#2 in my do-over universe begins in 1963, after the Cuban Missile Crisis. A major theme of the do-over people is curbing some unwise use of the CIA and military, beginning with the continuing escalation in Southeast Asia (not just Vietnam).
A chapter title in the previous story does reflect some officialdom at the time: "Where is Veet-Nam and Why Should I care about it?" My premise is that it's usually unwise to invade a country whose name you cannot produce. Nevertheless, I have to recognize that this would be cute, precious, and undesirable as a title, since "Veet-Nam" won't be associated with Vietnam.
The previous story title, "Tomorrow is another Day", comes from an early exchange between major characters, and fit the whole series.
How do other authors decide on titles?
So -- premises to address:
* Kennedy Administration
* American intervention without a real strategy
* Characters aim to stabilize and rationalize decisionmaking, not impose a new order.
While the characters immediately get involved in helping rational elements of the Administration make better decisions, this is 1963. I intend to keep JFK from being assassinated, for I believe that he would not have escalated as did LBJ.
This is such a major point of departure from our history that it's hard to think of sequels, although I do have things in mind. It might very well go internal and looking at civil rights.