@Darian Wolfe
At this point, I don't care. If you refuse to heed the warnings I give then you deserve the butt hurt.
It's funny, but I've always been leery of writing gay erotic scenes, but once I bit the bullet, and pushing an explicit gay erotica story dedicated to my brother's memory, the scores never dipped, and I never received any complaints. I assumed, at the time, that it's a difference between quality writing directed to a specific market, but I now doubt it was entirely the quality, but is rather due to the setting.
If you're writing a story about straights, and suddenly toss in a gay-sex scene, you're going to have to anticipate some flak. Instead, i'd give your readers some advance warning and not just an isolated tag. Thus, introducing the gay characters early, having them make a few pointed comments about other guys, they'll realize that it's a central component of the story, even if it's only a minor character, thus they'll be prepared for it when the scene(s) finally unfold.
But, at this point, that's just conjecture, as I've never tested it beyond that one story. While I appreciate the sentiments, and know more than most other straights about gay life, my muse just ain't into that stuff neither! ;)