There are many things in current events to be Cynical about. I have become cynical over the years, starting in my teens in the 1980's. My cynical tendencies accelerated in the 1990's and beyond...
Recent events have convinced me I am Not (yet) Cynical enough.
Appallingly I have heard on radio and TV, and seen on the internet excerpts from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and various derivatives and/or associated "Yellow Journalism". I have noticed that only one entity was so foolish as to actually "source" material from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (so far as I can recall).
Certainly some of the actions of the nation of Israel, and various communities of the Jewish diaspora; as well as individuals who were/are ethnically Jewish, were or are worthy of criticism, even condemnation. Evil or good intentions aside; I can't see the utility of using pathetically ridiculous lander such as the "Blood Libal" or the PEZ yet I hear these shibboleths being presented as "fact" and too many people "lapping the garbage up" and then regurgitating it!
There is ample evidence to disprove the inane slanders of the Blood Libal" and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Yet people in the USA are using such nonsense as justifications for discrimination, even violence on the university campuses and streets of the USA, and globally. People in the USA have rights to demonstrate in favor, or opposition, to almost anything. Using flimsy claims should result in ridicule for their cause. Violence spurred by such garbage is disturbing.
I guess I am just not cynical enough... Yet...