I have never seen one complain about 10 bombs.
It happens. Usually, loyal fans will immediately vote a 10 to support an author before they ever read a single word. In fact, I've had readers post a 4-star rating on Amazon or goodreads before they had time to read the entire book (just after it was released), so it does happen. In fact, in one case, I released one book whose only review it ever received was a 4-star on Amazon (out of 4), and that was delivered before they read it. Strangely, the story did well on SOL and FS, but it never got the ratings/reviews in the broader marketplace.
The problem is, you can play with numbers all day, but at the end of the day, nothing you do will change the nature of people, and a small subset of people will register protest votes which have little to do with the story's quality of appeal.
I keep harping about gay stories, because those particular 1-bombers will go out of their way to open a story only to vote it down, without ever reading a word of the story. However, using the number of 1-votes wouldn't help, because I'm assuming they support their own subset of stories.
Chances are, a religious conservative who believes that gay sex is a crime against humanity will favor stories featuring a more socially conservative slant (even if it features under-aged sex or incest--hypocrisy strikes across the board, in most cases).
The worst thing you can do, though, is to challenge a bad review, as it makes you, the author, look like an ass, and that will affect more readers than anything the 1-bomber says. Basically, you've got to roll with the punches and accept anything thrown at you, no matter how unfair it seems.
Statistics prove that readers prefer books with the occasional bad review. I'll often ignore any product that only lists top ratings, as I assume the ratings/reviews were written by the developers. Instead, I'll ignore ALL the initial glowing reviews, and examine the subsequent negative reviews to see what issues the product may have. In short, 10s can be just as bad for a story, or even worse in some cases, than 1-bombs are.
Likewise, I pay more attention to reviews that point out the author's problems, as it highlights issues to look out for, and provides a more reasoned approached than a pure gloss piece.