Re-read the last few paragraphs and edited the latest chapter abit. Nothing world ending, just a few edits I should have made before and even cleaned it up a little bit. I've reposted the chapter with the same image, so it's just a matter of time for it to go through the submission process.
Let me advise you now, the ending is still the same, so nothing has really changed, just the delivery of the final lines and some small housekeeping touches in the conversation between Fatima and Amunet in the meeting and then Hassan and Fatima at the end.
Let me know with your input where you'd like this story or any story to lead to in the future, if you noticed any other mistakes or plot holes etc, you think are worth noticing and I'll gladly take your constructive emails and comments into consideration, really.
As always though, thank you for your time and patience.