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When would you consider a story to have 'some sex' and when 'much sex'?

MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ

Dear fellow authors,

I'm currently working on a new story and the writing is going great so far. In just a week time I wrote 64k words spread over 22 chapters.

For the story I was planning to mark it as 'some sex', on average there is a scene once every 3/4 chapters, but as I progress in the story I find myself writing more smut. It's not just smut for the reason of smut either, but it drives the plot (although if it was purely for plot-driven reasons I suppose I could go in less detail).

How would you rate a story that has about 75% plot and 25% smut, as some sex or as much sex?

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


How would you rate a story that has about 75% plot and 25% smut, as some sex or as much sex?

Some sex.

Even 50/50 is some sex.

MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ


Ah, that's good to know. It's just a bit of a vague line between some and much, but I'll rate it as some sex in that case.

Thank you for the quick reply.

I'll probably end up writing another 20 chapters before I consider the story done and then I'll start the tedious editing process. (Although I try to edit mistakes whenever I can.)

Keet ๐Ÿšซ


How would you rate a story that has about 75% plot and 25% smut, as some sex or as much sex?

As a reader I would expect it to be 'Some Sex'.

How I perceive the levels:
No Sex: obviously no (graphic) sex at all
Minimal Sex: Incidental sex, only graphic if it's also clear that it supports the story.
Some Sex: As Minimal Sex but the story obviously has sex scenes that are just there for the sex. The story wouldn't suffer without them.
Much Sex: The 'story' is written around the sex scenes.
Stroke Story: Only sex, there's hardly a story at all if any, it's just about the kinks.
Mind you, this is how I interpret it and is in no way how most stories are coded on SOL since each author has his own ideas about how much sex a specific level contains.
I mostly read no/minimal/some sex stories and occasionally a very long 'much sex' story because the amount of sex almost always tapers of to some/minimal the further such a story progresses.

MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ


I think that's a good description Keet. I've been a member of this site for close to twenty years now and it matches my interpretation as well.

I think that some sex would fit best. The majority of the smut scenes play an important role in driving the plot, although I could fade some of them to black if I wanted to.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


Some Sex: As Minimal Sex but the story obviously has sex scenes that are just there for the sex. The story wouldn't suffer without them.

I don't have any sex scenes that are just there for the sex. The story would suffer if any were removed. Yet most of my current stories are some sex.

Replies:   Keet  StarFleet Carl
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I don't have any sex scenes that are just there for the sex. The story would suffer if any were removed. Yet most of my current stories are some sex.

As I said: every author interprets it differently. But for the sake of argument ๐Ÿ˜†: very, very few sex scenes are really needed for any story. Most of the time hinting or a short mention what happened is sufficient. The sex scenes that DO matter often are more about the social interaction than about the actual sex.

Replies:   MagicQuill
MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ


The sex scenes that DO matter often are more about the social interaction than about the actual sex.

Yeah, that's the case with my story too. It's the social interaction that makes them a must, but I could have toned down the graphic parts.

I mostly write the story for myself though and not so much for the readers. I wanted to write a story that I'd enjoy reading.

I hope that in turn it'll mean it's also going to be a story that the readers will enjoy. :-)

StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

The story would suffer if any were removed.

Note that you can have a sex scene without it being an explicit, stroke type, sex scene. I've done that with my "family friendly" version of ATHB1 - edited out the hardcore stuff, while still leaving it PG-13 or soft R.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

Note that you can have a sex scene without it being an explicit, stroke type, sex scene

Not my writing style. My fight scenes are graphic and explicit. My sex scenes are graphic and explicit. All my scenes are showing unless telling is called for. So I might end an explicit sex scene (showing) by telling something like, "And they did it a second time."

Replies:   MagicQuill
MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I get what you mean Switch Blayde. I show all the scenes that are of interest to the story, but I tell everything else.

For example, you can make a road trip of X number days only so interesting before it becomes repetitive. When I feel like a scene is a repeat of what happened earlier in the story then it's better to summarize it and simply tell what happened.

It's taken me several years to find a good balance between showing and telling a story.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


When I feel like a scene is a repeat of what happened earlier in the story then it's better to summarize it and simply tell what happened.


Uther Pendragon ๐Ÿšซ


Some Sex: As Minimal Sex but the story obviously has sex scenes that are just there for the sex. The story wouldn't suffer without them.

I like to think that the sex scenes I put in are necessary for the story. If we are talking about a marriage, what place sex has in the marriage and how each partner feels about the sex are critical details to understanding the marriage.

OTOH, it would be misleading to describe most of my storiies as "minimal sex."

sunseeker ๐Ÿšซ


In this case, 75/25, I'd rate it as "some sex". If the story has "graphic/descriptive sex" every few chapters then it is "much sex" to me.

LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ


What category would be a hypothetical story that literally started with a guy hearing a girl squealing "yeeeh I'm naked!" in a swimming hole nearby and rushing to see it, and the story continues about watching naked girls with a naked girl somewhere in vicinity or at least in mind for like 70% of the text, most of main character actions revolve around purposefully watching supposedly unsuspecting naked girls, but the first full on sex he's involved in be around chapter 60 or so, and very nearly fades to black despite being supposedly double virginity losing?

Replies:   MagicQuill  LupusDei
MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ


It would be a cocktease and fall under minimal sex. :-)

I think that such a hypothetical story would probably not do very well and lose the readers interest quickly. You're leading them on with one thing, but then don't make good on the promise. As a result anything other than minimal sex would probably lead to disgruntled readers and low scores, even if it has an otherwise good plot.

Replies:   LupusDei
LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ


Well, I'm kind of writing it. I may include some watched sex (although with a couple getting at it on a hood of the car in the dark there's not much to see from a distance and I'm intending to comment so). There might be borderline intimacy or even full on lesbian scenes observed between girls sunning in secret, including between cousins and probably even sisters (with may be half sisters if certain claims to be believed, but that's not known by the pov at the time).

But the main character doesn't get much besides his hand until then, and then it's almost uninteresting when it finally happens. After then, well there's quite a lot after then, but I'm not really interested in the sex itself even then. But yeah, perhaps have to do some detail for must have.

Replies:   MagicQuill
MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ


I think it'll help your reader a lot if you're being honest with the story codes. Only add a story code if there is a graphic scene that involves it. For example, I wouldn't add 'oral' as a code if I only write something like 'She gave him a blowjob.' However, if I write a graphic scene where she gives a blowjob to the protagonist, then I would add that code.

Most likely you'll have few codes in your story (which is absolutely fine by the way) and that by itself will tell the readers what they can expect.

In fact, I try to add as few codes as I can. I find that stories that try to tick almost all the boxes often make for cluttered stories that are harder to follow. In some cases codes apply to my story, but they're such a minor detail in the story that I don't check that specific box.

With the current story I actually have graphic scenes for which no boxes exist.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


I think it'll help your reader a lot if you're being honest with the story codes. Only add a story code if there is a graphic scene that involves it.

That certainly helps a reader. Like most readers I use multiple indicators to determine if it's a story I want to read. A story with 'some sex' and lots of kink tags I skip where a 'some sex' story with very few tags is taken into consideration depending on a few other indicators.
I wish all authors only added codes for graphic scenes and not if a specific action is only mentioned.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


I wish all authors only added codes for graphic scenes and not if a specific action is only mentioned.

That doesn't work very well with the rape tag, as we've discussed on here previously. The biggest issue is the level of how bothered someone is by something. That also translates into the real world, of course. My wife is a nurse, and has no issues at all sticking her gloved hand up someone's rectum to help clear out a bowel impaction. At the same time, she saw a snake in our shed yesterday and came unglued. (It was about a 4' long rat snake, which if you know anything about snakes, is basically harmless, even if it was a good 2" in diameter.)

So, as an author, I simply err on the side of additional tags, even when the action isn't necessarily 'on camera.'

Here's the list of tags from ATHB1-3, and my reasoning:

mt/ft, Fa/Fa, ft/ft, Fa/ft - Welcome to the main characters
Mult, Teenagers - It's a coming (cummming) of age story
Consensual, Romantic - No forced sex, and lots of love
Lesbian, BiSexual, Heterosexual - That's what the sex is
Fiction - As far as OUR world is concerned
Farming - Oblique reference, but Kansas farming is a part
Historical - Lot's of real history here, actually
Humor - because I'm a sick bastard with a sense of humor
Military - Lots of armies that don't get to do much but lose
School, Sports - High School and College, and three sports
Superhero - You think? :)
War - More than 10,000 years worth, even!
Science Fiction, Alternate History - again, for OUR Earth :)
Mother, Daughter, Cousins, Group Sex, Harem, Orgy, Polygamy/Polyamory, Black Female, Hispanic Female, Indian Female, Anal Sex, Analingus, Cream Pie, First, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Pregnancy, Tit-Fucking, Menstrual Play, Small Breasts - Yeah, pretty much all the assorted sex acts and descriptions. Since there's not a tag for Indigenous, and Helen is very dark-skinned and from Australia, I still went with Black Female
Politics, Royalty - It's thick with this, isn't it?
Violent - There's also been plenty of this, too. More than twenty million dead counts, I think.

No, Harry's not doing a lot of farming now. But the tags also apply to the series as a whole, too.

I also went with 'some sex' as I really only describe in detail the actual important to the story sex scenes. Otherwise, just saying that they went to bed, and the next morning they looked 'fucked out' is good, as far as I'm concerned. I figure if someone wants a detailed sexual description of 17 woman and one guy ... yeah, no.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

That doesn't work very well with the rape tag, as we've discussed on here previously. ...

So, as an author, I simply err on the side of additional tags, even when the action isn't necessarily 'on camera.'

I agree that there are tags that need a delicate handling although my opinion is that if a rape is only mentioned (as that it happened, not described) it doesn't qualify for that tag. I'm sure others disagree.
But generally I think only 'on camera' things should be tagged. Don't err on the side of caution too much because it will turn off some readers, possibly more than would complain about a missing tag.
An example: if a story has the scat code because of your nurse example I would never consider reading it. That situation doesn't deserve the scat code.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I agree that there are tags that need a delicate handling although my opinion is that if a rape is only mentioned (as that it happened, not described) it doesn't qualify for that tag. I'm sure others disagree.
But generally I think only 'on camera' things should be tagged.

I agree with you.

You have to balance it. Yes, erring on the side of caution will make those trying to avoid a squick happy, but it will piss off other who are looking for it as a kink.

And don't assume that the squicks outnumber the kinks just because the squicks are more vocal.

LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ


Or I may even generalize the question, as:

What about a story that tightly revolves around a specific kink, but where the specific kink in question while undoubtedly sexual in nature, doesn't involve penetrative "full" sex acts, either not necessarily for it or not at all?

My go to example would pure fetishization of "stolen" passively observed without consent nudity not meant to be seen by anyone, while obviously watched in secret for purpose of viewer's pleasure and arousal, that arousal may not be acted upon at the exact time of watching in any way at all.

But there's possible other kinks that might qualify. A lot of little weird fetishes doesn't involve sex as such, at least not as necessity. Sometimes not even as possibility. Even bondage could be pure for its own sake.

I mean a story that would be a pure stroke story for those few crazies sharing the very specific probably obscure or complex kink, but while obviously sexualized might be without any sex in general, and may even make little sense to general public as a story, as there little to nothing "real" happens.

Replies:   MagicQuill
MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ


I mean a story that would be a pure stroke story for those few crazies sharing the very specific probably obscure or complex kink, but while obviously sexualized might be without any sex in general, and may even make little sense to general public as a story, as there little to nothing "real" happens.

In such a case, tag that fetish in combination with the minimal sex story code. That would do it justice to both types of readers. You can also add an explanlation in the story description.

Uther Pendragon ๐Ÿšซ


That's a better question than I have an answer.
Back when I was writing mostly short-short stuff, it was usually, but not always, fairly easy. If you have one scene, it is usually a sex scene or a no-sex scene. The story is, correspondingly, a much-sex story or a no-sex story.
My recent, longer stuff is harder. `The General's Store has 15 chapters without any sex, 1 chapter in the middle with fairly graphic but rather brief sex, annd a last chapter which is almost all sex.

Replies:   MagicQuill
MagicQuill ๐Ÿšซ

@Uther Pendragon

My recent, longer stuff is harder. `The General's Store has 15 chapters without any sex, 1 chapter in the middle with fairly graphic but rather brief sex, annd a last chapter which is almost all sex.

I would rate this as 'some sex' myself I think.

In my case, I've just started on chapter 29 this morning and the first three chapters are without sex, then the fourth is with.

After that it sort of develops as to what makes the most sense in the story. Most scenes are only 1 page in Word while a chapter has about 5 - 6 pages on average. I'm keeping the chapters short this time since it'll make it easier for proof reading once I'm ready to publish (I want to publish 1 chapter a week) and I found that it creates a natural flow where I can seperate the scenes easier. Each chapter has typically 1 to 3 scenes in it.

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