All kinds of pictures from Artificial Intelligence have made a tremendous difference in using pictures within this platform. Instead of using just words, we as writers make sometimes small picture books on this site. A site like Storiesonline is not really meant to post pictures within a story. It’s made for text and is quite good at that, but pictures have to be inserted manually by the moderators of this site. And a HUGE shout out for Lazeez to find in each and every file the place where the author wants his pictures, and copy/paste the pics there.
The temptation of using all those AI pictures is significant, but in “Bad Girl”, I decided not to use any pictures. Instead, I have posted them on my website KRABBELS [dot] NET. Every author has a picture of how his main characters look like in his mind. I have put photos of all of them on Krabbels as well. As a bonus for those who are interested, I put my thoughts about each chapter of “Bad Girl” on paper - or rather on the site - as well. You can comment on my musings, or not, whatever you like.
And no, Krabbels is far from finished yet, so don’t burn me to the ground if something doesn’t work quite well yet. My posting frequency will remain consistent across both Krabbels and Storiesonline platforms, maintaining the same pace on each.
Thank you for reading Bad Girl,