So, I have a story, which is already hindered by the fact that there is a gender transformation, even through for plot reasons the swap is not beaten into the readers head at all times. The story is currently set as Much Sex since sex is component of the plot(due to magic), but I don't think it is going to be part of every chapter I write, nor is it the only thing that is going to happen in the story. Obviously, I am not writing a stroke story. But, my concern is that as the story progresses the story will fall more into the Some Sex category than the Much Sex. I also feel that too often Much Sex is selected when it should be Stroke Story. I know my TG tag is probably already stopping people from trying the story, even though I am trying to avoid the "squick-y-ness" of it as much as possible. Do you think having it marked as Much Sex could be driving even more potential readers away?