In a thread about do-overs in the Story Discussion page, mention was made about muscle memory and how it wouldn't work in another body. That got me thinking. Is 'muscle memory' actually a 'thing' or is it simply one's subconscious?
If you were to -somehow- find yourself transposed into another torso, wouldn't you still retain your technical abilities, just not your physical. For example, a thirty year old male shot-putter transposed into the body of a twelve year old ballet dancing girl, would still know how to throw a shot, but be completely unable to actually physically do so. And would this inability cause some sort of mental dissonance, because the brain insists that you can, whilst the body goes "err, no..."
If that's the case, if you were to be placed in a body of same sex, flexibility and similar muscular build, then shouldn't you be able to function as 'normal' because the physiological side can keep up with the mental?
We may one day find out, when brain transplants become reality. If the requisite ethics 'bodies' approve of the experiments/research. Given the pace of current medical advancements, that could well be a discussion that will need to be had in the next fifty or so years.