There was a great pedophilia debate years ago. I argued the site use the definition of pedo from the American Psychiatric Association which is sexual relations between and adult and a pre-pubescent.
Mind you, if you weren't there for that debate, there was a literal storm of postings at the time, mostly from one author, with absolutely garbage pedo stories. At least one a day. Pretty much everyone agreed something had to be done to keep SOL from becoming a pedo-site, me certainly included.
So I lost that debate, for one really obvious reason, authors were going to move back "puberty" to ridiculous ages and the site would have to police that. Thus the 14-year-old rule was born (I argued for 13 knowing the "puberty" thing would never work.)
Of course now I have a problem. Yes, Anita. She would be 13 now, and if you know her like I know her, there is absolutely zero possibility she won't be involved in some kind of sexual situation soon. I mean, it's Anita after all. I actually re-wrote a blog-post turning a groping session into just a kiss to try and not break the rules.
Then again, it's Anita, she's not going to let me get away with that for long.
The rules DO allow for stories that were posted before the rule change, but I think if I follow the letter-of-the-law it wouldn't allow anything even for a established character in an existing series to even be nude.
But it's Anita, and she's gonna do what she's gonna do. It's not that I can control the little minx.
So should I ask for an exception for this one character that was conceived and published before the rule change?