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Domain Hosting from Hell!

Vincent Berg 🚫

About a month ago, I finally asked my web-hosting service in consolidating my various web domains, which I'd added one at a time, simply by adding a new one with no regard for hwo they worked together. They very kindly walked me through the whole process, which took me DAYS to follow, since their 'simple steps' where anything but.

Fast forward a couple weeks. My entire website and private email servers are now complete JUNK. I can't log in, and when I do, I can't figure out which ID/passwords the billing, the hosting and my data uses for each of my websites. It's so bad that I don't know, from one day to the next, whether I can get ANY email or not because the passwords keep being reset.

I've now given up on my three websites, since I CAN'T access them, even WITH extensive hand-holding. A fancy new 'simple' interface has left my entire business completely nonfunctional. And with nowhere to turn, I'm now using various 'review' sites to post what a nightmare the hosting site has become.

I never had a problem with the hosting site before, and I've used it for seven years. And suddenly, with a 'new' design, I've lost EVERYTHING I've ever done on my site.

Beware the deadly 'new features' fairy! :(

Switch Blayde 🚫

@Vincent Berg

They must have backups. Ask them to restore all your stuff to the day before you stared making changes.

Michael Loucks 🚫

@Vincent Berg

Perhaps an experienced IT friend could help you sort it out? If they're all connected to the same email address, password resets might sort out that part of the issue.

And a Switch says, check to see if they have backups which can be restored (though if you did some kind of account consolidation, which is what it sounds like, they may not be able to restore to the status quo ante).

If you want to DM me, perhaps I can help.

Replies:   REP  Vincent Berg

@Michael Loucks

Sorry to hear of your problems, CW.

I was involved in an inadequate IT support situation when my company went out of business and sold itself off to various companies. My Division became a satellite company with no local IT support.

Your situation reminds me of working with an IT person who is knowledgeable, but not an expert. Or they are very poor at providing direction.

If I recall, Michael mentioned working as an IT professional, so I would accept his offer of help. Perhaps others in the forum know enough to help you. I only know enough to be very dangerous, otherwise I'd offer my assistance. :(

Replies:   Michael Loucks
Michael Loucks 🚫


If I recall, Michael mentioned working as an IT professional, so I would accept his offer of help.

35+ years now. My career started similar to Steve's in AWLL, but diverged after the job at Nuvatec. But bits and pieces of that lengthy career show up in work he does.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫

@Michael Loucks

35+ years now. My career started similar to Steve's in AWLL, but diverged after the job at Nuvatec. But bits and pieces of that lengthy career show up in work he does.

That's similar to my experience. I used to work designing trading floors (planning the technology, tying all the systems together and writing/coordinating the software development), but my expertise is getting a bit out of date (but I generally still know HOW to log into a damn webpage!!!)

At this point, I can keep the websites active as long as I don't try to log in myself, but if I can't update or maintain the site, allowing users to access it doesn't help me much.

Replies:   Michael Loucks
Michael Loucks 🚫

@Vincent Berg

At this point, I can keep the websites active as long as I don't try to log in myself, but if I can't update or maintain the site, allowing users to access it doesn't help me much.

This is pretty much why I use AWS and maintain the system myself.

Vincent Berg 🚫

@Michael Loucks

Perhaps an experienced IT friend could help you sort it out? If they're all connected to the same email address, password resets might sort out that part of the issue.

I've been round and round on this, and it's not like this is my first rodeo. But each time I try to sign in using the NEW passwords, I can't figure out the ID/password combinations to use, and end up freezing the account, which then means that users are no longer able to access my webpages at all!

It's a really draconian response to someone mistyping a password. I mean, I can see sending the owner a warning, or even temporarily freezing the account, but shutting down the website, and ANY associated websites or services? That's just incredibly short-sighted and stupid.

What's more, now that they've once again reset everything, while the 'passwords' word with my mail server, I'm utterly unable to ftp my site using the same passwords, or to sign into my site using those passwords, so something is certainly screwy! But, even if I can't sign in to the server's webpage, my inability to ftp means I can't update or maintain my site, meaning it's still deader than a doorknob.

I've asked them to restore the site to how it was, at least until I can find a new hosting site, but they haven't responded to that suggestion yet. Hopefully they can and just aren't saying anything until they do, so I'm waiting and biting my nails.

This is a complete fiasco!

But the main problem, as I said, is that the billing site uses one ID/password, while the forum's 'user access' page uses completely different IDs/passwords, and then accessing the site itself uses a different set of ID/passwords, and none of them use the ones they tell me they've set up for me (since I'm still unable to set my own passwords)!

So I'd welcome help, but unless I can tell you which ID/password combinations go with which site, you'll only be as helpless as I am. After all, it's not like I'm a complete stranger to computer systems. I had no problems on this site until this newer 'revision' cycle.

That said, anyone know of any bare-bones website hosting services that are cheap but reliable? I'm not as concerned with support, since I generally know what I'm doing (and the extra 'support' I'm getting now is utterly and completely worthless, as they can't even tell me how the fuck to log into the damn site!).

Replies:   Michael Loucks  Gauthier
Michael Loucks 🚫

@Vincent Berg

That said, anyone know of any bare-bones website hosting services that are cheap but reliable? I'm not as concerned with support, since I generally know what I'm doing (and the extra 'support' I'm getting now is utterly and completely worthless, as they can't even tell me how the fuck to log into the damn site!).

Depends on how much support you need - if you know basic system admin, and AWS instance is a very inexpensive way to go, and mostly can be set up with a few clicks. But you'd have to do software updates (e.g. Apache, php, etc).

Gauthier 🚫

@Vincent Berg

That said, anyone know of any bare-bones website hosting services that are cheap but reliable?

Since you are using wordpress, I would suggest siteground goGeek. The one click staging feature (to test plugin/template/wordpress upgrade) is a lifesaver in the endless wordpress upgrade breakdown saga.

Alternatively, a more modern approach would be to use some wp/mysql standard kubernetes with persistent storage that you can deploy on any number of cloud plateform and dissociate the email hosting to google apps.

Vincent Berg 🚫


After avoiding the problem for several days, for fear my even attempting to log into the site would lock everything up tight, I've finally identified most of the problems.

The 'unrecognized passwords' reveals a major security flaw: if anyone tries to enter a website and fails, the hosting site will freeze every single website, email and protection for the entire account, but won't notify the site's own, or the support staff, despite their clearly having several emails for me on record.

So every time I asked them to reset my password, they would, but they never unlocked the frozen account, so no password I ever tried (right or wrong) ever worked.

But they massively screwed up. While promising the site and ALL it's data would be migrated seamlessly, all they did was to create 3 new accounts, completely undefined, destroyed the functioning site (but keeping the emails, at least), while also removing my ability to update the site (the new sites ftp pointed to an entirely new directory structure, so I couldn't even modify, update, or even clean up (i.e. delete) all the old data.

Finally, although I couldn't sign in, the new account had NO security set up, so hackers could freely wander in and do whatever they wanted to with the site (I got one randsomware threat, so I'm waiting to see just what he destroys in the next week or two).

I was about ready to throw in the towel, permanently close down the website, stop publishing altogether (I'd already unpublished most of my books) and give up on writing for the next couple of years. It had just gotten too painful to bother with.

However, speaking to others using the same hosting site, they assured me the OLD site didn't have ANY of the many problems of the new and 'improved' simplified site. So, despite they're utterly ignoring my recent pleas for assistance, I sent one last request to transfer the domains back to their old site. If they can do that, I'll stick with them. If not, I'll transfer everything to an entirely new hosting site and rebuild everything from scratch a page at a time (since the new site wasn't secure, they complete contaminated the WordPress account, meaning I don't dare restore it).

Talk about an 'upgrade' disaster. They single handedly put me out of business, and then didn't have the decency to even try to understand what they did wrong!

Moving Forward: I'm still not sure about my future. While I plan to continue writing, I was close to closing up shop and not publishing or posting for the next few years, as the country and most of the world simply isn't in the mood for 'complex storytelling', since reality is already too dark for most's tastes. And this only proves that my first instincts—which I pointedly ignored—was correct.

Given the amount of work involved in rebuilding multiple websites from scratch, I'm just not sure it's even worth the effort (and I'm certainly not going to fork over nearly a thousand dollars in ransom for a website which consistently costs me money every year!)

So, as you can imagine, I've been in a dark place for the past several days/weeks. But I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel, only I'm not yet sure whether to continue to the surface, or simply head deeper underground for the next for years. :(

Between people with an axe to grind bothering my readers, the very public fights we've been waging in the Forum the last couple of years, and the declining book sales and steadily falling downloads, that decision is getting easier to make every single day.

PrincelyGuy 🚫

If you do decide to throw in the proverbial towel, you can be sure that I will miss your stories.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫


If you do decide to throw in the proverbial towel, you can be sure that I will miss your stories.

I finally resurrected my main website, but I can't figure out where it's stored. I also set up ftp access, only the Word Press files are NOT there, and the support staff are currently ignoring my messages. But that also means I can't add new features to the website (such as payment systems), or even define my own CSS controls. (Did I already say this host has some major issues with it's new software that they're unwilling to listen to?)

If I do go silent, I'll keep writing (and likely continue bothering my editors), but this is more a 'can I resurrect the site, or is it better just letting it go silent until I can dedicate the time to setting it up correctly' decision. Thus it's mostly a timing decision, not whether I'll quit writing or not.

Keet 🚫

@Vincent Berg

I understand your frustration but you can't let IT bring down artistic expression (saying that as an IT man myself). You have an IT background yourself and there are plenty of people here on SOL with a broad variety in IT knowledge to have a good support team. Use it!

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫


I understand your frustration but you can't let IT bring down artistic expression (saying that as an IT man myself). You have an IT background yourself and there are plenty of people here on SOL with a broad variety in IT knowledge to have a good support team. Use it!

Believe me, I understand precisely what needs to be done. Only, this newest iteration of the hosting site purposely hides access to things so it's difficult, if not outright impossible, to manage. As my previous message reflects, I am able to maintain the site, but I have no clue where it's stored (the cloud, my old site, or hidden away in a secret, non-accessible corner of my new site. And since they're now refusing to answer questions, I can't even ask them how to resolve issues.

(They were also reliable, but their support staff is ... seriously understaffed and getting timely answers has always been problematic.)

But, I'm now considering completely revising on online strategy, dumping the older and little used CW site and vastly simplifying my sales site so it uses paypal transactions rather than posting stories and sending users to other sites to purchase my books, where I earn less money than if I sold them myself.

Hell, I can probably sell my print books for the same price as my ebooks if I sold them myself, because I don't have to pay so much in commissions for my own products—except that Amazon forced me into retiring my entire collection of print books! :(

Still, it'll take time to figure out what needs to change, and then implementing everything, especially if I can't afford to pay tens of thousands to hire consultants or design assistance.

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Vincent Berg

And since they're now refusing to answer questions, I can't even ask them how to resolve issues.

That's simply unacceptable and a good reason to change to a different hosting company. You should check their terms to see what rights you can enforce because you are loosing money.

(They were also reliable, but their support staff is ... seriously understaffed and getting timely answers has always been problematic.)

I'm in the fortunate position that the reliability and support of my current hosting company is amazingly exceptional and VERY FAST in response. I seldom need them but when I do they react almost instantly.

But, I'm now considering completely revising on online strategy, dumping the older and little used CW site and vastly simplifying my sales site so it uses paypal transactions rather than posting stories and sending users to other sites to purchase my books, where I earn less money than if I sold them myself.

Hell, I can probably sell my print books for the same price as my ebooks if I sold them myself, because I don't have to pay so much in commissions for my own products—except that Amazon forced me into retiring my entire collection of print books! :(

Personally I always prefer to buy directly from the author so all proceeds actually go to that author. It's a personal thing, but I never touch Amazon.
Also make sure you have alternatives to PayPal, it's not the most reliable pay service and they will close you down without warning if they get a complaint.

If you need help with a new site PM me.

Ross at Play 🚫


Also make sure you have alternatives to PayPal


I gave up on PayPal after one transaction was repeatedly rejected, then having my account blocked for some security reason, and never receiving any replies to any of my questions asking WTF had happened.

It may work well when most things are within the same country, but my experience is I cannot use it for any of the cross-border purposes I might want it for. :(

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫

@Ross at Play

Also make sure you have alternatives to PayPal


Yeah, like most financial services, it works best within the site's national borders, when you directly link to a specific bank account so the payments don't require weeks to process.

Again, I was thinking of offering the PayPal approach for users who wanted to purchase the book from me (rather than providing multiple redirects to various book distributors for each book). But I'm not going to take down my books from outlets like Amazon, SW, lulu and D2D. As those are set up to handle purchases around the world, while I'm (as a small-scale business), am not.

Replies:   Ross at Play
Ross at Play 🚫

@Vincent Berg

I was thinking of offering the PayPal approach for users who wanted to purchase the book from me

On second thoughts, I'd endorse that. I expect PayPal will suffice for most of your customers, and just adding a redirection underneath to Amazon, Lulu, etc. for those it does not suit. Doing anything more actually looks like a lot of effort for a very small boost in net income.

My real grievance against Paypal was the impossibility of getting an explanation from them for why my transaction was being rejected.

I was trying to buy something using a bank account in the same country as the vendor, however, I was entering my transaction from another country, and the delivery address was in a third country. There's probably not very many non-criminals who'd ever try that.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫

@Ross at Play

There's probably not very many non-criminals who'd ever try that.

Given how many sites now sell internationally, I seriously doubt that, though the frustrations and restrictions often reside in banking regulations, rather than with each individual website (i.e. banking regulations control how funds are transferred, including when flags are waved and transactions can't be implemented).

Having worked for so long in international bank-to-bank transfers, I'm more familiar with the limitations faced by pseudo-banks like PayPal. They do the best they can, but they're limited by where they declare their home office to be.

Replies:   Ross at Play
Ross at Play 🚫

@Vincent Berg

Given how many sites now sell internationally, I seriously doubt that

It was the third country which made me suspect that the cross-border elements were causing the rejection.

But then, it could have been the vendor's rules. An online pharmacy may be wary of sending products out of the country, even if they were sold over-the-counter in Australia.

And it might have been that, unbeknownst to me at the time, Singapore has a blanket ban on sending anything containing nicotine into the country. It does not matter if the product is considered "medicinal" elsewhere; it's a crime. Later on I contacted the health authorities there to ask what I could do. Their answer amounted to: if you come here you may choose between dying inside or outside of a prison. :(

Vincent Berg 🚫

@Ross at Play

Their answer amounted to: if you come here you may choose between dying inside or outside of a prison.

That's true. Just like cocaine, nowadays it seems it's actually easier to purchase it in prison than out on the streets. 'D

How do you think the 'for profit' guards manage to get by on so little money?

awnlee jawking 🚫

@Ross at Play

Singapore has a blanket ban on sending anything containing nicotine into the country

Even insecticides? Does that include neonics?


Replies:   Ross at Play
Ross at Play 🚫

@awnlee jawking

Even insecticides? Does that include neonics?

I'm not sure. They probably allow industrial chemicals.

It has a pretty insane bunch of restrictions, including:
* A tourist can bring in a personal supply of nicotine patches or inhalers, but it's a crime for anyone to have those things sent to them by mail or a courier.
* Chewing gum is sold in pharmacies.
* Possession of any device that may be used to mimic smoking is a crime. That includes in the hand luggage of transit passengers at the airport who don't go through customs. In checked-in baggage too? I don't know.

The public health strategy is that old smokers will die soon; just concentrate on minimising the young getting started. Macchiavelli would think that makes sense.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫

@Ross at Play

* Possession of any device that may be used to mimic smoking is a crime.

I used to eat chocolate cigars and cigarettes when I was very little. You don't see them these days but they don't seem to be illegal in the UK.


Dominions Son 🚫

@awnlee jawking

I used to eat chocolate cigars and cigarettes when I was very little.

Interesting, I don't think I've ever seen chocolate candy cigarettes. In the area I grew up in, we mostly had the chalky sugar ones, with the gum version making a rare appearance.

I checked on-line, you can still get all three types in the US, but I haven't seen them in a brick & mortar retail store in over a decade.

Vincent Berg 🚫

@awnlee jawking

I used to eat chocolate cigars and cigarettes when I was very little. You don't see them these days but they don't seem to be illegal in the UK.

We had the same when I was young. While they most likely are legal, they're just unpopular (at least with most parents/grandparents).

Vincent Berg 🚫


Also make sure you have alternatives to PayPal, it's not the most reliable pay service and they will close you down without warning if they get a complaint.

I like the PayPal approach, because it's widely used (mostly by font developers), and I have my books available through various sites as a backup, but I'm also considering various 'pay platforms' as an alternative. But the PayPal option, while not everyone can or will use it, offers no real overhead or maintenance for the site owner, and it MUCH more secure (one site with a vested interested in protecting your financial security, rather than thousands all storing your credit card details unsecurely).

I'd really rather not compound the problem by also having to deal with permanently storing readers credit card data, when I'm not fully versed in how to properly secure the information.

As of now, I've worked through most of the problems with the site (aside from their not informing the site's own when someone fails to log-in and they then block access to the site without informing you), but now I'm waiting to see what happens with the multiple ransomware warnings I'm getting about the crumblywriter site (so far the site malware software I purchased hasn't even detected anything).

Vincent Berg 🚫

Update: Well, I've survived my hacking attempt, but my new Hostica email server was heavily compromised. As a result, my 'whether to continue or not' dilemma has been decided for me. I'm deleting my websites, and surrendering the domain names (since, apparently, Hostica domains aren't worth the electrons they're printed on).

Without websites to promote my books, I'm also indefinitely giving up on publishing, which also (indirectly) means I WON'T be posting to SOL for some time to come.

Despite my not paying ANY ransomware, I've saved ALL of my data, but my life has become a living hell! For as little as I earn as an author (it's ultimately an expensive hobby, at best), it's just not worth the effort anymore. And since I haven't written anything for months (i.e. no progress on my Not-Quite Human sequel, it'll take me significant time to reacquire my writing mojo again.

However, before anyone gets too happy, I still plan on frequenting the Forum for the ongoing discussions, in the hope that I'll eventually be able to resume my publishing/postings in time.

I'm sorry that it's come to this, but this recent crisis has consumed my entire life, and I need to restore some balance before attempting anything else.

I thank my many readers, supporters and friends. My quitting isn't about any of you, in the least, but as I intimidated earlier, the current hostile political/domestic climate around the world makes my overly serious and overly detailed stories a losing proposition. Here's hoping that might eventually turn around, but given the current state of affairs, I'm not holding my breath!

Replies:   Ross at Play  Keet
Ross at Play 🚫

@Vincent Berg

I wish you well on your quest for sanity.

... but one last typo. :-)

but as I intimidated earlier

Who did you intimidate?

Keet 🚫

@Vincent Berg

I'm sorry to see your web presence disappear because of a bunch of criminal shitheads. I'm even more sorry that it brought down your writing itself. Settle down, clear your head, and in time start again.
Keep your domain name registered, I bet you are glad you did in the future.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫


Keep your domain name registered, I bet you are glad you did in the future.

It was pointed out to me, that hostica's domains are not transferable anyway. When I'm ready to start again, I'll reapply for the domain and take whichever variant is available, using a reliable domain/hosting site. The 'new' hostica site is a nightmare, and directly led to these continued hacking attempts. Do not use the new site for anything unless you want to face the same grief as I did!

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Vincent Berg

It was pointed out to me, that hostica's domains are not transferable anyway.

That's weird, ownership of the domain name is supposed to be independent from the hosting company you use. I changed hosting taking my registered domain names along. You can even register a domain without using any hosting at all or just use it for email. I have registered some domains for family using one company and host the sites with another.

ETA: you register the domain name with a registrar and host with a hosting company. Often the hosting company is the middle man for registration. Some of these hosting companies try to hold you hostage by registering the name in their name and 'lease' it to you, sometimes even without you knowing it without reading the really small print. Perhaps that's what your hosting company did, it's dirty business that way.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫


That's what I'd always believed, but someone pointed out several public comments about hostica's domains being nontransferabe due to their farming the domain registration to unreliable 3rd party associates. Given my other troubles, and how utterly unhelpful they'd been since they initiated all my troubles, I really didn't want to continue paying/fighting with them over it.

Once again, the company went from a trusted, reliable though throughly understaffed operation, to an utterly unreliable and dangerous ally. Thus it's better risking losing the domain forever than continuing my association.

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Vincent Berg

That's what I'd always believed, but someone pointed out several public comments about hostica's domains being nontransferabe due to their farming the domain registration to unreliable 3rd party associates. Given my other troubles, and how utterly unhelpful they'd been since they initiated all my troubles, I really didn't want to continue paying/fighting with them over it.

I understand your reluctance to fight them about this although it might be possible to win it since you exploited the website until now. Next time register your domains with one of the big registrars and then look for a reliable hoster.

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