Are there any areas of California that have NOT been the victim of fires in the last 5 to 10 years?
I think much of the Central Valley has been okay. Rather than forests and undergrowth, most of it is farms.
most of it is farms.
And they control the underbrush that is so incendiary. Most of the fires in that area are human caused along the highways.
Thinking about it, the Imperial Valley (between San Diego and Arizona) is pretty immune to wildfires.
I read that they are considering an arsonist for most of the fires. Too many fires are starting where there is no reasonable natural cause, like lightning.
Most wild fires here in Arizona have been human caused. Mostly from carelessness. Though there was a case of some being set by a firefighter so he could get more hours. Several were started by people setting off explosive devices. And we do get fires in the desert when we have had a rainy winter or spring.