Hello, I read Finding a Place by Don Lockwood and I really liked it. I looked through his other stuff and read The Ghosts of Christmas Past which I also really liked and was kind of similar. From the descriptions and tags of his other stuff, they don't seem to be what I'm looking for.
I'll try to boil down the main points that I really liked:
* Shy/withdrawn male and aggresive female
* No "bad tags", you know, rape, cheating, swinging, drugged, nonconsenual, blackmail etc.
* Romantic and sweet without all the drama of real relationships
* Only focused on the main pairs sex life. I find that especially longer stories go into details of the sex lives of side characters (Arlene & Jeff, Wolves and Dragons of the Blood etc) which feels kind of weird to me, and I usually just skim past that. It's like in real life, if my friends have a healthy sex life, all I think is good for him, I don't really want to know the details of what goes on in their bedrooms. But this is only a problem for me in longer stories as I said, since I'm often more immersed in those stories.
*.. which brings me to my final point, which is the only problem I had with FaP and tGoCP which is that they were both really short, and I'd like to find something longer!
Now it's maybe unlikely to find something that ticks all of the critera, but the "main criteria" if you will, would be my first point with the withdrawn guy / aggressive girl. The other points are just fluff really.
Thanks for any suggestions!