power to try to conform reality to their hidebound plans.
I don't trust bureaucracies to not abuse an automated vehicle control system. Government vehicles use the HOT (High-Occupancy / Toll) Lanes, even there is only a single occupant. Central Planners will assign priority to government vehicles, not sensible priorities such as fire engines, police, and medical; but bureaucrats, and politicians, as well as Cronies and the uber wealthy, in particular to those who are connected.
There is already considerable public information that the politicians intend to severely restrict the ownership of POVs (banning all vehicles using "carbon emitting fuels") by 2035...