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Secretary of State for states?

PotomacBob 🚫

In some states, the Secretary of State is the top elections official. Is that true of all states? Is the Secretary of State itself an elected position - or appointed by someone? If the Secretary of State for some state is NOT the top elections official, who is? I cannot recall ever having heard of a Secretary of State until the 2000 election recount in Florida, but have heard of them a few times since in other states.

Replies:   REP  DBActive


Secretary of State

This may help


DBActive 🚫


the Secretary of State is the top elections official. Is that true of all states? Is the Secretary of State itself an elected position - or appointed by someone? If the Secretary of State for some state is NOT the top elections official, who is? I cannot recall ever having heard of a Secretary of State until the 2000 election recount in Flor

It all depends on the state. In most it's probably elected, in others appointed. Some deal with elections in various ways, others don't have anything to do with them.

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