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Funniest criticism of your writing

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

Now I have had many people write to me over the years, some of which actually complaints. And I always find the funniest are the ones that tell me my stories are "too long". Or in others when I was creating "gay characters". But today I had one on another site that still has me laughing and scratching my head.

To give an idea, I had decided to post Country Boy there, 5 chapters at a time. And this was one of my responses:





And of course I had to read the profile, he had posted over 500 stories. Impressed, I went to read a few. And good god! Quite literally he would post a single line over and over and over again. None of it seemed to make any sense, but here is half of one of them:










Well, I admit I got a bit salty after that, and since he posted his criticism at the comment page, I responded in kind in return:

Well dude, if you like simple 500 word stories, there are tons of them here.

This is the start of a story that is almost 2 megs in length. So if you do not like it, so be it.

And after trying to read several of your "stories", I suggest you stick to Penthouse Forum. Or better yet, cereal boxes. That is probably more your level.

Well, he did not like that, but I really do not care. At least he provided me one of my biggest laughs in responding to critics. And I will be watching his "writings", just to see what he does when he "improves" my story.

Anybody else care to share some of your more entertaining exchanges with "fans"?

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


None of it seemed to make any sense, but here is half of one of them

Well, first from what you quoted, I would say it was intended to be some kind of poetry, rather than a story. And no, not all poetry rhymes.

Might make more sens if you look at it in that light. Then again, it might not.

I haven't really had any interactions with my readers I would consider entertaining.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Well, first from what you quoted, I would say it was intended to be some kind of poetry, rather than a story. And no, not all poetry rhymes.

Oh, I get that. I write poetry also, and generally write in non-rhyming quatrains when I do so.

I have even been known to write in doggerel, which once caused some consternation about 27 years ago when I posted one on a BBS which had some calling me on the phone asking if I was OK. I called it simply "The End".

I eat my peas with arsenic,
I want to end my life.
It may sound kind of gruesome,
But it's cleaner than a knife.

My fiancee and I both laughed up a storm, amazed that none of them recognized the children's poem I had used as the basis, and that it was nothing but a silly thing I had tossed off in a couple of minutes.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

I haven't really had any interactions with my readers I would consider entertaining.

I agree. I get insightful, annoying and sometimes enjoyable, but few are actually humorous.

oldegrump ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

There is a name for poetry without Rhyme it is called prose

Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ

One of the funniest criticisms I've seen of a story I'm helping edit(on another site) is a reviewer who complained about the story being heavy on content it was specifically flagged for from the start.

markselias11 ๐Ÿšซ

The only thing I can think of is back in the day I did some roleplaying on AOL. We would post in chatrooms and on message boards. At the time I was playing a demonic character and was told that my writing was "too evil" for someone to read.

I had to laugh because of the vision I got in my head of someone walking up to Beelzebub and telling him that "he needs to be more nice!"

Uther_Pendragon ๐Ÿšซ


For Now is one of my stories about Bob and Jeanette Brennan. It is set at Bob's family's house, and Jeanette's Brother Greg visits. He's a real bullshitter and a naval Lieutenant JG. He tells Bob's father that his rank is "equivalent to the Army rank of Colonel, sir."

I got a letter telling me that I had mistaken thhe ranks. They are not equivalent.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


He's a real bullshitter and a naval Lieutenant JG. He tells Bob's father that his rank is "equivalent to the Army rank of Colonel, sir."

I got a letter telling me that I had mistaken thhe ranks. They are not equivalent.

Yea, some people loose nuance I have discovered. Such as those who screamed I put no "M/M" tags in "Bohica", because the main character (at the time a large black man) was remembering blowing an ex-boyfriend the night everything changed.

Never mind that the title character is a shape shifting mutant who was born female, he screamed at me for 3 letters over "fooling him into reading gay porn".

Another case where I just shrugged.

irvmull ๐Ÿšซ

When I was a kid, we all knew that a few people in town were either crazy or dumber than a box of rocks.

Now, thanks to the internet, we know the actual number is closer to 50%.

Ain't technology wonderful?

Michael Loucks ๐Ÿšซ


When I was a kid, we all knew that a few people in town were either crazy or dumber than a box of rocks.

Now, thanks to the internet, we know the actual number is closer to 50%.

Ain't technology wonderful?

Think about how intelligent the median person is, and realize that fully half the people are less intelligent than that person.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

@Michael Loucks

Think about how intelligent the median person is, and realize that fully half the people are less intelligent than that person.

Using a "Normal" curve, not quite 50 percent of the values are below the mean. Because some of the values are the mean. Often the mean and median are the same value. Of course that depends on how many values are included in the sample. Typically it is safer to have more than 30 items in the sample for the normal curve to work well. And there are other curves that describe reality, particularly for smaller samples.

If your sample size is 3, the middle item is the median, the item with the larger value is above average (above the median), and the item with the smallest value is below the median. In this case only one third of the items are below the median.

Sometimes being almost right is being right, and sometimes it is being wrong. My Bachelors Degree was in Business Statistics and Operations Research, and I have a Masters Degree as well. (An MBA in Insurance and Risk Management.)

So I was trained to be picky. I am pretty sure it shows.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


Now, thanks to the internet, we know the actual number is closer to 50%

And here I thought the whole point of the internet was to avoid speaking to actual people.

Replies:   irvmull
irvmull ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

And here I thought the whole point of the internet was to avoid speaking to actual people.

Good point. Do we actually have proof that an actual person is the source of such exquisite prose as:


Or could this be the result of a poorly written computer algorithm? (I wrote a better one back in '85, details were published in a national computer magazine)

Ryan Sylander ๐Ÿšซ

Funniest for me is not usually a single comment, but the range of comments which can sometimes completely oppose one another.

"There wasn't a single paragraph that did not hold my interest."


"the early pace was excruciatingly slow and I almost gave up several times before I reached the midpoint."


REP ๐Ÿšซ

Sometimes readers just don't know what they are talking about. I extracted the following from an email a reader sent to me and another individual.

I would not have commented on this work if the author had not allowed it to be put up for a Clitorides Awards. Once they put themselves up on that kind of pedestal, if the work is truly awful, I then consider I am doing other readers at the site a service by warning them to avoid works by this author.

The comment may not seem funny, but at the time the reader first contacted me about Opening Earth's award, I did not follow the Clitorides Awards and I was not aware that my story had been nominated and placed 2nd in its category. It was due to his email that I learned my story had won an award.

Pixy ๐Ÿšซ

I think I mentioned once before on the forums, that I once received the offer of 'help' in editing and proof reading my stories. Unfortunately for the rather keen individual, the offer he sent was so abysmally riddled with spelling mistakes and dodgy grammar, that I had no option but to reply declining the 'help'. I wonder if I still have it... LOL

For the most part, the regular (and quite valid) criticism of my work, tends to revolve around my complete inability to finish any of it...

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


inability to finish

Maybe you need an editor from Finland. They speak Finish. Or maybe Finnish.

If your story is wooden, there are lots of finishes you can use. Paint, shellac, varnish, and so forth. This humorous (?) post is finished.

rycliff_24 ๐Ÿšซ

I was told by one reader that they hated my mentioning the antagonist organization, and that it makes them want to stop reading the story because of their being talked about.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


I was told by one reader that they hated my mentioning the antagonist organization, and that it makes them want to stop reading the story because of their being talked about.

What was the organization: Morons R Us?

Joe_Bondi_Beach ๐Ÿšซ


Now I have had many people write to me over the years, some of which actually complaints. And I always find the funniest are the ones that tell me my stories are "too long". Or in others when I was creating "gay characters". But today I had one on another site that still has me laughing and scratching my head.

Funniest: "You're just taking advantage of your sister to fuck her," or words to that effect. (California Central Valley Summer Heat) Early edition.

Creepiest: "So, did you ever see your teenage daughter topless? I remember the first time I saw my daughter's boobs," or words to that effect. (Swimming with Kate)

The idea that the author is not necessarily the narrator or a character isn't always understood.

Most on-point criticism: "I didn't understand a word of Chapter X," or words to that effect. I looked at Chapter X again, and I understood why the reader said that.

That said, the "great stuff" (or words to that effect) heavily outnumber the others.


Replies:   Mushroom  Megansdad
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


The idea that the author is not necessarily the narrator or a character isn't always understood.

To take things a step further, I played a bit with the concept of "unreliable narrative" in one series. The main character as Narrator saw his "girlfriend" as being almost perfect, and forgave her a great many character flaws. And because the reader is "living" their experiences and beliefs, that is what the reader almost always takes away with them.

Which caused a lot of people to scream when even though I had put a lot of clues throughout the narrative that she was not a nice person. The thing is, she never was. Everybody was just seeing her through his eyes, and that is how he saw her.

This is actually an old concept, but until The Joker most never really realized it being used.

Replies:   Bondi Beach
Bondi Beach ๐Ÿšซ


I played a bit with the concept of "unreliable narrative" in one series.

Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl nails the unreliable narrator(s).

Megansdad ๐Ÿšซ


Seeing your daughter's boobs isn't always a bad thing or creepy. The first time I saw my daughter's boobs was the day they wheeled her out of the E.R. in an incubator. That's when I smiled and realized I was a dad.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


The first time I saw my daughter's boobs was the day they wheeled her out of the E.R. in an incubator.

I don't think that's the first indicator maternity staff look at to diagnose a baby's biological gender ;-)


Joe_Bondi_Beach ๐Ÿšซ


Seeing your daughter's boobs isn't always a bad thing or creepy. The first time I saw my daughter's boobs was the day they wheeled her out of the E.R. in an incubator. That's when I smiled and realized I was a dad.

Yep. Except the subject was *teenage* daughter's boobs.


rycliff_24 ๐Ÿšซ

No. Agents of Chaos i guess they thought it was uninspired or something.

Replies:   Mushroom  AmigaClone
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


No. Agents of Chaos i guess they thought it was uninspired or something

Maybe a fan of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and took offense at the acronym?

Replies:   rycliff_24
rycliff_24 ๐Ÿšซ


Lol too funny... I wish I'd thought of that

AmigaClone ๐Ÿšซ


Agents of Chaos i guess they thought it was uninspired or something.

For me 'Agents of Chaos' sounds like the title of a series that is an offshoot of the 1960s TV comedy series 'Get Smart'.

Replies:   rycliff_24  Mushroom
rycliff_24 ๐Ÿšซ


Yep I know, thats where I got it from... I decided to make them much darker and more organized.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


For me 'Agents of Chaos' sounds like the title of a series that is an offshoot of the 1960s TV comedy series 'Get Smart'.

Except they called it KAOS. Hence, the inspiration for the name of a "character" in one of my stories. Who I called "Kaos".

Replies:   rycliff_24
rycliff_24 ๐Ÿšซ


I loved that story... and that character...

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


I loved that story... and that character...

Which is actually a bit of "meta" story. As it was a character inside of the story that was played by another character.

But the "real Kaos" I actually invented in around 1982. And almost exactly as described, and with the same group as the inspiration for the name (and her behavior).

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

I just had another interesting one.

Apparently he thinks my stories are too long, and "shitty". And in 10 years he has never written anything. I really wonder about some people.

Replies:   Vincent Berg  tisoz
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


Apparently he thinks my stories are too long, and "shitty". And in 10 years he has never written anything. I really wonder about some people.

Believe it or not, non-authors are actually entitled to their own opinions, and as readers, they often have a point, though they may not be able to express exactly what it is. Then again, an opinion is just an opinion.

Replies:   joyR  Mushroom
joyR ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

an opinion is just an opinion.

Opinions are like assholes. Before entering into them some preparation is necessary and if you don't at least try to make it enjoyable for both parties, you won't be welcome back.


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Opinions are like assholes.

Assholes are necessary. Without them we would all be full of shit. :)

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Assholes are necessary. Without them we would all be full of shit.

It's not that anyone wants to be 'full of shit', but a few assholes ensure we keep successfully getting rid of the shit we currently have in our lives, but periodic 'purges' of our resident assholes are necessary!

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

but periodic 'purges' of our resident assholes are necessary!

Are you suggesting enforced regular enemas...?? Because some will tell you to stick that right up your...... :)

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Are you suggesting enforced regular enemas...?? Because some will tell you to stick that right up your...... :)

Isn't that what you are supposed to do with an enema?

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


Are you suggesting enforced regular enemas...?? Because some will tell you to stick that right up your...... :)

It was an indirect reference to politicians, and the need to 'purge' them periodically, lest they 'clog up' the system, preventing the body politic from functioning properly. But it applies to blowhards in general, too.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Believe it or not, non-authors are actually entitled to their own opinions, and as readers, they often have a point, though they may not be able to express exactly what it is. Then again, an opinion is just an opinion.

Actually, I welcome constructive criticism. I have opened dialog with many who have written to me about something in my writings, and actually had something to say.

And I do listen, sometimes it has even had me make changes in story progression. Not necessarily in what would happen (as that is often already set), but in how I go about doing it.

But just a 2 sentence message that is just an attack (and one of them being my stories are to long), I just flush them. If somebody likes reading 3-4k stories, there are hundreds of thousands of them on ASSTR.

My shortest story on here is 3k, and mostly I posted it as an "artifact" of my earlier writing. And other than 2 others (one a satire and the other a meta-story written as if it was a "story in a story" submitted to one of those sites), my writing in the last decade or so starts at around 22k, and goes up to 760k (even 3 megs if you combine both of the "Country Boy" stories).

When I post a story as having multiple chapters, that should be a first clue it is not the 3k tissue filler that some may want.

And I have decided once I finish posting the last of CBCG on that site, I am not going to bother with any more. So many have complained I "write to long" that I am only finishing because many have thanked me for it and I do not want to leave it there unfinished.

Replies:   bk69  Vincent Berg
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


I don't know how such people even exist... I tend to only read longer stories (anything less than 100K tends to be really weak on 'story' outside of a few authors) and they're far fewer in number than the short stroke pieces. And since story size is listed before ever even opening a story, complaining about that is moronic.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


I don't know how such people even exist...

Quite a few I have found obsess over the codes. That is all they look for, and all they care about. Not length, or anything else but the kink they are interested in.

I even had more than a few scream at me over and over because I had written a "gay story", because the narrator was describing having sex with a guy.

A character I had already described as being a mutuant, and had "changed". And apparently they did not even consider how ludicrous an image it would have been if the narrator was remembering an event from years ago as "he" was then. A big black guy, around 6'6", 250 pounds and built like a football player. Just realizing that so many did not "get it" when I described the narrator on a date years prior as wearing a "small dress" and panties and a bra. That alone should have clued them in to things not being quite as they seemed.

And I did not include the "cross-dressing" tag, so obviously something else was at play there.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


Actually, I welcome constructive criticism. I have opened dialog with many who have written to me about something in my writings, and actually had something to say.

And I do listen, sometimes it has even had me make changes in story progression. Not necessarily in what would happen (as that is often already set), but in how I go about doing it.

Don't worry. That's all I was suggesting, that you sometimes have a peer beneath the surface see what a reader's criticism is really about, as they'll often attack the most obvious thing, rather than the central story issue you actually need to address. But ... if someone actively despises your story, then there's really nothing more to discuss.

As for your 'too long' complaints, that was ultimately why I switched from the more involved and personal Day-in-the-Life to event-based chapters, as you can skip over the huge character building data dumps, that while fascinating, are often tedious and lead to substantial story bloat!

tisoz ๐Ÿšซ


I do not understand this defense. I understand he has not written anything, but why should he? You offered up what you evidently put some effort into, I'm assuming because he said it was long and you didn't disagree, and he didn't like it at all. The two things are not connected and just because you made the effort to try doesn't compel any reader to do likewise. I'd just take it as it wasn't to his taste. There is no reason to expect critics to try to anything. Critics like him suck because he didn't specify why he considered it shitty, other than it was long and he should have noticed that before starting by its size.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


Critics like him suck because he didn't specify why he considered it shitty, other than it was long and he should have noticed that before starting by its size.

Again, you often need to really pull the actual story critique from the immediate responses. Since few readers are actually knowledgable about story construction, they have difficulty pinpointing what it was about a given story that threw them out of it, but if pressed, those details will typically become apparent relatively soon. But it takes an awful lot of 'teasing' to get them to talk (encouragement, not making fun of).

Again, some of my most vocal one-bombers are among my most loyal readers, they may hate one particular aspect of my stories, but they're not about to quite reading them, which I take as the ultimate complement, so I'm willing to forgive the minimal effect of the 1-bombers (i.e. 'haters'). What I won't waste time with, are those who quit the story after only a single page/chapter, as they're simply not interested int he type of stories I write anyway, so their criticisms don't really mean much concerning my stories.

Replies:   Megansdad
Megansdad ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

I prefer the longer stories. I am disabled and read a lot. The longer a story is the less often I have to go dumpster diving... oops, I mean searching for another story.

Replies:   Eddie Davidson
Eddie Davidson ๐Ÿšซ


Same here Megansdad.

I hate when a story ends just when I fell in love with the characters. That is why I've tried to write longer stories - for the same reason.

That being said - sometimes I write a short story because I think there is only enough meat on the bone for a nibble.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

@Eddie Davidson

I hate when a story ends just when I fell in love with the characters. That is why I've tried to write longer stories - for the same reason.

That being said - sometimes I write a short story because I think there is only enough meat on the bone for a nibble.

Same with me. I still write a lot of short stories, because a lot of my ideas really only fit in that format.

Then again, more than 1 of my long stories started as a short one. Where once I was finished I realized I really liked the story and settings, and decided to just keep going.

Both Okinawa and Country Boy actually started as a single chapter short story. But I kept going back to them over and over again.

tisoz ๐Ÿšซ


I wonder if he was a non-native English speaker and everything got lost in translation.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


I wonder if he was a non-native English speaker and everything got lost in translation.

Actually, I think it is somebody who has used way to many drugs to be honest. I did go through his writings, and they are almost all the same. And interestingly, very lowly rated (they have a simply "thumb up/down" system). And most have like 10+ comments, literally all his.

Still waiting for him to steal my idea. It would be funny to see what he does with it.

StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ

I just received this email, regarding 'A True History'.

Juvenile,boring, repetitive. No,him.

That's the ENTIRE content of the email. This is my reply:

That's possibly the most singularly unhelpful comment that I've ever received about anything.

If you can use more than single words with punctuation marks, perhaps a slightly fuller explanation might help me understand what you're talking about.

Replies:   Mushroom  Vincent Berg
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

I just received this email, regarding 'A True History'.

That very message is Juvenile, boring, and repetitive.

Probably another that prefers stories that can fit on the back of a box of cereal.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


That very message is

why I'm waiting until Chapter 33 is posted to turn voting on.

Replies:   Eddie Davidson
Eddie Davidson ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

Would you consider writing a story about this please?

Here is the premise:

The protagonist is a nebbish pervert.

Each chapter begins with a vignette of a story he did not write. The rest of the chapter continues with him making comments (in all caps) and how he reacts.

"OMG, this story is too long! How do I take breaks and come back and read it later? I am just going to comment to the author that they need shorter stories"

and it focuses on how he goes about his day and fails miserably at other stuff too like he does writing criticism.

Then the next chapter its a short story with very little detail.

"Oh my god, You call this a story? It was way too short. What day was the protagonist born on? Why didn't you start when he was in diapers and lead up to this part of his life on a day to day basis so we know what happens BEFORE the story?"

and so on. The story concludes when he is in hell and he is fucking a beautiful woman.

Another guy walks past and says how unfair that is, because he is being led to an agonizing pit to be boiled in his own balogna.

"How dare you question that woman's punishment!"

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

@Eddie Davidson

Would you consider writing a story about this please?

Here is the premise:

The protagonist is a nebbish pervert.

Each chapter begins with a vignette of a story he did not write. The rest of the chapter continues with him making comments (in all caps) and how he reacts.

One of the concepts I have had sitting in the background is kind of like that actually. In it, I would have a "fictitious author" write some really horrid stories (which I would actually lift from 25+ year old ASSTR ones and dead tree pulp erotica). Each in response to "fixing" stories they have read here for various reasons.

Generally upset because the "authors" are not writing as they wish. Say not making a character bang his mother-sister-teacher (because that is a kink of the "author), involving an animal, or some other extreme kink that is only the interest of the "author" and nobody else.

And yea, seen that also. I have had so many when I was first writing Country Boy that said Pete should get involved with Rosie (the girlfriend's mother), or even get with the mother, sister, and girlfriend all in a group scene. They did not seem to get that I was not writing "that kind of story", and I largely dismissed them when they continued to insist that would make the story "better".

I have read so many really bad 2-4k stories over the decades, I am sure I would have a goldmine of "extremely bad erotica" I could mine for such clips. I just hope that if I eventually do it, any original authors would understand the joke and not get pissed thinking I am mocking them. Even I am guilty of writing some like that 25+ years ago (and would even include some of my own from that era to mock myself). And thankfully most of us either quit, or got better as the years went on.

The only erotica author from that era I can think of that always wrote "good stories" is Anne Douglas. Very few from the early days wrote such well crafted stories.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Very few from the early days wrote such well crafted stories.


Elf Sternberg.

and Father something-or-other (I can't remember entirely)

Never got into Homer Vargas' stories, but he was one of the big names back then.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


and Father something-or-other (I can't remember entirely)

Father Ignatious maybe? Lots of BDSM and stuff like that, also highly rated in the early Celeste reviews.

Yes, there were some, but they tended to be exceptions. I wish I had thought at the time to save Celeste's reviews of my stories. But I was not thinking of it at the time, and now they seem to be lost to time.

Replies:   bk69  bk69  richardshagrin
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


USENET archive is gone? I thought Google had taken that role on.

Replies:   Mushroom  Vincent Berg
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


USENET archive is gone? I thought Google had taken that role on.

It is still there, but searching it is almost impossible now.

The search on-site has been broken for about a year now, and the site where Celeste posted her reviews has been gone for ages. I can find some of them when I try a backwards search, but not all of them.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


USENET archive is gone? I thought Google had taken that role on.

Google "Wayback Machine".

bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Father Ignatious maybe? Lots of BDSM and stuff like that, also highly rated in the early Celeste reviews.

Yes, could've been. I know that name is familiar. I was thinking of one story in particular, that may have been unfinished, was narrated as a tale told years later to a shrink, with occasional asides to the shrink. Long stories back then were rare, especially ones that contained any amount of plot. So even though the writing is nowhere near the standards of today (although really, standards jumped fairly quickly, when Al Steiner and Don Lockwood came along a few years later) it was still obviously steps above what was common then. Luckily, crap released today is probably better than the bulk of what was available then, but it's easy to ignore the crap now. And it's easier now to pick and choose content and still get decent stories and writing.

richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


Celeste reviews

The ones she did on SOL stories are still here. They are worth reading, and many of the stories she reviewed and recommended are worth reading as well.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl


No,him? What does that even mean? They didn't like the main male protagonist, they like him better as a female, or are they bitching that the story isn't religious enough (misspelled "no hymns")? ;)


Probably another that prefers stories that can fit on the back of a box of cereal.

That's why most non-porn authors eventually switch over to all no-sex stories, because while porn enthusiasts simply need a story just long enough to beat one off, those looking for plot want something they can sink their teeth into.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

This should look familiar. And yes, it is by the same guy that commented and started this entire thread.


And no, I will never be as "gut as a girl". I can not give milk, and if I bled for a week I would die. Funny though, even a month later he still bothers to send me things like this. As if I care if he reads it or not. It has over 200k readings here, so his opinions do not matter at all.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I can not give milk

Actually you can. It's harder to induce lactation in a male, but it can be done.

Male breasts are technically fully functional from a strictly biological perspective. Men just generally have less breast tissue.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ



Again, it's rare, but guys can get breast cancer too.

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