Female recreational equestrians outnumber men by a large percentage in the US. It's the same in most European countries. There are plenty of working cowboys but I'm talking about recreational riders. How did that happen?
There are a lot of theories but one stands out. Up until the invention of the tank, cavalry soldiers rode horses. Horses are vulnerable in battle and need armor, just like their rider. When the tank showed up on the battlefield of WWI, the horse's days in battle were numbered. Interestingly enough, they were used again in Afghanistan because of the rough terrain, so they haven't completely left the battlefield.
When Americans and Europeans switched to tanks, there were a lot of horses suddenly unemployed. Women, exploring new territory, started to ride. Women started doing other crazy men-only things as well, like smoking, and wearing pants.
By the time WWII rolled around, the majority of recreational equestrians had become women and it is still that way.
I'm outnumbered by women when we go on horseback safari to Africa. The majority of riders are from England, Germany, and France with a smattering of other countries represented as well. Once in a while, there will be a man from Germany or England but rarely any other country.
I enjoy the company. It's just a little weird. Okay by me. It seems that many men would rather ride a Harley than a horse and I get that.
I'm not sure why I thought my readers might find this interesting, but I do, so there. Guys, you're missing out. Winston Churchill said, "There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse" and I think he's right.