A repeating day scenario typically has the main character living and reliving the same day over and over. Usually the main character has to 'do' something in order to escape the 'loop' in time. I'm sure you are familiar with such stories and/or films.
But how much do you think about the dynamics involved? Or rather the logic that such stories typically totally ignore.
First, the scenario. Our MC is stuck reliving the same day over and over, this continues long enough that everything that happens, every word spoken by all the characters is predictable after enough iterations.
Therein lies the first problem. Our intrepid MC interacts with the other people and with objects. If our MC is the only one aware he is reliving the same day then everything else must be exactly repeated. Exactly means that everything remains identical to that which happened on day one. Our MC is therefore a 'ghost', able to see, hear and move around, but unable to interact at all.
Problem two. Our 'ghost' MC can choose what to do, where to go, etc. But. What happens if one day he gets bored, angry or depressed and simply stays in bed all day? If he had a conversation with a waitress, does she still speak her side of their conversation? Does she still serve him his order? If no, then the day is not repeated identically. If yes, then how do others react to her talking to herself? Who eats and pays for his meal?
The only way in which our MC could change his day one behaviour is if the repeated day somehow adjusts to his behaviour. If that is the case then the day isn't repeated exactly. The same day is recreated but with all his actions allowed for. Items he moves in later days are not tripped over by the other characters, conversations happen, or don't without anyone other than our MC realising the differences.
Problem three. Our MC tells another character what is happening. Proves it by seemingly knowing the future, predicts who walks in next, what they say, who drops a tray, etc. All seems good. But consider this. Up to this point only our MC is aware and only he can change his actions which are automatically 'written' into the days events so that nothing he does or does not do affects anyone else. Except now we have two characters who are aware, who can do and say things they didn't on day one. Worse, for this to work the day has to adapt to both of their actions to keep the pretence of the days repeating. I say pretence because as soon as changes occur, the day isn't an exact repeat.
Problem four. How widespread is this? For example, the TV is on n the cafe, each day the same programmes, same national news, same local news. For this to happen the 'effect' must be widespread enough to include the TV networks and therefore everyone who watched them on day one. People not reliving the same day are going to notice if the same national and local news is repeated day after day. Conversely, if the 'effect' is localised then what happens if our MC sets a building on fire on day nine? If the 'effect' is localised then is the fire reported o local news? If yes then how without viewers 'outside' the affected area seeing it? If no, because the day is 'looping' then how far can our MC go? Burn down the entire town or affected area? Worse. How do the other 'unaware' characters react when the building that burnt to the ground yesterday and should still be smoking, is suddenly intact again? Do those characters walk into the burning store because that is what they did on day one?
Of course all of these issues could be explained by having an 'evil genius' who is all powerful. Thus the scenario can be edited for each anomaly to smoothly mesh. But that means our 'evil genius' is a slave to our MC's whims, he has to 'clean up' every single anomaly in real time. Worse, for him, her has to do the same for every character our MC makes aware. What would be the point? The evil genius wasn't clever enough to realise he'd end up working 24 hours a day, every day just to keep one guy stuck in an endless loop that actually isn't a loop. Not exactly a genius move, is it?
Groundhog Day only works if basic logic is ignored.