I've been working on "Tourist Season" chronicling the summer of 1982 when I realized the need to re-visit the Beach House stories. The reason will become obvious when you read "Tourist Season". I did a bit of editing and clarified a couple of things but made no real substantive changes to the content other than that. I also made a couple of editorial changes to "Maja's Mom" as I'd used the wrong name a couple of places and I'm sure it could be confusing for readers.
In the process of writing both the Beach House and Jack Pierce Chronicles, I've realized that what I'm actually writing is historical fiction. That's a fairly grandiose term for what I've been doing but I suppose it fits. It has made me more aware of the advantages and challenges of doing so. A big advantage for the author is that for more recent events, you can rely on the reader to understand the context. However, for events that have happened long ago, or in a distant land, you have the opportunity to educate the reader. "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchel or "Shogun" by James Clavell are marvelous examples of that. One of my favorites is "The Killer Angels", by Michael Shaara. Leon Uris is always good.
I want to thank all my readers who have sent notes of thanks and notes to correct errors of all kinds. I've been having fun with this "new" hobby and am glad to see so many readers enjoying the effort.