@Switch Blayde
The OP is: "Do you know up front how many chapters in your WIP?"
I didn't read that as posting.
Did you read the entire OP or only the title? Here, let me read the very first sentence to you.
I thought I'd check on Banadin, since it's been moren [sic] 4 months since his most recent chapter was posted.
Context: The OP is referring to a story that is ALREADY POSTING.
Found a blog entry from late November saying he'd been distracted by good happenings in his life, and that he still had chapters 14 thru 18 to write in his latest, and that he would finish it.
Context: The OP notices that even though the story is not completely POSTED, the author knows how many chapters are left.
That made me wonder: who knows in advance how many chapters a story will end up?
Question in context: Do you, as an author, like Banadin, know how many chapters there will be in an ongoing story before you finish posting them?
My response to that question was, "Yes, because I always complete the story before posting."
Your response to my response was some non sequitur about outlines.
I think I'm done trying to figure out why you singled me out for this dubious distinction.