MC that was immortal ... never seen one with a Female MC.
Bruce Bretthauer had one, Kalliste, which at least touched on these issues; she was thus reluctant to get involved with the male MC who had discovered her uniqueness. Bruce posted as Prince von Vlox here, but IDK if Kalliste story was posted here, if so, it was withdrawn to post on the big river site. Still here (but premier) is the series
Kalliste's Storytime, which is a series of shorts as told by Kalliste presented by her as fables but actually her recollections of various events, often that the gods had directed her to.
I also recall a dead-tree story (probably a short in a collection), all I can recall is that the immortal is very tired of life, and after an accident, her partner (a mundane who knows of her immortality and that she is tired of life) authorises the removal of all organs etc for transplants; she wakes after a longer-than-normal regeneration inside the coffin as the cremation starts. The kicker (spoiler) is that a young girl elsewhere in the hospital doesn't have the surgery scars she should have after her heart transplant.