Eddie Davidson: Blog

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it's just fiction & no real sluts were actually harmed

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You know how when you watch a slasher flick or a Stephen King movie and they have to include that disclaimer.

"No actual pets were harmed in the filming of this movie" so people don't freak out and think they actually shot a dog?

It's just movie magic. When the slasher comes after the topless co-ed bimbo, it's not real. It's supposed to look real and make your pulse race but no actual sluts were harmed in the filming of the endless Jason movies.

I wanted to post a PSA along the same lines about my stories. A few months ago I came to the realization that the scores/votes or whatever you want to call it here are a sad joke that empower trolls and do more to discourage good writing than reward it.

More than a few fellow authors have told me something like "I didn't get very good scores, so I won't write more stories like that"

Given that so many trolls create multiple accounts to vote down stories that feature elements that they do not personally like, I feel like it's not an accurate representation.

There is a vocal majority of people who read the stories that never even bother to vote. If you look at a story with on average 1,200 views per chapter, with 200 votes TOTAL, you can assume that way more people read it and didn't vote.

They must have liked what they read because they came back to read more.

I don't limit my fetishes or characters in any way (outside of SOL/legal standards). If I feel something might happen in the story then it does. I believe in story codes, but I do not believe in censorship.

One of the big triggers to the trolls is to write a submissive male into a story. This sets them off (probably for a variety of subconscious reasons that I won't get into).

I do not give a fuck what triggers someone.

Not one.

It's just fiction, and none of this shit happened. If you can't handle a slasher chasing bimbos, or a cat coming back to life after it's been buried, then stay away from horror movies. If you can't handle a dude sucking a dick or a woman drinking her own pee or whatever weird shit that we write about - stay away from (my) erotic fiction because I'll probably write about it.



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