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Reader Patterns

Geek of Ages

I tried seeing if this had been asked before by searching for things like "statistics" and "demographics", but all I found was a similar post I made years ago asking about those sorts of analytics (and being told they weren't collected, which is fine). Perhaps I spend too much time around marketers.

That said, I was curious about a thing. Well, two things.

First, I've noticed that stories can be scheduled for either 8 am or 8 pm each day. I was curious if there were any statistics in general regarding when stories tended to be posted. Obviously, they would spike along those times, but I was curious within that what days were more popular for posting, and if outside of those spikes there were other interesting patterns.

On the flip side, I'm also curious as to when during the week readers are more likely to read. Are there reader traffic spikes on Monday mornings? Friday evenings? Thursday tea-times?

Transparently, I'm a little curious to try to figure out when readers will be around, such that posting a new chapter at that time will maximize the number of potential readers who see it. As well as balancing that against posting when fewer stories are being posted, so it's not lost in a sea of new things.

Of course, if this information is revealed publicly, that will probably influence behavior for people posting stories, so it may all be mootβ€”that is, if a sweet time is discovered, then everyone will swarm it and ruin it.

Given that (and other obvious reasons regarding privacy and data collection), I can appreciate that information not actually being available. But if it is available publicly, I am quite curious as to its contents. And if it's not, that's not a big deal to me. Just thought I'd ask.


I picked Tuesday for my posting date several years ago. At the time it seemed to have fewer posts than the other days. Not sure what the posting pattern is now.

Now, I doubt if one day is any better than the other.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫


I picked Tuesday for my posting date several years ago. At the time it seemed to have fewer posts than the other days. Not sure what the posting pattern is now.

Now, I doubt if one day is any better than the other.

I typically post twice a week, so I usually post on Tuesday and Thursday, with any cliffhangers typically falling on Thursday. That makes for a more convenient 2-day between posts, while keeping the longer 5-day delay for any cliffhangers (so readers are eagerly anticipating the next chapter). Though, sometimes that long of a delay ends up biting you in the ass!

Replies:   Uther_Pendragon
Uther_Pendragon 🚫

@Vincent Berg

I generally post 2 chapters a week. On my Gjt story-pairs, that's on chapter of each story.
Usually, that's Monday morning and Thursday evening OR Tuesday morning and Friday evening. That gives me 3 1/2 days between postings.
Okay, call me anal.

Switch Blayde 🚫

@Geek of Ages

When I'm ready, I post. I never gave any thought to the hour or day.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Geek of Ages

Given that (and other obvious reasons regarding privacy and data collection), I can appreciate that information not actually being available. But if it is available publicly, I am quite curious as to its contents. And if it's not, that's not a big deal to me. Just thought I'd ask.

Still no analytics collected. However:

Most logins: Mondays
Least Logins: Saturdays

Most Postings: Friday and Saturday
Least Postings: Wednesday and Thursday

Lowest activity level: 4-5am Eastern
Highest activity level: 5-10pm Eastern
Activity peak: Saturdays after the morning posts despite lowest log ins

PS: I'm in the Middle East currently. Patchy internet access and 7 hours off from eastern time. So my responses will come much later than usual. For example, I'm composing this post at 9:20am and will appear on the site at 2:20am.

Switch Blayde 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Activity peak: Saturdays after the morning posts despite lowest log ins

If someone never logs out, could that account for that anomaly?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Switch Blayde

If someone never logs out, could that account for that anomaly?

No. It doesn't matter if somebody never logs out using the sign out link.

Whenever the counter is reset on an account, it's counted as a login event.

palamedes 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Lowest activity level: 4-5am Eastern

If memory serves 4am eastern is when SOL does maintenance and is down.

bk69 🚫


If memory serves 4am eastern is when SOL does maintenance and is down.

I'm pretty sure Laz picked the time of day that was slowest to use for site maintenance.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


If memory serves 4am eastern is when SOL does maintenance and is down.

It's been at least 4 years since we changed the set up to eliminate the outage on database back up. Now the database is properly replicated to a back up server and the historical backup is created every 3 hours without interrupting the read/write servers.

4am Easter is 1am Pacific. That's when most North Americans are asleep and right before the British crowd starts accessing the site.

Replies:   madnige  palamedes
madnige 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

That's why I haven't seen "We'll be right back" recently - though last time I saw it was late 2018; I saved the page because I hadn't seen it recently, and I like the logo. That was 2018-12-14T09:23Z

palamedes 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I just thought it was neat that the lowest activity time matched the maintenance time. I'm glade and Thank You for the time, effort, and work that you do.

Geek of Ages

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Thank you, Lazeez. This is exactly the sort of thing I was curious about :)

Vincent Berg 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

PS: I'm in the Middle East currently.

Recruiting a few Arabic erotic authors, mayhaps?

Replies:   Pixy
Pixy 🚫

@Vincent Berg

I'm sure they will prove to have some explosive stories...

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫


I'm sure they will prove to have some explosive stories...

That reminds me, does anyone know why ammonia-based toilet cleaners have disappeared from UK supermarket shelves recently?


Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫

@awnlee jawking

You know the old bleach+ammonia combo? So does everyone now, including people you wouldn't want using large-scale mixes of it on the tube.

Replies:   Michael Loucks
Michael Loucks 🚫


You know the old bleach+ammonia combo? So does everyone now, including people you wouldn't want using large-scale mixes of it on the tube.

Several years ago, most cleaning products began including mandated warnings against mixing cleaning products, storing them in inappropriate containers, or using them in contravention of their labels.

There are some federal statutes in the US regarding the above, making certain behaviors criminal in the right context. I suspect similar statutes and warnings exist in other jurisdictions.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫

@Michael Loucks

including mandated warnings


More likely the warnings were in attempt to reduce product liability concerns.

Unfortunately, people that didn't know that combination now have it spelled out for them on the labels. Thus reducing the chance of autodarwination, but increasing the chance of terrorists using homemade chemical weapons.

Replies:   Michael Loucks  ystokes
Michael Loucks 🚫



True. See, among other things:

Β§1500.129 Substances named in the Federal Caustic Poison Act.

Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) Requirements

Regulations, Mandatory Standards and Bans

You'd be surprised at what's required in terms of labeling of products for sale.

ystokes 🚫


More likely the warnings were in attempt to reduce product liability concerns.

When hair dryers first came out they didn't have warnings because they didn't think anyone would use it in the bathtub.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫


When hair dryers first came out they didn't have warnings because

When hair dryers first came out, people didn't look for someone else to sue every time they or one of their family did something stupid.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


I would question how many people actually accidentally electrocuted themselves with a blow dryer in a bath tub (as opposed to suicide or murder attempts).

Replies:   ystokes  Vincent Berg
ystokes 🚫

@Dominions Son

I would question how many people actually accidentally electrocuted themselves with a blow dryer in a bath tub (as opposed to suicide or murder attempts).

All it takes is one person to matter. There was never a warning on coffee cups till one person dropped one on her lap.

I love all the warnings on drug adds. Makes ya think twice if you want to risk it.

Vincent Berg 🚫

@Dominions Son

I would question how many people actually accidentally electrocuted themselves with a blow dryer in a bath tub (as opposed to suicide or murder attempts).

How else do you launch all your little toy boats?

Darian Wolfe 🚫

If I can arrange it without too much inconvenience I try to post on Friday because I hope to catch the Arlene and Jeff rush as well as the Saturday Morning crowd. If not I try for Wednesday, just because it seems like a good day.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin 🚫

@Darian Wolfe

Wednesday, just because it seems like a good day.

People are celebrating Nes getting married. It is Wed Nes Day.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


People are celebrating Nes getting married. It is Wed Nes Day.

The origin is Woden's day. Woden being the Germanic name for the Norse god Odin.

Four of the Week day names come from Norse gods
Tiw's Day, Tiw being the Germanic form of the name of the Norse god of war Tyr.
Woden's Day
Thor's Day
Frigg's day. Norse Goddess wife of Odin AKA Freya

Two are celestial,

Sun's day
Moon's day.

One might think Saturn's day is celestial as well, but it comes from the Roman gods. Saturn being the Roman equivalent of the Greek Chronos god of eternal time. Father of the Titans.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin 🚫

@Dominions Son

Sun's day

Can be spelled sons day. All males are sons, its our day.

joyR 🚫

Almost guaranteed to provide readers with 1001 nights of stories...

(Those who dislike cliffhangers won't be happy)

Michael Loucks 🚫

I'm not familiar with this, probably because I'm too young. Do you have any more details? It sounds kind of curious.


Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫

@Michael Loucks


Technically, the coffee wasn't just hot, it was scalding, as she suffered serious burns, making it a case of obvious corporate negligence.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫

@Vincent Berg

Technically, the coffee wasn't just hot, it was scalding, as she suffered serious burns, making it a case of obvious corporate negligence.

The problem is, in order to accommodate all the people who hate coffee and instead order things that include other crap, like milk or cream, but still expect something hot, a proper (ie: black) coffee will be quite hot. Add in that McDonald's trains their staff to pour drinks first, before the food portion of a order is ready, and the actual coffee has to be even hotter. So if someone orders a real coffee, and nothing else, they'll get something far hotter than someone who ordered a 4x4 along with a complicated food order.
Being foolish enough to use one's crotch as a cupholder for this should not qualify one for a product liability suit.

Replies:   Uther_Pendragon
Uther_Pendragon 🚫


Being foolish enough to use one's crotch as a cupholder for this should not qualify one for a product liability suit.

There was a trial in which both sides presented sworn evidence. A jury decided the facts and the law -- as interpreted by a trained judge -- called for liability payments. Since then, many people hearing the same case presented by a PR firm -- neither under oath nor answered by he other side -- has presented enough argument to persuade them that the jury and judge were terribly wrong.

Since the two decisions are contradictory, oe of trhe sides was naive.

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