I don't call myself a professional writer. I'm just an old engineer type who fancies himself a storyteller.
I'm glad you stated that, because it ties in to something I've been thinking on quite a bit lately, and it has caused me to adjust my stance regarding this site and its' participants. Maybe it will help others, maybe not.
I consider an 'author' to be anyone that produces a work offered for consideration to others. Everyone that posts here, stories or comments, falls into that category, for me. The other two categories are where much of my attention is drawn - storytellers vs writers.
We have many, many excellent storytellers here, that can weave a fascinating and engrossing tale. Some of them, I consider writers as well - but not all. A writer would care about the format of their offering (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.), and would work towards presenting their tale in the generally accepted way we see in dead-tree type stories. A storyteller may or may not care much about these niceties. I would wager that if we heard some of these poorly executed works recited around a campfire, we would be entranced and engrossed in the ups and downs of the characters, and would thoroughly enjoy the experience. But, to some of us, when we see all the technical errors contained in the written version, it ruins the impact of the plot - we just can't get past the slipshod production values to fully enjoy the story buried underneath.
When I started to look upon some people here as 'storytellers' rather than 'writers', I found I was less bothered by the often tragic execution. I try instead to 'hear' it rather than 'read' it. It helps, a bit, but I still value writers much more highly than storytellers, however. It's clear to me they care about their efforts more, and I truly appreciate that.
ps - I still lose my shit when people don't know the difference between THEN and THAN, which is grade-school level, 12 year-old kid stuff, but that's my cross to bear. Edumacation be a biatch.