Alas, as others indicated, that problem is usually specific, depending on how you ended up there (i.e. what specifically is 'looping').
I take it that you have a particular plot point that never get resolved, so it keeps arising again and again (ex: MC meets a new girl, they don't hit it off, he then meets another, repeat ad infinitum β¦).
If that's the issue, or it's something similar, then you'll need to double back and resolve the first issue, rather than dodging it. Plot is all about encountering and resolving conflicts. So an extended story is about addressing several conflicts, leading up to finally resolving the final story conflict. However, if you have a particular conflict that never gets explored, and thus is never resolved, the entire story will continually spin in place, much as the water in a flushing toilet does.
So, either identify what causing your looping, or let either Remus 2 or Ernest identify the specific issue for you.