Let me clarify everything for you all. I use a PC at my desk and a tablet when in the bath. I use the tablet only for reading stories which are mostly from SoL, FS, and SciFi with a few I've got downloaded a PDF to the tablet, that's all. With the downloaded stories I have a bar at the bottom that shows how much of the story is read, so we can ignore them. With the SoL/FS/SciFi stories I read them in Firefox on both devices. In general they appear the same on both devices, however there is a big difference between them on what is visibly displayed on them as one is 10 cm (4 inches) across and the other is over 60 cm (24 inches) across.
The material displayed is in 5 sections going down the page: the meta title, the URL, the page header banner, the story chapter text, the page footing. With the last three being fully displayed the same on both devices while the first two are heavily truncated due to the limited space of the smaller screen. The truncated URL is not an issue and not relevant to this request, while the Meta Title is.
The Meta Title is an instruction on the page code for what the browser should display there and is set by the page creator, thus Lazeez has control over what it says. The same is true of the Page Header Banner. The issue is the data visible on both devices is not the same due to the truncation of the Meta Title limiting what I can see.
Now, the data in the Page Header Banner is a bunch of hotlinks of - Home / My Library / Author's Page (as their name) / Story Index Page (as the story name) / Bookmark Story / Previous Chapter (as the chapter number) / Next Chapter (as the chapter number) / Mail / Bottom (meaning the bottom of the page). All this is visible on both devices.
The data in the Meta Title is - Author's Page (as their name) / Story Name / Chapter Number / Chapter Count with Chapter Total Count / Browser name.
In the tablet the meta data only has room to show the Author Name.
Also, the chapter number and the chapter count do not always match. Take, for example, my story Boone the Early Years as it has a Table of Contents and a Forward and it has 8 story chapters. However, when you see the Meta Title on the PC for chapter 4 it reads:
Ernest Bywater: Boone - The Early Years: Chapter 4 (6/10) - Mozilla Firefox
This is because the ToC and Forward are kept on the SoL server as separate chapters and chapter 4 is the 4th story chapter while it's the 6th chapter in that story on the server.
As this information is provided on every story page I suspect it's done by the server as a script and inserted in the meta data by the SoL server at some point. What I would like to see is the Header Banner to include after the page movement links the same chapter count information being displayed in the Meta Title area. This could be handled y a script, but ti would require Lazeez to take the time to do that, probably by amending the script for the Meta Title insertion.