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Forum: Author Hangout

Sometimes, I'm inclined to be a dick.

Darian Wolfe 🚫

I read the prologue and first chapter of a new story. It's current score is 1.51. It was 1.55 before I voted. I think that that is the first time I have ever given a story a one. The spelling and grammar weren't bad. It was obviously written as hate bait. While I find it disgusting, I will stand up for the writer's right to write such garbage.

I have to admit to a desire to take the story and reverse it and see how funny the writer of the original thinks it is. I think that would be plagiarism so I won't. Plus, I like the peace and quiet of our happy forum so I won't disturb it. I kinda want to though.

irvmull 🚫

If this is going to turn into another twitter or facebook, we need a way to block authors. I join you in voting it down.


@Darian Wolfe

I saw it and decided to not read it. The description sounded like wish fulfillment and it was enough for me. I do not support racism nor the people who practice it or revel in it.

awnlee jawking 🚫

I wonder whether the readers who gave the story a low score actually read the description and codes beforehand.


Replies:   irvmull
irvmull 🚫

@awnlee jawking

I wonder whether the readers who gave the story a low score actually read the description and codes beforehand.

Read one chapter. Gave one point for correct spelling and sentence structure. Thanks anyway.

As someone else posted, the quality of SOL has gone downhill recently.

Switch Blayde 🚫


the quality of SOL has gone downhill recently.

I hope you meant the stories on SOL and not SOL.

Replies:   irvmull
irvmull 🚫

@Switch Blayde

I hope you meant the stories on SOL and not SOL.

Yes. It's still the best place to read stuff. It just seems that the quality of new contributions is declining, while some of the old, best stories have found other homes.

awnlee jawking 🚫


From the title, description, codes and author name, the story is obviously intended to be racially provocative. So only people who want to read racially provocative stories should read it.

IMO, anyone who reads the story and gives it a '1' because it's not about Dorothy and her little dog is doing the site a disservice.


awnlee jawking 🚫


As someone else posted, the quality of SOL has gone downhill recently.

Making it a good time for authors who are halfway decent or better to game the system by posting stories. Theirs will shine by comparison and attract a slightly higher score than usual due to the site's averaging algorithm.


shaddoth1 🚫

@awnlee jawking

You do know that even the best authors on teh site get 1s for everything and anything including a single mispelled word in a 10,000 word chapter.

I take scores with a grain of salt on SoL, sometimes kegs even. I also will only read stories with full discriptions and a reasonable number of codes.

I was going to say more about the hate stories, but decided against it. Hate as part of a story has a purpose. Hate as the story, doesnt.


Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫


You do know that even the best authors on teh site get 1s for everything and anything including a single mispelled word in a 10,000 word chapter.

Tell me about it! 'Gay!' got heavily marked down at the start, presumably because readers expected lots of m/m sex despite the story description and codes.


Replies:   richardshagrin  Mushroom
richardshagrin 🚫

@awnlee jawking


I am really old, I remember when gay meant happy. Song, "gay caballero" and a couple of old movies had nothing to do with homosexuality.

Replies:   Michael Loucks  Mushroom
Michael Loucks 🚫


I am really old, I remember when gay meant happy. Song, "gay caballero" and a couple of old movies had nothing to do with homosexuality.

"Don we now our gay apparel"
"We'll have a gay old time!"


Mushroom 🚫


I am really old, I remember when gay meant happy. Song, "gay caballero" and a couple of old movies had nothing to do with homosexuality.

I am up there also. Yet, I still remember a forgotten movie called "Zorro: The Gay Blade".

And by the same token, I remember when being told you were discriminating was a good thing.

Mushroom 🚫

@awnlee jawking

Tell me about it! 'Gay!' got heavily marked down at the start, presumably because readers expected lots of m/m sex despite the story description and codes.

I know how that is. Stories Online Heaven got the same thing, even though I clearly stated it was a satire.

Dominions Son 🚫


I know how that is. Stories Online Heaven got the same thing, even though I clearly stated it was a satire.

Maybe the readers here have a thing against satire.

Replies:   graybyrd  Mushroom
graybyrd 🚫

@Dominions Son

Maybe the readers here have a thing against satire.

Maybe in these humorless, pig-headed times they don't understand satire.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Radagast
Dominions Son 🚫


Maybe in these humorless, pig-headed times they don't understand satire.

This is a distinct possibility.

Radagast 🚫


In 2020 mainstream media news & commentary often makes less sense than Duffle Blog, Babylon Bee or The Onion.

Replies:   ystokes  Mushroom
ystokes 🚫


In 2020 mainstream media news & commentary often makes less sense than Duffle Blog, Babylon Bee or The Onion.

You want to talk about confusing. Just yesterday at WH briefing.
"And I was just in the Oval talking to him about that," she said. "When he says open, he means open in full, kids being able to attend each and every day in their school. The science should not stand in the way of this."

She added that the U.S. is an "outlier" among western nations in terms of getting kids back to school, adding, "the science is on our side here and we encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science, open our schools."

Dominions Son 🚫


The science being referred to are several studies that seem to show kids are immune to COVID19. They don't sick from it and they aren't carriers.

This would mean there is no safety issue in fully reopening schools now.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫

@Dominions Son

The science being referred to are several studies that seem to show kids are immune to COVID19. They don't sick from it and they aren't carriers.

And there does appear to be validity in that. California is rather interesting, and the stats were easy to find.

When broken down by age, only 1.5% of the cases are under 5, and 6.7% are between 5 and 17. After that the next group (18-34) jumps to a staggering 35%, and remains high as people age. Not dropping to the percent under 5 levels until the people reach 75 or more.

So not really "immune", but at much lower chance of contracting the disease. And considering how kids play, there really does have to be something there. With as much physical contact as kids have, you would expect the numbers to be higher.

StarFleet Carl 🚫


Here's her actual quote:

You know, the President has said unmistakably that he wants schools to open. And I was just in the Oval talking to him about that. And when he says open, he means open in full β€” kids being able to attend each and every day at their school.

The science should not stand in the way of this. And as Dr. Scott Atlas said β€” I thought this was a good quote β€” "Of course, we can [do it]. Everyone else in the…Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here."

The science is very clear on this, that β€” you know, for instance, you look at the JAMA Pediatrics study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than that of seasonal flu.

The science is on our side here, and we encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science, open our schools. It's very damaging to our children: There is a lack of reporting of abuse; there's mental depressions that are not addressed; suicidal ideations that are not addressed when students are not in school. Our schools are extremely important, they're essential, and they must reopen.

The science out there supports re-opening schools. It's not in the way of doing so.

Or, to quote MSDNC - "In other words, when the press secretary said, "The science should not stand in the way of this" she apparently meant that the science is consistent with Trump's re-opening wishes, so there's no reason to use science to block the White House's demands."

Mushroom 🚫


You want to talk about confusing. Just yesterday at WH briefing.
"And I was just in the Oval talking to him about that," she said. "When he says open, he means open in full, kids being able to attend each and every day in their school. The science should not stand in the way of this."

She added that the U.S. is an "outlier" among western nations in terms of getting kids back to school, adding, "the science is on our side here and we encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science, open our schools."

Well, I quoted from an article above. Raw statistics, no trying to push validity in one way or another. Are the statistics lying?

Is the State of California lying, trying to push the President's agenda?


But here, let's look at another study, shall we?

Risk of death by age:

Under 1: 0-008%
1-4 years: 0.005%
5-14 years: 0.013%
15-24 years: 0.121%
25-34 years: 0.676%


So the same thing is found by yet another study. So yes, science is on their side. Statistics are a very important science, and can tell an amazing amount of things by studying them.

I am going to love to see you try to scream your way out of this one. Are the statistics lying?

And hell, I have no idea what the opposition proposes. Not return to school for another 1-2 years? Because this is what we are looking at, we are only at the end of the first wave or the start of the second wave, and there will be at least 3-5 waves of this thing before it burns itself out.

So we have all of our kids home school for the next year or more? Or just give them all "participation awards", and pass them because they tried?

As usual, I see complaints and not a single thing validating your claim, or proposing a solution.

Replies:   Remus2  richardshagrin
Remus2 🚫


How dare you introduce facts when all the political hype counters them? Why people might even start thinking for themselves!!! That would be a disaster! Folks applying critical thinking, breaking free of the propaganda, and making informed decisions for themselves. Why, people might even break free of the nose ring the mainstream leads them around with. Chaos I tell ya, chaos!

Replies:   Mushroom  StarFleet Carl
Mushroom 🚫


How dare you introduce facts when all the political hype counters them? Why people might even start thinking for themselves!!! That would be a disaster! Folks applying critical thinking, breaking free of the propaganda, and making informed decisions for themselves. Why, people might even break free of the nose ring the mainstream leads them around with. Chaos I tell ya, chaos!

I grew sick of all that nonsense long ago. And interestingly enough, I tend to move in the direction away from whichever group is screaming the loudest.

The more shrill and panic filled the screams I hear from a party or their followers, the more I see them as simply panicked monkeys who see a panther on the ground. And when that screaming turns to poo throwing, I pretty much outright dismiss them.

I am really about as moderate as you can get politically. And mostly over the years I have noticed that people who are extreme tend to see me as their opposite. If I oppose a hard Republican, I might as well join ANTIFA. When I oppose a hard Democrat, I should just go ahead and put my robe back on and pick up a noose.

But most times, I think they are seeing themselves in a mirror, and simply attack it because that is all they know how to do.

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 🚫


Heard and understood. Growing up, I was taught to evaluate each person, argument, and ideal for itself. That does not lend itself to any particular party line or group as in my experience, most of them want automatons to tow their line.

The boys in sheets burning a cross in our front yard disagreed with us. The Socialist/Marxist didn't agree with us either. The moral majority/right wingers were not any better than the left wingers, with both disagreeing with us.

More than anything, I disagreed with any all attempts to pigeonhole me into someone else's ideal of what I should be. No-one else gets a vote in that.

StarFleet Carl 🚫


How dare you introduce facts when all the political hype counters them? Why people might even start thinking for themselves!!!

It was several ... decades (damn, I'm getting old) ago ... when I heard of Bernard Goldberg and his book, 'Bias'. That was when the wife and I would go to Barnes & Noble, drink some coffee, and just read a book or two. Okay, I read it.

I was confused. I thought, 'Wait? How can you possibly slant the facts of a story? They're facts - they have no slant.' Then I started watching all the networks, and how they'd report the same thing.

Local reporter - 'It's hurricane season again, and we just got hit like we always do about this time of year.'
National reporter for FOX - 'Parts of Florida got pummeled with the second named hurricane of this season. Damage was minor.'
National reporter for NBC - 'Parts of Florida were severely damaged today by the second named hurricane, in a season that promises to be bad, due to global warming.'

Michael Loucks 🚫

@StarFleet Carl

I was confused. I thought, 'Wait? How can you possibly slant the facts of a story? They're facts - they have no slant.'

How you assemble the facts into a narrative, and the weight you give them is where the bias creeps in (as you've identified). A professor of history I had said at the beginning of the first class that if you encounter an historian who claims to be without bias, you should not lend ANY weight to his work, because it is impossible to have no bias.

He then went on to say that bias isn't bad, so long as you express your biases and state clearly how you weigh your evidence for the narrative you construct. Then it's up to the reader to decide the weight to apply to your constructed narrative.

That's why, back in the short-wave radio days, I listened to VoA, Radio Moscow, and BBC World Service. A synthesis of those services generally yielded the best neutral narrative one could construct when relying on their analysis of the facts.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫

@Michael Loucks

He then went on to say that bias isn't bad, so long as you express your biases and state clearly how you weigh your evidence for the narrative you construct. Then it's up to the reader to decide the weight to apply to your constructed narrative.

Not all that long ago when we had 3 networks, the newscast normally ended with an "Editorial Piece". It was specifically stated as such, and we knew this was more opinion than fact.

But today, there are really no true "News Shows" left, they are all Editorials. And the problem is that people will watch Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, or Sean Hannity and think they are reporting the news, like Reasoner, Mudd, and Cronkite did for decades. Not even realizing that 98% of what they are watching is editorial.

And of all the "modern news" networks, I at least applaud Fox for admitting their bias, and never trying to hide it. As opposed to the others, which try to claim they are mainstream and moderate, and in reality are anything but. Bias does not bother me near as much when they are open about it.

Probably the last real "News Network" we had was CNN Headline News. That was my go-to news station for over 15 years. The round the clock 30 minute format ensured I could see in a half hour everything I needed to know, no matter what time I turned it on. But in 2005 they dumped that format, and it became just another copy of CNN.

And I also used to listen to the International Stations on Short Wave. Radio Moscow was actually very informative, and like VoA was nowhere near as heavy on propaganda as most would think. Those two and others most often simply pushed their views on what items they decided to cover or not cover. VoA might talk about wheat crop failure in Eastern Europe, and ignore a large protest in West Germany. While Radio Moscow will ignore the crop failure, but report on the West German protests.

Listen to both, and you had a pretty good picture.

Replies:   ystokes  Michael Loucks
ystokes 🚫


I at least applaud Fox for admitting their bias, and never trying to hide it. As opposed to the others,

When did Fox News ever admit they were bias? They never admit their bias but like the others their actions prove they are.

The only time they came close to admitting it was when they stopped using the tagline "Fair and Balance"

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫


When did Fox News ever admit they were bias? They never admit their bias but like the others their actions prove they are.

The only time they came close to admitting it was when they stopped using the tagline "Fair and Balance"


Sorry, not even gonna bother to respond to something so obvious. Exactly as you have ignored every time you have been shown to be wrong and twisting facts over and over and over again.

Post wrong information, get blasted for it, simply ignore and post yet more false information. Honestly, I do not think you even really care, you seem to care more about the narrative than the actual facts or issue.

Michael Loucks 🚫


Probably the last real "News Network" we had was CNN Headline News. That was my go-to news station for over 15 years. The round the clock 30 minute format ensured I could see in a half hour everything I needed to know, no matter what time I turned it on. But in 2005 they dumped that format, and it became just another copy of CNN.

CNN Headline News exhibited bias in story selection, but the 30s to 45s fact recitations were pretty much exactly that. I, too, watched them until they ended the "Give us 30 minutes, we'll give you the world" format. In fact, that's about the last time I watched any news broadcast except for live coverage of some major event.

I found The Economist to be my best source of news and analysis, though in the past five years it's degraded in a significant way.

Mushroom 🚫

@StarFleet Carl

It was several ... decades (damn, I'm getting old) ago ... when I heard of Bernard Goldberg and his book, 'Bias'. That was when the wife and I would go to Barnes & Noble, drink some coffee, and just read a book or two. Okay, I read it.

I have read many of his books, a very interesting man.

Lifelong Liberal, long time major player at CBS news. And he became troubled as he noticed more and more that "editorial" and bias was being injected into the news reports themselves.

And the news article posted earlier is a great example. Light on content, heavy on condemnation and blame, and still 2 weeks later no follow-up. A classic example of what he was talking about.

If this was a "real story", where is the follow-up? Well, it is not a real story, they could not care less. They are reporting this simply to push a narrative.

The only difference is that I have learned to spot this, and most of the time dismiss it as such.

irvmull 🚫

@StarFleet Carl

I was confused. I thought, 'Wait? How can you possibly slant the facts of a story? They're facts - they have no slant.' Then I started watching all the networks, and how they'd report the same thing.

I watch news from France. The reporters show a strong dislike for Trump, but they are still journalists, not paid political propagandists.

You can see this by comparing their reports with those from the US "news media". Invariably, the US reports will conveniently forget to include any part of a speech or interview that interferes with their political agenda.

If Trump were to say "I hope we will soon have a cure for cancer", CNN would edit the tape so that they have him saying "I ... have a cure for cancer", and then call in a "panel of experts" to discuss whether Trump should be charged with practicing medicine without a license.

France24 would run the full sentence.

Replies:   Dominions Son  ystokes
Dominions Son 🚫


I watch news from France. The reporters show a strong dislike for Trump, but they are still journalists, not paid political propagandists.

Ah, they are relatively unbiased because they have no dog in that hunt. Would they be so unbiased in covering the French government?

Replies:   irvmull  awnlee jawking
irvmull 🚫

@Dominions Son

Ah, they are relatively unbiased because they have no dog in that hunt. Would they be so unbiased in covering the French government?

Quite likely not, but I have no way to judge. But I did at one time write a company newsletter, designed (obviously) to make employees feel good about working for the company.

Even at that job, we were held to FAR higher standards of journalistic integrity than ANY of the US news "reporters".

Which basically means we weren't allowed to outright lie.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫


we were held to FAR higher standards of journalistic integrity than ANY of the US news "reporters".

Which basically means we weren't allowed to outright lie.

But you could still just make shit up that might be true, right?

Replies:   irvmull
irvmull 🚫


But you could still just make shit up that might be true, right?


awnlee jawking 🚫

@Dominions Son

Ah, they are relatively unbiased because they have no dog in that hunt. Would they be so unbiased in covering the French government?

The French have draconian privacy laws. It might seem strange that the French always elect criminals, but actually their reporters are mostly not allowed to inform the public of their crimes.


ystokes 🚫


If Trump were to say "I hope we will soon have a cure for cancer", CNN would edit the tape so that they have him saying "I ... have a cure for cancer", and then call in a "panel of experts" to discuss whether Trump should be charged with practicing medicine without a license.

And Fox like Trump seem to not know that everything they say and do are recorded and saved on tape. So when they are called out on a lie they say they never ever said that because they forgot they were recorded saying just that.

Replies:   irvmull  Remus2
irvmull 🚫


And Fox like Trump seem to not know that everything they say and do are recorded and saved on tape. So when they are called out on a lie they say they never ever said that because they forgot they were recorded saying just that.

At least Biden can truthfully say "I can't remember saying that" - unfortunately, it was also recorded, 5 seconds ago.

Replies:   Jim S
Jim S 🚫


At least Biden can truthfully say "I can't remember saying that" - unfortunately, it was also recorded, 5 seconds ago.

You know it's not right to make fun of the mentally enfeebled.

Replies:   irvmull
irvmull 🚫

@Jim S

At least Biden can truthfully say "I can't remember saying that" - unfortunately, it was also recorded, 5 seconds ago.

You know it's not right to make fun of the mentally enfeebled.

I'm not making fun of him, it's just that politicians lie so frequently, it's nice when they tell the truth.

Remus2 🚫


You are fast approaching the zealot phase from the rabid phase. I would suggest taking a step back from political thoughts and comments. Take a breather, wait a day, then go back and read what you've written.
This is not meant as a joke or a slam. It's meant as in concern for your health. Being spun up as badly as your overall comments suggest that you are, is not good. People have died from heart attacks etc after allowing themselves to stressed to the degree you apparently are. Try to relax and remember not everything in the world is political.

Replies:   ystokes
ystokes 🚫


You are fast approaching the zealot phase from the rabid phase. I would suggest taking a step back from political thoughts and comments. Take a breather, wait a day, then go back and read what you've written.
This is not meant as a joke or a slam. It's meant as in concern for your health. Being spun up as badly as your overall comments suggest that you are, is not good. People have died from heart attacks etc after allowing themselves to stressed to the degree you apparently are. Try to relax and remember not everything in the world is political.

And you are a sanctimonious twit. The only thing you know about me is that I have liberal views. Here's some advice for you, clean your mirrors.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Remus2
Dominions Son 🚫


The only thing you know about me is that I have liberal views.

We also no you insist on spewing those views all over this forum, even though our host has asked that we avoid politics.

Remus2 🚫


Oh my, I've been called a twit... lol

richardshagrin 🚫


Statistics are a very important science,

Statistics is a tool. Or maybe are a tool. It ends in s so probably it should be treated as a plural noun. I have had more exposure to statistics in a college environment, mostly a School of Business, and have been exposed to their use in Insurance Underwriting. I have a CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter Designation earned by lots of testing, also "Can Produce, Can You?) and a bunch of underwriting related Associate diplomas, and a lot of years underwriting commercial risks. Statistics can let you be an Actuary, a lot of home office technical jobs, and an ability to offer suggestions about what is going to happen based on past experience, if conditions stay the same, and sometimes if they change as you suggest. But is a set of ways to apply data to sets of different curves that sometimes work to predict what might happen if you have the right data and the right curve. It can be a scientific tool. Or it can be used in the well known phrase, figures don't lie but liars figure. It isn't a separate Science, like Physics, Chemistry or Biology.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫


Statistics is a tool.

A statistic is a measure. Statistics is how a set of measures can be aggregated and interpreted.


Mushroom 🚫


In 2020 mainstream media news & commentary often makes less sense than Duffle Blog, Babylon Bee or The Onion.

I always laugh when I still participated in Facebook, and saw somebody quoting one of those sources.

And frequently quoting from somebody else as they do so, and others quoting off of them. Not a single one realizing it is either a joke (DuffleBlog) or a troll (Babylon) site.

At least few repost the Onion anymore. I think the last several decades has at least made most aware it is not real.

Mushroom 🚫

@Dominions Son

Maybe the readers here have a thing against satire.

Or that I wrote it badly on purpose, including in a 6k story every kind of sex description possible from the story codes here. Of course, most times only a single line.

I wrote it specifically as a satire against many of the kinds of stories that are found here now.

I admit, I sometimes consider myself an "Experimentalist Writer", crafting a story specifically for the story itself and not so much for the sex aspect. Can I create a short story about a street prostitute, purposefully keeping the fact it is really a man from the reader until the last paragraph?" "Can I create a long series, in which the male and female go for over 2 dozen chapters and do not have sex?"

sharkjcw 🚫


When I read it I thought it was a great read. ROFLMAO I think is what I sent you on it.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫


When I read it I thought it was a great read. ROFLMAO I think is what I sent you on it.

Well, if it gave you a laugh, then I honestly feel like I had achieved what I had been trying to do in the first place.

I sometimes have a goal in mind when writing a story. For that one, I wanted to try to use every single story tag possible, in a single story that was as short as I could make it.

Yes, it was bad. Yes, it was written sloppily, with horrid continuity errors and things that made no sense. That was on purpose.

And after all, nothing says everything has to be made well. The Beatles gave us works like "Fool On The Hill", "Yesterday", and "A Day In The Life". But they also gave us "Rocky Raccoon", "Revolution 9", and "Only A Northern Song".

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl 🚫


nothing says everything has to be made well. The Beatles gave us works

I'm confused. You listed six songs by the Beatles, but I thought you intended to list some good ones. I'm still waiting.

Oh, wait, is it because there were no good Beatles songs? (Note, I'm really NOT trolling here. I really DON'T like anything the Beatles ever did.)

sharkjcw 🚫


When I read it I thought it was a great read. ROFLMAO I think is what I sent you on it.

Uther_Pendragon 🚫

@awnlee jawking

As someone else posted, the quality of SOL has gone downhill recently.

Making it a good time for authors who are halfway decent or better to game the system by posting stories. Theirs will shine by comparison and attract a slightly higher score than usual due to the site's averaging algorithm.

I've been noticing that a lot of people have been reading my old stories. What I first noticed was that the top of my list (which I -- and probably every author, get in order of number of downloads) list was really heavy in well-rated stories.
Then, I saw tat people were downloading my old stories, and picking only high-rated ones. Somehow, Bottle got on the double-digit-download list, and I was happy. It has a below-six score, but I thin it is one of my better short ones.

graybyrd 🚫

@Darian Wolfe

I see it's up to a 1.60 now, so somebody liked it better. There's a neighboring story up to a 3.43. Both are racist baited hooks. As for blocking authors or banning stories, no, most definitely not. Let 'em rot on their own and slide away into the sewer without publicity or notoriety.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


I see it's up to a 1.60 now

1.67 And it's still the single lowest scored story on SOL. The next lowest is 1.69

Replies:   sharkjcw
sharkjcw 🚫

@Dominions Son

1.58 right now

Remus2 🚫

Didn't make it past the description. "Hate bait" is an apt description.

Darian Wolfe 🚫

I did read the codes beforehand. I was trying to give it a fair shake. I've voted stories very high that I have disagreed with or been repeatedly squicked by because they were damn good stories whether I appreciated it or not.

That story was just hate with no redeeming value other than the spelling and grammar were decent. I still stand by the writer's right to create that garbage. Free speech includes hate speech. I don't have to like the story or say that I do.

StarFleet Carl 🚫

Just looked at it. 1.17 at this point.

And I actually read the thing, because even hate speech is free speech (which is something the liberal left can't quite grasp). For the most part, the writing met at least the minimum standards, although there were incorrect words used (know instead of now, for example).

However, if you're going to write an alternate future history, at least make it a plausible alternate future history. This one failed miserably in the same way that the media fails when they try to portray some innocuous thing like visiting National Parks as racist. It completely ignores reality.

In a recent attempt to continue to race bait the population, the media stated that 77% of all people who visit National Parks in the United States are white. Oh, how racist ... except that 77% of the entire population of the United States is white, ever since they decided that Hispanics are also white. That leaves only 13.5% as black, as Asians, Indians, and mixed make up the rest.

Which, obviously, isn't enough to actually DO what the proposes happen actually happen, thus making it very poor alternative future history.

Replies:   Tw0Cr0ws
Tw0Cr0ws 🚫

@StarFleet Carl

This one failed miserably in the same way that the media fails when they try to portray some innocuous thing like visiting National Parks as racist. It completely ignores reality.

In a recent attempt to continue to race bait the population, the media stated that 77% of all people who visit National Parks in the United States are white. Oh, how racist ... except that 77% of the entire population of the United States is white, ever since they decided that Hispanics are also white.

In current practice the working definition of racist is white.
All whites are racist.
All non-whites are not racist (no matter how much they hate other people).

Mushroom 🚫

I wonder how The Turner Diaries would fare if I threw in a bunch of sex.

But that is a problem whenever a site starts to become popular. A great many write as a way of fulfilling their own wish fulfillment, and not as a way to entertain others. I very strongly try to avoid the "Mary Sue" (or Gary Stu) paradigm by writing very often about people who are very obviously not me. In fact, the one I have been working on lately is quite disgusting. But hey, is a story.

And I admit, I have pretty much stopped reading the stories in here. Other than a few authors, most have become boilerplate drivel that is not even worth reading.

Maybe we should suggest to them that they might be better off if they create a site for "Stormfront Erotica".

Mushroom 🚫

And oh dear god, I just read the first few paragraphs of that nonsense. I am one that is very much against censorship, but that kind of story has no place where humans with an IQ above the temperature in my freezer reside.

I made the quip about Turner Diaries, only to read it and realize that the author probably actually read it. But even worse (as I have read it), actually believes it (which I most definitely do not).

But the issue is that from what I have read, downvoting it only affects others if I am not mistaken. Because no matter what a person votes, it seems to go into a pool that is then used to average out votes to other stories. I had that explained to me when I was wondering why I had a story that was almost all 8-10 votes ended up ranking at a 6.something.

Replies:   Darian Wolfe  joyR
Darian Wolfe 🚫


I don't know if that's true. Even if it is, I'll take the hit to down vote that collection of words.

joyR 🚫


But the issue is that from what I have read, downvoting it only affects others if I am not mistaken.

The solution would be to award a 1 to the story and award a 10 to another story, in the 'pool' they should cancel each other out...


markselias11 🚫

Wow. I hadn't read it because it just looked stupid.... yeah that's... is there a such thing as an award for the worst story on SoL?

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫


Wow. I hadn't read it because it just looked stupid.... yeah that's... is there a such thing as an award for the worst story on SoL?

Along with the Gold Clitoride, the "Tin Turd"?

richardshagrin 🚫

Unless your name is Richard, it is difficult for you to be a Dick. Even then you might be a Rick, a Ricky, a Rich, or possibly a Dickie. Or use the wonderful name your parents gave you and be Rich and hard, the ideal name for a man.

ystokes 🚫

To give an honest vote dos not make you a dick. I wouldn't be surprised that the writer is white.

As for the stories getting worse I have been on this site since 2004 and was always amazed at what people wrote about but also how many people would read that crap.

because even hate speech is free speech (which is something the liberal left can't quite grasp).

First off no one has the right to free speech except from Government interference (something the conservatives can't seem to grasp). Second it is not just the liberal left that can be accused of trying to stifle free speech. Conservatives would love to take away your right to write the kind of stories you write. Conservatives demand that only Cristian prayers be given in schools and government.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫


First off no one has the right to free speech except from Government interference (something the conservatives can't seem to grasp). Second it is not just the liberal left that can be accused of trying to stifle free speech. Conservatives would love to take away your right to write the kind of stories you write. Conservatives demand that only Cristian prayers be given in schools and government.

This is the kind of thing that bothers me a lot.

I am actually very conservative. And I also understand quite clearly what censorship is. SOL can decide to ban anything they want, it's their platform. So can FaceBook, MySpace, or Reader's Digest. Even the Government can censor things legally, so long as it follows the laws in doing so and is not arbitrary. And I would be the last to ever restrict what a person wrote. I simply wish they would keep that kind of nonsense out of here. As for "prayer in school", I believe it is not appropriate and should not be done in class. However, I believe that a place be set aside for those that do if they chose to use it.

Forgive me, but I tend to call that the "Enlightened asshole" belief. Somebody that is so absolutely positive of how "the other side" thinks, that they tend to blast it with anything negative they can think of.

Do not forget, most "Libertarians" tend to be Conservative also. And you would probably be shocked to realize how much against their mindset all your statements were.

Replies:   Remus2  ystokes
Remus2 🚫


I'm all for a moment of silence in a school setting. In that moment, the student can meditate, pray to whomever or whatever, or plot the next game of D&D. In that way, the freedom of religion is maintained.

I do not believe any special place is required to be set aside. That idea sets up a no win situation. In a school full of 1,000 students, there are likely to be dozens of belief systems at play. If you set up a special place for one, then a special place needs to be set up for all specific belief systems. That is simply untenable. Therefore, IMO, the moment of silence is the best compromise for all without trampling on the rights of anyone.

While it's sad, I believe ystokes has the right of it where he states this;

Second it is not just the liberal left that can be accused of trying to stifle free speech. Conservatives would love to take away your right to write the kind of stories you write. Conservatives demand that only Cristian prayers be given in schools and government.

Conservatives and Liberals both have, and will continue to, attempt to silence their opposites. To paint one or the other as innocent from attempts to stifle free speech, is simply not realistic.

I am actually very conservative.

Nothing inherently wrong with that, just as there is nothing inherently wrong with being liberal. It does not need to be a Hobson's choice. Where either or go wrong, is when they attempt to force someone else to agree with them and trash their own beliefs.

There are a lot of things I don't agree with, just as there are a lot of things someone else won't agree with about my beliefs. But I'd much rather see someone stand up for their beliefs, even if I disagree with them.

If you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing, as the idiom goes.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫


I do not believe any special place is required to be set aside. That idea sets up a no win situation. In a school full of 1,000 students, there are likely to be dozens of belief systems at play. If you set up a special place for one, then a special place needs to be set up for all specific belief systems.

Who says it needs to be specific? The military has been able to handle that for decades without an issue. Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, all share the same space and have no problem doing so. Some bases even have enough for Pagan services, and once again no problems.

When I said "set aside a space", that is exactly what I meant. A space, singular. To use or not as they choose. But at least that will give some the space they need.

A great many times over the years I have stood by as my Muslim brothers and sisters held their rites. Simply to try to intercept those that might have a question so they are not disturbed. Far to often (especially among those younger) people just do not have such respect.

One thing I to be honest never understood about a lot of civilians. Many scream about "inclusion", and at the exact same time scream about wanting to be seen as "special". It always reminds me of the Orwell line about animals being equal.

Replies:   ystokes
ystokes 🚫


Who says it needs to be specific? The military has been able to handle that for decades without an issue. Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, all share the same space and have no problem doing so. Some bases even have enough for Pagan services, and once again no problems.

Then how do you explain all the stories of superiors pushing their Cristian beliefs on those under them?

During the Impeachment trial they would open with a benediction led by a Cristian pastor who would say that only through Jesus could they make the right chose.

Replies:   Darian Wolfe
Darian Wolfe 🚫


The collection of words deserved a one. If I was going to write fiction on the topic of that collection of words I could do so in a manner that an actual story with characters of depth would emerge. You would sympathize with them even if you didn't agree with them.

By being a dick I meant rewriting the collection of words and creating a story that reversed the situation. I would be doing so for the sole purpose of antagonizing the one who collected the words. I would intentionally push and repush every button of that person I could deduce and use even more degrading language than they did. I would do it out of meanness for no other reason than I could. In other words, I would be acting like a dick.

I still support the collector's right to collect words and show such garbage to others. I just don't have to like or approve it.

Replies:   ystokes
ystokes 🚫

@Darian Wolfe

By being a dick I meant rewriting the collection of words and creating a story that reversed the situation. I would be doing so for the sole purpose of antagonizing the one who collected the words. I would intentionally push and repush every button of that person I could deduce and use even more degrading language than they did. I would do it out of meanness for no other reason than I could. In other words, I would be acting like a dick.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think the writer is in fact a white person trying to make people think a black person wrote it to rile people up.

StarFleet Carl 🚫


Call me a conspiracy theorist

You're a conspiracy theorist!

awnlee jawking 🚫


Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think the writer is in fact a white person trying to make people think a black person wrote it to rile people up.

The writer might be trans black ;-)


Dominions Son 🚫


I think the writer is in fact a white person trying to make people think a black person wrote it to rile people up.

The pseudonym for the author is Whiteboi Surrender. My guess would be a white male with submissive tendencies and an interracial cuckold fetish.

Radagast 🚫


Scientists say that race & gender are social constructs.
You can't deny science. How dare you judge a white man transitioning to a black woman! Such bigoted behavior must never be accepted on any platform! APOLOGIZE NOW!

(I figure if we are going to have Twitter levels of discussion on here then the full flavor is needed.)

Replies:   joyR
joyR 🚫


Scientists say that race & gender are social constructs.

Which scientists?
What are their qualifications?
What research did they do that arrived at that conclusion?

You can't deny science.

Without knowing the answers to the questions posed above, of course you can (and should) deny (unsubstantiated) science.

Oh, and as it is called 'twitter', why do they call them 'tweets'? Surely they should be called 'twits'.


Dominions Son 🚫


Oh, and as it is called 'twitter', why do they call them 'tweets'? Surely they should be called 'twits'.

You just don't understand. The posts are called tweets. The twits are their user base. :)

awnlee jawking 🚫


Which scientists?
What are their qualifications?
What research did they do that arrived at that conclusion?

I think Radagast was mocking the tweeters who make such claims.


Replies:   Radagast  joyR
Radagast 🚫

@awnlee jawking


joyR 🚫

@awnlee jawking

I think Radagast was mocking the tweeters who make such claims.

No shit Sherlock.


ystokes 🚫


Do not forget, most "Libertarians" tend to be Conservative also. And you would probably be shocked to realize how much against their mindset all your statements were.

Oh believe me I am not shocked. I think of them as the right-wing's version of anarchists.

I am sure keyboards will be burning but I think of myself as a Fiscally Conservative Socialist. Socialist because I believe the Government should be on the side of the poor and working class. Fiscally Conservative because I am against billions of tax dollars going to corporations who already make billions in profits.

red61544 🚫

When a story is reviewed on SOL, the reviewer grades the story on Plot, Technical Quality, and Appeal to the Reviewer. Lazeez tries to keep the reviews positive to encourage the authors. That positive encouragement does not, and probably should not, carry over to the voters. If the plot sucks, if the quality of the writing stinks, and it appeals to the reader about as much as regurgitating rotting meat, let the voters express their distaste. The story in question deserves all the 1-bombs it has received. Who the hell gave it a two?

Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫


The story in question deserves all the 1-bombs it has received. Who the hell gave it a two?


See, way back in the day, when rache was prolific, people who despised the kind of content she specialized in (basically anything that would squick the majority of readers) would race to vote '1' on her stories. And other writers used to get tagged by the fans of other writers - so if someone wrote a story that got a higher score than Lazlo Zalezac or Al Steiner (although I doubt it was their fans doing this, but they've got memorable names) or whoever, that writer's fans would tag the higher-rated story '1' to bring the score down so their favorite would still be on top. So writers bitched about that. With this backdrop, Lazeez weighted scores, such that a '1' was counted as a '3' or '4' if it was a certain amount below the average score.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


So writers bitched about that. With this backdrop, Lazeez weighted scores, such that a '1' was counted as a '3' or '4' if it was a certain amount below the average score.

Not true. The system doesn't do any such thing.

The score calculator drops the top 5% and the bottom 5% and then does the weighting.

By the way, the current voting period (2014 to present) that scores are compared against has 13,900+ stories.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Ah. ISTR that the '1' votes at one point had been treated differently. I guess I'd assumed that had continued, even after the weighting of scores against average scores. My bad.

Of course, my memory could be faulty, it was more than a decade ago...

Tw0Cr0ws 🚫

@Darian Wolfe

I have to admit to a desire to take the story and reverse it and see how funny the writer of the original thinks it is. I think that would be plagiarism so I won't.

As I understand it copying parts of a story to make a parody of it are not considered plagiarism.

Do the story or do not do the story as you choose, but that is not standing in your way.

Replies:   graybyrd
graybyrd 🚫


Yep. Pull a scene where the stud is bragging on his gear; then she emerges wearing a horse-size strap-on:

(ala Crocodile Dundee) "You call that a tool?" She grabs it and shakes it before his bulging eyes: "Now this is what I call a TOOL!

richardshagrin 🚫


ystokes 🚫

I was shocked that you can smoke a fag in England.

Replies:   graybyrd
graybyrd 🚫


I was shocked that you can smoke a fag in England.

The tricky part is soaking him in brine and hanging him in the smoker. Then to decide whether to use oak or apple chips for the fire. Timing is not so hard; when he turns a lovely golden brown, he's done.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


Then to decide whether to use oak or apple chips for the fire.

Heathen! Everyone knows that fags should be Hickory smoked.

awnlee jawking 🚫

The angle of inclination of a dick can be important - see 'the Mull of Kintyre' test ;-)


Radagast 🚫

attempts to pigeonhole me into someone else's ideal of what I should be.

Rules for Radicals step 13.
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."

The Woke crowd and cancel culture are the more visible extremes of this, but all political parties and their operatives play the same game. Destroy the career or reputation of an individual and others will take notice and shut up or swap to the winning side.
The commentariat tries to manipulate thought so that people accept being ring fenced within acceptable boundaries of behavior.
Obama & Nixon both used the IRS, Clinton used the BATF & FBI. For more direct action Mao used his Red Guards & Stalin the NKVD.
Anyone who defines themselves by their loyalty to a party platform should look at the long history of useful idiots being liquidated and consider the fact that those platforms are assembled by the most sociopathic, the ones who have hauled themselves closer to power by jamming a knife between the ribs or the guy above him and using the hilt as a step while they set the next knife.

Remus2 🚫

The commentariat tries to manipulate thought so that people accept being ring fenced within acceptable boundaries of behavior.

They can pick a number for the KMA lottery.

ystokes 🚫


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


Notice what it doesn't say in the article at that link.

It doesn't say any kids were actually sick.
It doesn't say any kids required medical treatment.
No deaths are mentioned.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫

@Dominions Son

Notice what it doesn't say in the article at that link.

It doesn't say any kids were actually sick.
It doesn't say any kids required medical treatment.
No deaths are mentioned.

I also find a lot of things unanswered in that article. No breakdown of ages, nothing about how the disease entered, or who was infected (staff, campers, ???). Also not how they were diagnosed. No mention of how long the campers had been there, or what their living conditions were like.

And interestingly enough, I tried to see if I could find that information. I read what must have been 5 other "articles" on this outbreak. And ironically, almost all saying the exact same things, and leaving the exact same questions unanswered.

So forgive me if I take this with little face value. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions, and in a 2 week old story, there have been amazingly few updates.

But I do have to ask myself, why is this 2 week old questionable story without updates suddenly getting posted around all over the place now? You would think that a legitimate journalist would actually try to find out some real answers, not just do a slight rewording of a week old report of a 2 week old story.

This is the type of thing somebody who actually reads an article and considers if it is important considers. We do not just "drink the kool-aid". We analyze the report for many things.

I also look for updates. Something that is simply not there in this case.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


So forgive me if I take this with little face value.

Nothing to forgive you for. I had the same opinion of it.

But I do have to ask myself, why is this 2 week old questionable story without updates suddenly getting posted around all over the place now?

Evil religious fundamentalists narrative. + Evil conservatives narrative.

Replies:   Radagast
Radagast 🚫

@Dominions Son

Don't forget the "Surrender your liberty, its for the children." narrative.

Joe_Bondi_Beach 🚫

@Darian Wolfe

I have to admit to a desire to take the story and reverse it and see how funny the writer of the original thinks it is. I think that would be plagiarism so I won't. Plus, I like the peace and quiet of our happy forum so I won't disturb it. I kinda want to though.

I wonder if the author intended it as parody or satire?

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