@palamedesWere we live, along the coast, near the American Dismal Swamp area, we have two highly poisonous snakes and four poisonous spiders. But one of those snakes is a Water Moccasin, which after hurricanesβwhich we get a LOT of hereβthey end up high in the trees, so when out paddling a canoe, they'd sometimes drop right into the canoe beside you.
In cases like that, you first reaction is to β¦ you guessed it, jump out of the boat. Yet when you do, they follow you into the water, and then, surprise, they'll also dive under the water, so you have no clue where they might be.
Talk about terrifying experiences. Luckily, in those situations, the snakes are just glad to be alive, and are in no mood to try much of anything (presumably), as it happened fairly often, and I'd rarely hear any reports of injuries. Those I did, were mainly when flooding carried the animals either into homes, or into basements or crawl-spaces, making deadly encounters almost inevitable.
Sometimes, it's wise to think like you foe, either human serpent, snake or spider. Oh, this region is renown for Spanish Flytraps, plants which EAT various creatures too. ;)
So when it happened to her, the rest of us couldn't help but laugh, as we're so familiar with those uncomfortable situations, yet we're at least comfortable with it, at least knowing what to expect.