@Vincent Berg
I'm guessing, given the demographics here, that most of us never took any creative writing courses, but simply dove into writing without having a clue what we were doing,
While I admit I started writing prior to taking any classes - my first stories were written while I was still in junior high school. I wrote Star Trek fan fiction, mostly for my own enjoyment. But I'm oddball, anyway - I taught myself how to type, albeit not touch typing, when I was 10, so I COULD write. I had read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea when I was 6, so it was ... interesting, to say the least ... when I was in elementary school and they were trying to teach See Dick Run and basic math, and I'm sitting there with Rocket Ship Galileo and Red Planet on my desk.
I did take several writing classes in college, just to fill in things, and because I thought they'd be easy. In one respect they were, but that's also where I got burned out for a long time on writing. It's one thing when you write for your own enjoyment, or to just post here. It's another when you're on a deadline, and your muse decides to take a vacation.