Probably one of the things that bothers me in movies, books and sometimes in serial's is that details are presented without history. Now the story series that defied this (in my mind) was "Discovery of Witches". The screen presentation did an excellent job of dialing in the necessary pieces of the plot and history of each item, without overdoing the background.
I would like to do that as well. But.
The coming chapters cannot really define what is working without the characters of the Sprites. Knowing more about them gives you closer visibility as to what they contribute in later chapters. Seeing the association of Dragon, Dragonet, Gargoyle, and the lowly "Sprite" gives you a better understanding of the sort of missions you have for each.
In WWII, the PT Boat was a light, cheap, fast piece of ocean going recon platform. Yet it became the seeing eyes of the Philippians, the Marshals, and the Solomons islands. They saw, they heard and they reported.
Never underestimate a Sprite.