@The Outsider
My one story (over on FS) was "complete" when I first started posting, and I was going to post a chapter every other day thanks to the scheduled submission feature.
Well, the "complete" turned out to be "complete and utter crap" in retrospect. A reader reached out to me after the first 8 or so chapters and offered some sage advice based on a lifetime of editing experience. I wound up revising the story on the fly and was lucky that the finished product was much better than the original.
Trent, it sounds like you're already on the right track, but if you need story advice from another author, drop me a line. I may not be able to dedicate as much time to your story as a regular (proofreading) editor, as another author, I can focus on story issues, plot holes, how to flesh out the story, and how to patch lapses in the story.
For Noddy, that's another important aspect to writing. It's always good to build resources. Along with decent editors (and you really need separate proofreaders, beta-readers and content editors), it's also good to have fellow authors you can turn to when you run into difficulties.
When I first started, another author who wrote along similar lines and I got together and we'd bounce story ideas off each other--mainly supplying each other with 'problematic' chapters to get their take on it. The experience helped us both. This forum is a good source for information, but it's not the same as having someone to turn to when something just 'isn't working' in a specific story.
Fellow authors are more concerned with story issues than English usage. These items consist of story pacing, story development, story discovery, research, character development and backstory, all topics most editors aren't equipped to deal with.