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The covers are coming! The covers are coming!

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

For the last couple of months I've been working on better Covers support on the site. I think it would make a nice aesthetic addition to the site.

Not all the pieces are there yet, but will be very soon, maybe tomorrow or the day after.

The system has three different types of support for covers.

1 - The usual: Custom covers. Basically you upload a cover that you created. It should have the story's title and your pen name as it is on the site. This is mandatory because the current title and author name will now be in the Cover only.

2 - Cover templates. I will provide templates (pictures) that you can choose from and the system will add the title, author name, genre, copyright notice to this template. I aim to provide as many covers as possible, the aim is hundreds of templates. There are few in the system already.

3 - A color combo. You can select the background color and the text color. The cover generated will have the same text as the image template covers.

Existing stories will use color combo covers, each genre has its own default combo (those covers are currently used in EPUB files).

The new system will ask you to make a selection or upload during the submission process of a new story. For your existing stories, you can make the changes through the story management system.

Some parts have been deployed already. The part that you will see for now is the story management part. In the story's details box at the bottom, right above the stats and below the end-note editor, you now have a new entry for cover. You can give it a test run. There are few templates already available. There will be genre-specific templates and generic templates. Any selection you make from now will take effect and will be used when the rest of the pieces are deployed.

The system has good support for various things. The templates and color combo covers will be built in three different layouts. A tall layout like a book's format for phones. A wide format for desktop users and a square format that is provided to social media platforms when stories are shared. The system will automatically switch layout if you resize the window on desktop to the tall format.

The custom covers support accepts one file (whatever you upload) and uses it in all cases. I didn't think anybody would want to create all three formats of their covers, so I allowed only one custom image per story.

At some point in the future I will add cover thumbnails to existing listings, or create a completely new listings theme based on images.

Existing stories with covers will need their current covers removed and replaced. If you have such a story and upload the cover using the new system, you can either send us a note to remove the old cover for you or repost the cover file without the image.

I know Storiesonline is mostly sex stories, but to keep things a touch classy, only tasteful nudity is allowed. Obscene custom covers will be rejected.

The same system and same templates will be available at the other sites too. Finestories has additional rule of no nudity whatsoever, tasteful or not. Of course, moderators will have the final say whether something is acceptable or not and we will have the ability to remove covers.

On the technical side.

1 - All covers will be jpg files.

2 - tall cover size: 984px wide by 1500px tall

3 - wide cover will be 2000px wide and 800px tall.

4 - Social media cover will be 1000px by 1000px.

You can upload any size you want, in JPEG, PNG, GIF and WEBP formats, the file will be converted to JPEG, so no animations and no transparencies and if it's larger than 1500px in any dimension it will be scaled down.

Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

The new system will ask you to make a selection or upload during the submission process of a new story.

Is using a cover mandatory?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Switch Blayde

Yes. The simplest one is to use the color combo. I know it's more options and may complicate the submission process but it's simple enough.

Would you prefer if you can skip the thing by default?

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

It should have the story's title and your pen name as it is on the site. This is mandatory because the current title and author name will now be in the Cover only.

This is why I asked if it's mandatory. I have novels that are both on Bookapy and SOL. For example, "The Nymphomaniac."

The pen name I use on Bookapy (S.W. Blayde) is different than the one I use on SOL (Switch Blayde). But you're saying it must be Switch Blayde on the cover on SOL (even though it's S.W. Blayde on the cover on Bookapy for the same novel).

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Switch Blayde

This is why I asked if it's mandatory. I have novels that are both on Bookapy and SOL. For example, "The Nymphomaniac."

The pen name I use on Bookapy (S.W. Blayde) is different than the one I use on SOL (Switch Blayde). But you're saying it must be Switch Blayde on the cover on SOL (even though it's S.W. Blayde on the cover on Bookapy for the same novel).

There will be a cover. Whether you upload one yourself or not. If you don't upload anything, then it will be a color combo.

It's up to you what you want to put up as cover and which pen name you want to use on your cover.

I will add a 'Use Default' button which will be the exact same as if you click 'pick color' and then click 'use color' without selecting anything specific.

Crankshaft_Cafe ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Still learning the site - any way to preview cover art and text before posting for short stories? Or are there formatting rules/guidelines for creating and uploading a custom cover that can be consulted? Many thanks!

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


any way to preview cover art and text before posting for short stories?

No. The thing about the text is that it passes by a human moderator before it gets on the site and that step negates a lot of the benefits of a preview mechanism, and avoids a lot of problems with posting without preview.

Or are there formatting rules/guidelines for creating and uploading a custom cover that can be consulted?

I will add the cover guidelines to other author guides. Basically tasteful nudity, no penises and no vaginas allowed. Must contain the story's title, so if you change the title, you must update your cover, also must contain the author's name. Optional items are copyright notice and genre. I will add that tall covers are preferred.

Replies:   Crankshaft_Cafe
Crankshaft_Cafe ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

"I will add the cover guidelines to other author guides."

Got it re: content of cover - will guidelines include formatting? Like best dimensions for cover (either in inches or in pixels) and the best dpi for any images used, for optimum display/coverage of the cover's field?

Thanks . . .

Sarkasmus ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

You can give it a test run.

Okay, so I went to the story page, clicked on the part that said my story doesn't have a cover and tried to upload one. But, when I click on the upload button after selecting the image file (which was the same file I uploaded to Bookapy, a 270KB JPG) from my hard drive... nothing happens.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


It's after midnight here I'm unable to check at the moment. I will check again in the morning. We'll see what the logs say.

Replies:   Sarkasmus
Sarkasmus ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

If it makes things easier, here's an error message that pops up in my browser console when I click the upload button:

Uncaught ReferenceError: nfd is not defined
uploadCustomCover https://storiesonline.net/author/story_man.php?cmd=chngCover&id=5132&story_id=32503:94
onclick https://storiesonline.net/author/story_man.php?cmd=chngCover&id=5132&story_id=32503:1

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Uncaught ReferenceError: nfd is not defined

I hadn't pushed the updated Javascripts.

It's fixed now and it's working.

DiscipleN ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Cool! I look forward to uploading the few covers I have for my stories. (I just hope I can figure out how. :)

DiscipleN ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I just uploaded a cover, but I presume you have to evaluate it before it shows up in the story's front page?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


but I presume you have to evaluate it before it shows up in the story's front page?

Covers aren't being displayed yet.

I saw your covers and you uploaded them successfully, but the display code in stories is not yet deployed.

In the next couple of days the rest will be deployed and your stories will have the covers you uploaded.

Replies:   DiscipleN
DiscipleN ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Awesome! Thanks. I'll start working on more covers for my stories.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Awesome! Thanks. I'll start working on more covers for my stories.

The covers' support has been deployed. The auto-switcher between tall and wide on desktops isn't working for some reason.

Michael Loucks ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

A 'nice to have' feature would be an indicator on the stats page/story manager page to show if a story has a cover.

Also, what happens with extant uloaded covers that are part of the story files?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Michael Loucks

A 'nice to have' feature would be an indicator on the stats page/story manager page to show if a story has a cover.

It's only needed to check if it has a Custom cover. And usually only during the transition to see which ones you've done or haven't. I'll try to implement it.

Also, what happens with extant uloaded covers that are part of the story files?

Those need to be removed manually as they are manually inserted by the moderators when processing posts/reposts. Leave them to me, I'll find a solution as the image files need to also be removed from the images server.

Mat Twassel ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

If we don't wish to have a cover, will stories operate as before, allowing illustrations?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Mat Twassel

If we don't wish to have a cover, will stories operate as before, allowing illustrations?

You can't opt out of the cover. If you don't provide one, then one will be provided (just plain box with words written in it).

I don't understand what you mean by 'Allowing illustrations'.

Image support other than the cover is not changing in any way.

big-endian ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

One of the many things I really like about SOL is the steady accumulation of thoughtful development. The plans for more cover flexibility are great. I like how Lazeez is so responsive to user issues. He is quick to determine if some code is FAD (functioning as designed) or user error; and he lets everyone know the results.

I also really like the user community. It may wax and wane, but is the best I've seen for amateur/beginning/seasoned/exotic writers.

Zellus ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Is this the reason why old downloaded stories, are missing the download indicator?

solitude ๐Ÿšซ


Is this the reason why old downloaded stories, are missing the download indicator?

I really hope that this new feature - and the changes aithors make to move/remove an existing cover - do not result in the system flagging to me that every story I've downloading as needing to be downloaded again! The disappearing arrow is a nice indicator that a storyhas been updated since I last downloaded it, but the cover change is not one I consider significant enough to mean I ought to revisit the story. Particularly so in that I'm one of those who suppresses the downloading of images! (I'm here for the stories, not pictures.)

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


I've looked into it. Yep, the caches clearing function is resetting the download flags.

I'll wait for two days until the covers are fully set and then restore the flags from backup.

Your patience is appreciated.

doctor_wing_nut ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I just clicked on a story that already had cover art displayed, and now there are two - above the original art there's a huge purple banner with the story info. It looks kinda goofy, can we assume that there will be some kind of adjustment when a cover is already present?

Honestly, the solid 'cover' doesn't look at all like a cover, more like a banner or billboard.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


The old covers were statically inserted into the story's text as html tags. They need to be cleaned up. It will take some work. We'll get it done.

As for the solid color covers, we're working on more templates. When there are enough templates, we'll probably do away with the color combo covers.

Replies:   The Outsider
The Outsider ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Anything authors like me can do to help?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@The Outsider

There is.

If your stories have old style, manually inserted covers, it would help if you list those stories for us to save us the effort of searching for them.

Other than that, if you don't have covers yourself, create some or select one of the templates.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

This is mandatory because the current title and author name will now be in the Cover only.

I would prefer that the text thereof could still be selected and copied.


Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@awnlee jawking

I would prefer that the text thereof could still be selected and copied.

The text is still there exactly where it was before, but simply styled to be hidden. So if you select to view the story's html source you can do whatever you want.

Also, with a modern Mac, if you have one, safari actually converts the text in the covers to copiable text.

happytechguy15 ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I'm just a reader, and I recognize this topic is in the authors thread. Just from my humble opinion, before 3/27/2024, when I opened a story, and there is cover art, I see that the AUTHOR is putting his or her effort and thought into making the cover match the story. That cover may be at the beginning or it may only be at the end where his/her Bookapy advertisement is.

Now, I won't know if a cover has any relationship to the story.

I use my phone to access and read SOL 99.95% of the time. Homepage, New Stories, and Updated Stories are crowded and busy enough for my tastes. I cringe to think what thumbnails will do to the word layout.

I am not on premium, (another reason my opinion may not be worth much), so I do not download stories. I'm not sure I can download without doing a huge amount of "copy/paste" into a libre office document. What I DO do, is copy a story link, paste it into google Keep, then copy the story description with author, rating, dates, then paste it with the story link. After my current reading is done, I go back to Keep to select another to read. (I probably don't need to say I do this only with stories that sounds good to me?)

One other thing that bothers me about thumbnails. I'm on my personal Samsung phone, I try to limit what is visible to others, especially if grandkids are near. (Think: NSFW). May an option be to opt out of showing thumbnails? On the other hand, now that I know that EVERY story has a cover, I can delay opening that title page of a story until I am alone. ("Hey grampa, why is there a picture of a nekkid lady on your phone?")

Again, just one insignificant reader here, not wanting to stop improvements. I greatly appreciate SOL, Mr. Jiddan, and all of the authors!

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Homepage, New Stories, and Updated Stories are crowded and busy enough for my tastes. I cringe to think what thumbnails will do to the word layout.

Maybe you should try the Minimalist theme for listings.

To switch themes:


May an option be to opt out of showing thumbnails? On the other hand, now that I know that EVERY story has a cover, I can delay opening that title page of a story until I am alone. ("Hey grampa, why is there a picture of a nekkid lady on your phone?")

If I make a Thumbnail based design, it will be another theme. The current themes will remain available and you can choose which one you want to use.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

If I make a Thumbnail based design, it will be another theme.

But will it be based off of modern or classic, or would you do a thumbnail version of both?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Dominions Son

But will it be based off of modern or classic, or would you do a thumbnail version of both?

I don't exactly know yet, but at first blush, neither. Probably something completely different.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I looked at the cover the system generated for my novel "The Nymphomaniac." As you said before, the author name is Switch Blayde which is what I use on SOL although the real cover (in the Bookapy ad at the end) has S.W. Blayde which is what it's published under.

But I noticed the copyright notice is on the generated cover and it says it's copyrighted by Switch Blayde. But it's actually copyrighted by S.W. Blayde. That might be a legal issue for me if I ever have to defend my copyright.

It's true for all my published novels that are also available on SOL.

Do I need you to replace Switch Blayde with S.W. Blayde everywhere it exists on SOL (login id, email, author name, Forum, blog, people following, etc.), assuming that's doable?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Switch Blayde

But I noticed the copyright notice is on the generated cover and it says it's copyrighted by Switch Blayde. But it's actually copyrighted by S.W. Blayde. That might be a legal issue for me if I ever have to defend my copyright.

The covers generator uses whatever used to be displayed before. You can change the copyright string to whatever you want using the manage stories functions.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

You can change the copyright string to whatever you want using the manage stories functions.

I went to Authors/Editors - Story Stats - and then clicked on the story title. Then I clicked on "copyright:" and edited it to change "Switch" to "S.W." But it's still "Switch" on the cover. I don't see how to regenerate the cover.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Switch Blayde

I went to Authors/Editors - Story Stats - and then clicked on the story title. Then I clicked on "copyright:" and edited it to change "Switch" to "S.W." But it's still "Switch" on the cover.

There was a bug in the system. It wasn't using the one saved by the author. It was always generating it. I fixed that.

I don't see how to regenerate the cover.

Usually, you click to change the cover and if you're not using anything in particular, click 'pick colors' and then simply click save for the default options.

Why don't you upload the same covers you're using for the books on bookapy?

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Why don't you upload the same covers you're using for the books on bookapy?

You said the cover on SOL had to be by "Switch Blayde" but the Bookapy cover has "S.W. Blayde" on it.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Switch Blayde

You said the cover on SOL had to be by "Switch Blayde" but the Bookapy cover has "S.W. Blayde" on it.

In your case it's close enough to pass and not confuse readers.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


You might reconsider displaying the anonymous site URL on the covers for those that use it. Maybe just default it to storiesonline.net. It won't spread that fast but why take the risk?

Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


I can guess how that happened - the coding presumably accommodates Finestories and Scifistories as well.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


(and risc = risk in this case)


awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


Maybe just default it to storiesonline.net.

Perhaps authors should be able to change it to World Literature Publishing.


Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

Perhaps authors should be able to change it to World Literature Publishing.

That might even be better. Looks a lot more professional too.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


It also occurred to me that prolific authors might like the facility to change cover colours at the pen name level rather than changing each story individually. I know some authors have the concept of 'brand identity', using different pen names for different types of story.


Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


You might reconsider displaying the anonymous site URL on the covers for those that use it.

You're right. Fixed.

Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I was pleasantly surprised when I uploaded an AI art image for the old cover style for a story update / repost. I was like what this looks great how do you do that. Hence I found out about the new system. Here is a link. https://storiesonline.net/s/26487/zack-and-rebekah-sex-date/i

Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

There is the 4th option not covered. I have the image but I dont have the ability to add the text before upload of a custom cover.

I guees I have to leave it to the editor and submit as a post / repost for cover page ?

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Pete Fox

There is the 4th option not covered. I have the image but I dont have the ability to add the text before upload of a custom cover.

I guees I have to leave it to the editor and submit as a post / repost for cover page ?

Sure, as long as it's not many stories.

I fixed your two covers, but I don't have much time to dedicate to titling images to make them into proper covers; so if more authors chose option 4, I would be swamped easily.

Replies:   Pete Fox
Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Ill try and keep it reasonable and try and figure out how to add text to the iamage.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Pete Fox

Ill try and keep it reasonable and try and figure out how to add text to the iamage.

On Windows, the paint application included with windows can handle text. I imagine that there is something similar available on Macs.

Replies:   Pete Fox
Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Im about the say screw it. I tried Paint one more time and finally got some simple text on a sexy cover girl. Pretty basic options.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Argon
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Pete Fox

Im about the say screw it. I tried Paint one more time and finally got some simple text on a sexy cover girl. Pretty basic options.

There is more advanced and free (open source) image editing software on sourceforge. I haven't tried them, and don't know how well they work or how easy they are to use.

Other than that if you want to do something fancy with the text, you probably have to pay for commercial image editing software like Photoshop.

Replies:   Switch Blayde  Pete Fox
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

if you want to do something fancy with the text, you probably have to pay for commercial image editing software

GIMP is free. It's overkill just to add text to an image (as Photoshop is), but it's what I use to make book covers. One thing it has that's really important is layering.

I never used it, but Canva is supposably easy to use and there's a free version โ€” https://www.canva.com

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

GIMP is free.

It's also on sourceforge.

As I said:

There is more advanced and free (open source) image editing software on sourceforge.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

It's also on sourceforge.

I don't know what sourceforge is, but I get GIMP from https://www.gimp.org

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I don't know what sourceforge is, but I get GIMP from https://www.gimp.org


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Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Right now Paint3D works the one complaint is once I set the box of text I can't go reedit the text I have to start over. Or I just dont know how. Right now simple name of story and my name work. I want the potential reader to enjoy the sexy image then move on.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Pete Fox

one complaint is once I set the box of text I can't go reedit the text

That's what layering is about.

Your image is the base layer. One of your text fields (eg., author name) is another layer. You order the layers so that the author name text appears on top of the previous layer(s). By using transparency, everything but the text is see-through. You can edit each layer independently, like the author name layer. And you can move it around so it appears in a different place on the previous layer (image).

Replies:   Pete Fox
Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I use layers on other programs at work in the past but 3D paint the free stuff does not have the option. Ive done up 4 good covers now. Just an sexy image I might crop plus simple text. Good start.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Pete Fox

Just an sexy image I might crop plus simple text

Be careful where you get the image from. Images are copyrighted, PLUS you need a model release if it's a person.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Be careful where you get the image from.

His first comment on this thread seems to indicate that he's using AI generated art.

Argon ๐Ÿšซ

@Pete Fox

Just take Preview and click the edit button. You can add any text to a picture in any font you have on your Mac. You can also alter size and resolution. There is freeware too, such as Inkscape to do the job.

John Demille ๐Ÿšซ


You can add any text to a picture in any font you have on your Mac.

That is assuming he has a Mac.

If you have a Mac a very versatile cover creator is included with every Mac, and that is "Keynote".

In Keynote, create a presentation, set its size to a custom size like 1000px by 1000px, put pictures and text anywhere you want in any style you want and export to images in JPEG format.

The Outsider ๐Ÿšซ


I use GIMP and Inkspace on my Mac. I switched to them from Photo$hop and Illustrator a few years ago.

DBActive ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

As I reader, I hate the generic covers being attached to stories. I just think they look cheap and ugly.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


I hate the generic covers being attached to stories.

To each his own.

This is the beginning. Things will change and I'll refine things.

Soon there will be enough cover templates provided that cover templates will be the default.

Replies:   Pete Fox
Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Its a nice change. I never had the skill to try a cover for a book or story before.

A blank template to fit an image with text boxes could be helpful? Not sure if that is workable.

rustyken ๐Ÿšซ


Well I think it is an improvement.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


It seems an overkill in some circumstances. IMO some short stories or poems don't need or deserve a book cover. And yes, that includes some of mine.

It seems to me that all feedback, no matter whether positive or negative, might help Lazeez continue to make the site better.


Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

IMO some short stories or poems don't need or deserve a book cover.

I agree. Seeing a picture of a half naked girl isn't going to get me to read the story. I'm even thinking that for my future novels' book covers โ€” more text, less image.

What is going to attract someone to the novel? Author name recognition (e.g., James Patterson)? Series recognition (e.g., Jack Reacher)? Marketing (e.g., #1 Best Seller)? Genre (e.g., thriller)? Words can be powerful. Sometimes the image can even make it difficult to read the words.

Replies:   Pete Fox  palamedes
Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I agree. Seeing a picture of a half naked girl isn't going to get me to read the story. I'm even thinking that for my future novels' book covers โ€” more text, less image.

That's you but many readers are visual, like me. The image on the cover if attractive might make them stop and look. I dont know the names of 98% of the authors I follow on here by heart. I know cover art in publishing is big time and a lot effort is expended. The same with stories here if I had a sexy girl on one and a blank boring blue the other, I know which I would look at first.

palamedes ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Seeing a picture of a half naked girl isn't going to get me to read the story

For some this statement is true but if you ever look at any of the magazines for sale at a grocery store check out counter they will have just that a (male/female) half naked or fully naked {but with hands, objects, or position coverage} on the cover aiding in sales. I'm old enough to remember when Playboy was sold behind the counter and there was a paper sleeve over the magazine leaving only the title Playboy visible and yet mags like Maxim, Teen, and the daily rags show practical nudity.

madnige ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I just stumbled across this article which relevantly covers using GIMP to create a book cover, and thought it could be useful to some here looking to do covers using free software.

alohadave ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Can I suggest that covers not be displayed full width, and instead as a smaller size. On a large monitor, it fills the window and requires scrolling to get to the story. You never see the whole cover and it detracts from the point a bit, I think.

It scales with the width of the window, but not with the height.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


requires scrolling to get to the story.

Click the cover to jump to the contents.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


To see the whole cover at one time, right click->open image in new tab.

Joe Long ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Coincidentally, yesterday was the day I decided to upload a cover.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I wrote a short covers help entry. Specs and how to:


Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Is there a 'reset to default' facility?


Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@awnlee jawking

Is there a 'reset to default' facility?

In the submission system there is 'Use Default', but not in the Story Management one.

I'll add it.

ETA: Done.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Thank you,


doctor_wing_nut ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

I'm reading two stories now where the author has supplied a cover. One has only that cover, but the other has two - the author-provided cover and the new, system cover. That one looks dumb and tacky - is there a way to designate only one cover? If not, there really should be some kind of over-ride to prevent duplication.

I waited a while to post this, knowing this is a work in progress, but it's been long enough, I would think.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


One has only that cover, but the other has two - the author-provided cover and the new, system cover. That one looks dumb and tacky - is there a way to designate only one cover?

If you let us know which story, we'll fix it faster.

By the way, there was a recent submission where the author submitted a cover the old fashioned way, and insisted that the story has a default one and the provided one.

Replies:   doctor_wing_nut
doctor_wing_nut ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Message sent, thanks.

Pete Fox ๐Ÿšซ


I had a similar issue yesterday as I had a picture as part of the old cover process. I just put remove old cover in the editor notes when I submited a cast update. When I put the custom cover up the result was a duplicate image. Lazez was kind of enough to fix my poor color type choice in the process.

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