I want to tell everyone that things have been rough. But after finally being able to keep food down, and getting away from chronic depression, I am back to writing.
I admit that I kind of left things in the air. My problem is working to remember the era that I want to bring Hank into. The End of the 20th century is a very real and intoxicating place. I remember sitting in a control room watching to see if the Y2K bug was going to hit our software platforms. We were online with MCI, AT&T and Bell Atlantic / Verizon in a large and crowded room watching the clock run down and then looking to see that the servers running the applications we had written were actually working. They did. We had tested the heck out of them before dawn to make sure.
We went home on Saturday morning, January 1, After one HECK of a Friday night. We were too tired to pop the corks. But we did sleep through the weekend.
And our customers felt good. About our stuff, anyway.
From the software industry perspective, it was the most amazing time in history. From the Political perspective, It was also intriguing.
From the Magic perspective? It remains to be seen.
Thanks for your patience. No yellow banners yet.
When I did the initial research on this story (Magic 201 and 301) I had looked at Augusta and found the perfect multi story Tennant building. It was at 936 board Street. Not 150, (which is my mistake).
If you look at the building, you see it fits within the parameters of the story of Hank Lambert LLC.
The line "Less effort to make a friend" was a line I was told a long time ago when I first got to Vietnam. The problem was that the people we were working around didn't want us to be friends. Hank has to learn this lesson as well.
Well, I am back home and writing. I admit that I was a bit drained of any energy to do anything significant but that goes with the territory I guess.
Was sitting listening to a collection of old music (Really Really Old) and a favorite of mine came up. It was a tune on a Peter Gabrial album called "Cars" and when I first heard it, It hooked me. It brought to me the memories years earlier when I got back to the US after a tour overseas. There is nothing nearly as moving as the message from someone around you saying to "Grab Your Things, I've come to take you Home."
Going to wrap that into the next chapter which I will post tomorrow.
Thank you all for your patience with this old FADM. (Former Active Duty Marine).