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Woofajuana: Blog


A glimpse at the result

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This whole editing process with "In the Enemy's Territory" has been a fun and enlightening experience. Part of the edit has been breaking the chapters into smaller, bite-sized parts. This whole section from the lower half of what is Chapter 3 published here has become the entire Chapter 5 for the book. We're at 58 chapters now. I actually finished all the edits for this chapter. Still working on some of the others. Sometimes, he gives me a "more detail here," and I have to sit and scratch my head and figure out what else to put there. That's okay because he's right. Some spots were very flat. So, I wanted to share with you guys a piece of the result of this process that has chased away my elves. Take a look at the differences, and I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on the improvement! Or, maybe you don't consider it an improvement? Let me know! Are you excited? I'm excited.

I do wish the elves would come back, though... Cylthan, if I build you a catio, will you talk to me again? See, if Roan isn't talkative, that means I get to make him nicer, right? Let's see if that upsets him enough to come back.


[Chapter 5]

Anubis feared he may pace a trough in the floor. Since Ivan had left with his father, there was nothing else for him to do. His ears strained to make certain he did not hear her whimpers or cries among the many others that echoed softly, swallowed by the thick stone walls. A faint stench clung to the air– rancid, yet diluted by the distance. It immediately masked her scent, as though she had never existed.

The hour dragged on. First one minute. Then five. Ten. Fifteen. Forcing himself to stand still and detached was torture. Just in time.

Mustava emerged through the doorway, leading Nova by the leash. She seemed like a different wolf– not just because of the exquisite gold-and-gem collar adorning her neck or that her societal braid had been cut off. It was in the way her body quivered, the haunted look in her eyes, how she flinched at every movement from The Slave Maker.

Anubis clenched his fists for a heartbeat, resisting the urge to simply rip the leash from the other wolf’s hand before he reached out with cool elegance. “As always, your craftsmanship is unsurpassed, Uncle. The emeralds are stunning.”

The big wolf grinned. “I thought you might like that. I must compliment you, Anubis. You’ve trained her well in a short time. She was such a delight. I would like to know your secret.”

“Ah, they call them ‘secrets’ for a reason,” Anubis countered with a charming smile. “A technique I’m perfecting. But, her training is not yet complete, so I thank you for your time, and I’ll waste no more of it.”

“It was no waste at all. Always pleasant to do business with family. Please give my regards to your sister.” There was something even more dreadful in his cheerful drawl that made Anubis suck in his breath and hurry his pace out of there.

The moment she climbed into the carriage, Nova crumpled to her knees. As soon as Anubis removed her muzzle, she curled into a quivering ball.

His command was unusually low– concerned, even. “Tell me what he did.”

For a long moment, her tremulous breaths were all they could hear. At last, her voice cracked into a hoarse whisper. “My sisters’ll go through that.”

It took just as long for Anubis to respond in a gruff voice as small as she felt. “Yes.”

The last vestiges of her composure shattered. Hot tears burned trails across her face as she broke into pieces, sobbing in a defeated little ball at his feet. His growling only made her sniffle and whine, which was not an improvement, so he stared bitterly out the window even after she had gone still and quiet.

The trip was long, but she didn’t notice. Startling awake, she sat up straight and glanced about in a mild panic, realizing the sun was nearly gone.

“We’re almost there.” His voice sounded strained, anxious even, but it certainly wasn’t happy.

Gratefully, she drank from the canteen he tipped for her, nearly emptying the bottle. With her thirst relieved, she willed her hunger to wait when Anubis gripped her snout to tilt her head for the muzzle.

“Listen carefully, mutt. My mother and her family built an empire on breaking little dirt-lickers like you. Should you so much as breathe the wrong way, she will not only end you, she will make you beg for it. It takes very little for her to decide that you are disposable. You are allowed only one chance to look upon her, after that you must keep your eyes down at all times around her. If she requires you to speak, always call her ‘Mistress’ or ‘Alpha.’ Do not dare speak to me in anyone’s presence unless I require it of you, and you will call me ‘Master.’ Understood?”

Too tired to even care at this point, Nova sighed and nodded.

This time, he hooked the leash to the gorgeous collar. When the carriage came to a stop, he stepped out and waited for her to follow. Exhaustion gnawed at her like her stomach, feeling heavy and hollow all at once.

Much like the place of horror, this building was made of the forest and the trees, with perfectly placed and polished marble stacked high. The double doors loomed before them, their intricate carvings depicting chained wolves crushed beneath the boots of their oppressors, whips raised high.

The guards beside the doors were large and muscular. They sniffed the air and saluted as he entered. He did not knock and the doors had no lock.

The interior surpassed even Nova’s wildest imagination. A magnificent marble staircase arched over a narrow creek, its polished steps leading deeper into the heart of the estate. Doorways flanked the foyer, with natural hallways branching off beside the grand staircase. The soft, wavering light was a mixture of artificial and natural, mostly given off by a mammoth chandelier that hung overhead made of crystals and bones.

Anubis swept his gaze across the room before striding toward a hallway, moving quickly as if eager to escape notice.

“Nubbie! Nubbie, you’re back!”

Hackles stood as stiffly as the rest of him. A low growl bubbled out of him. “Yes, Gray, I’m back.” He whirled about, teeth bared at the wolf behind them. “Skipping out while I was on mission. Pathetic coward.”

Nova peeked up, hoping she wouldn’t be obvious as she was mostly behind Anubis. A solid chocolate brown wolf stood in the opposing doorway. He was a little taller than his brother but with not nearly the bulk. One thing they did share were the eyes.

Gray’s mouth fell open in mock outrage. “But, Nubbie! I got shot!”

Anubis’ eyes hardened, narrowly scrutinizing him from head to toe. “Where?”

The other wolf smirked and pointed to his rump. “Right in the ass. You’ll have to get close enough to kiss it to see.”

Baring his teeth, Anubis was not amused. “If I get any closer, I’ll tear a hole in your ass visible from across the room!”

Grinning like a wolf who’d just outmaneuvered his prey, Gray’s voice lilted through the trees, syrupy and mocking. “Oh, mother! Ah-Nu-Nu is hooome! Alive and whooole!”

Then, throwing back his head, he loosened a deep, resonant howl that carried under the leaves. Distant voices joined in, the eerie chorus of the pack rolling through the canopy.

Anubis pinched the bridge of his nose with an exasperated groan. “Are we pups again?”

Snickering, Gray’s eyes landed directly on Nova and they lit up as though he had spotted some sort of prize. She immediately looked down at the ground, her heart pounding. All her weariness left her, trembling as she fought the urge to run.

“Nu-Nu! What’d you bring home? When do I get to try her?”

Now, Anubis’ whole face wrinkled with dangerous intent. “Not for sharing,” he growled through clenched teeth.

Gray was perplexed. “What the fuck? You went and got your own dirt-licker? What’s different about this one?” He started towards them to get a better look at her.

“I will bite you, Gray,” Anubis threatened bluntly, bristling.

“Aww, but Nubbie...”

“Stop calling me that!”

He lunged and snapped at his brother’s face, close enough to get hairs stuck between his teeth. Gray recoiled, baring his teeth in return.

A most autocratic feminine voice silenced them both. “Boys, please. No blood tonight. Gray, listen to your brother. He has only been asking you to stop since you were children.”

Spinning about and standing at attention, Anubis stepped to keep Nova as much behind him as he could. Daring a peek around him, she really wished she hadn’t.

Descending the stairs like a queen surveying her kingdom, each measured step exuded dominance. Nova had never seen a creature more terrifying—or more majestic.

Her peerless, hazel gaze, sharp as cut glass, held no warmth– only cold calculation. Dazzling gems and delicate glass beads adorned her silky black hair, woven heavily into a proudly displayed societal braid. Tumbling down the side of her face was a frock of crisp white hair, standing out against the same luscious brown as her son. The pristine white fur rose up her arms like lace gloves, one ending at her forearm, and the other just past her elbow. Starting at her chin, as striking as freshly fallen snow, that white flowed down her throat to the plume of fur that cascaded between her breasts. Every strand of her glossy fur lay in place, every movement precise. Like a living statue draped in a silk jade dress– flawless and untouchable. Perhaps, even, just as soulless as the stone from which she was carved.

Nova had certainly feared Mustava, but she now realized her mistake. He had been amiable, even eager—dangling cruelty before her like a disturbing game. Every instinct told her now that this arresting Queen of devils was worthy of her place at the top of the food chain. She didn’t need to play with her prey. The sheer force of her presence was enough to make Nova want to disappear, her eyes falling back to the floor.

“Anubis, my dear son,” she said with a cool and clinical attempt at affection. “It pleases me that you have returned. I heard many tales of your deeds in battle. They have been the highlight of my day.” She shot a glare at Gray as she approached her sons. “At least two from my final litter turned out to be war heroes.”

“Mother!” Gray gasped, whining in protest, ears flattened. “Why do you look at me so? You know I’d rather be in the family business!”

Nova’s body betrayed her, trembling as that icy gaze pinned her in place. She must look pathetic– slouched, unkempt, little more than a discarded thing. Nearly two weeks without grooming had left her fur tangled and matted with dried salt from too many tears. The stink of sex and fear clung to her like a brand. She didn’t need a mirror to know she was the picture of submission.

“It would seem your brother is beating you in that endeavor, as well.”

“He said he won’t share....”

Swiftly lifting a hand, the matriarch silenced him. “Enough. Your brother returns victorious, and you whine over a slave?” She paused for a second, but her sons knew better than to step in the trap she laid. Then, with a flick of that same hand towards Gray, she finished crisp and cool. “Go. Inform the kitchen master to have a feast prepared immediately.”

Gray’s jaw popped open, but before he could voice his complaint, Anubis cut him off. “Actually, mother, the feast can wait until tomorrow. It was a very long mission, and a very long walk home, and I’d like to get civilized and rest. Just a light meal for tonight.”

“Did you hear that, Gray?” their mother stated with elegant ire, pointedly turning her frigid gaze upon him. “Be a good boy.”

Gray let out a low growl, flashing a fang as he shot his brother a glare. Anubis did not look at him but the corner of his mouth curled up smugly.

“Go and rest, my son,” the matriarch said to him once his brother had stalked away. Her tone really didn’t sound like she cared one way or the other. “Tomorrow you must regale us with tales from the battlefield. And bring your pet. I wish to inspect your catch, to better understand your tastes. Good night, Anubis, and welcome home.”

Anubis inhaled deeply, forcing himself to hold his rigid posture– straight-backed, chin lifted, hands clasped behind him. Only when she had turned away to return up the stairs with the same grace as she had descended did his shoulders relax, just slightly.

“Thank you, mother. It’s good to be home. Good night.” Quickly, he retreated with Nova on his heels, equally as eager to escape her presence.

Further into the estate was a large, heavy door that lead to a fully enclosed section with a tall roof, made of stone and logs. The place was neat, pristine, almost lifeless. Luxurious pelts covered everything from the floors to the walls. There was a massive fireplace, many trophies displayed on the shelves around it. The furniture looked hardly used. She really didn’t bother to look around anymore than that.

The door latch clicked shut, sealing them in. Anubis let out a long breath, the tension melting from his shoulders as he turned to her. He moved deliberately, carefully unwinding the bindings from her aching arms. “That went better than I expected.”

Slipping the muzzle off, he stroked her fur as though he wished to remove evidence of it being there. “Gray must’ve made her upset today. Worked out for both of us.”

Turning away from her, he wandered around, sniffing the air, then growled and bristled. “Fucking Gray, coming in here when I’m away. Just like him.”

“My brothers woulda hugged me.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, yearning and exhausted.

His response was subdued, like he did not wish to disturb the quiet of the place. “Gray and I have never gotten along. He goads me and then calls for mother when I retaliate.” He growled to himself. “I can’t believe I missed. I was going to rip his face off. Would’ve been satisfying.”

“Kin-kin I go ta the loo, M-Master?” How strange the word felt, no matter how quietly she said it.

Perking up, he indicated for her to follow him further into the house. It was a mansion all to itself. They moved down a corridor, past a few doors, and came into a large room.

Steam was thick in the air, curling like ghostly tendrils around them. A rocky pool in the middle of the room was fed by a natural hot spring that trickled down an expertly stacked rock face, all made to look as natural as possible.

He motioned towards another door off to the side. “In there.”

Once relieved, she returned to find Anubis sitting in the pool, the water nearly to his chest. He beckoned her into the relaxing warm water. Drawing her into his lap, he nuzzled her. “The food should arrive soon. Rest with me; you’ll need your strength.”

She was too tired to care about eating, or even about getting clean, but she did not protest his touch or any of his requests of her, which were only to clean herself off and find something she could stomach from the feast of flesh that was laid out for them on the enormous tree core of a table. It could have fed a small pack– a partially burnt and bloody banquet of excess and brutality.

After pecking enough to satisfy him, he at last led her to another room with a bed made of the finest pelts set on a platform, large enough for many wolves to share. She had the vague sense that he wasn’t eager to return to this place, but whatever troubled him disappeared the moment he pulled her into his arms, wrapping her in warmth and quiet possession.

An update to FFF

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So, an update about a couple of stories on here. As I said before, I got an editor for "In the Enemy's Territory." Things have been moving along well enough, but he hasn't kept a chapter a day. Which is fine, I'm not rushing or pushing, I just threaten to send him furry porn if he goes a few days. ^.^ We have upped the ante on that torture thing! It just means that deadline will get pushed back... and it's not even my fault! What's important is that it's being worked on and it's gonna get done. Even if that means it takes longer, it's a done deal. He's flying out for my birthday. If he wants his girlfriend back, it better be done before then! Mwahahaha! *jump cut to us goblin ladies coming back from a hiking trip with armloads of random bones* What do you mean I don't get to keep the deer skull with the scorpion living in it? It rode the skull all the here just fine, didn't it?

Using the hints and suggestions my editor has given me with ITET and DT, I decided to go back through and fix up some of my older stories with a new eye. The first to get this face lift was the story that was once known as "Furry Fuck Flick," but is now "A Furry Fun Flick" to comply with other sites. Also, didn't feel like changing the cover picture. I'm working on making it less disjointed parts and more of her spiral into the porno world. I hope you guys enjoy it! It went from 5k words to 7k words, but I have doubts any of you will be upset about the added details! ;) The second part will be worked on slowly. I want to show them having a sweeter relationship.

With all the werewolves and furries around here, I'm afraid to say all the elves and dragons went on full sabbatical. Goddamn pussies! Even the songs that normally bring them out to play for a scene or two doesn't entice them in the slightest. Roscrow is just so disgusted by Rohan and his sister, you guys have no idea. Fine. Be that way. I knitted all you elves coverings for your ear points made of werewolf fluff, but I guess I'll use them to keep the wolf dicks warm, instead.

Well, guess while I'm waiting for my editor to get to the next chapter to tear me a few new holes, I will start writing the sequel to ITET. And, part of that sequel is an arc about a new character that comes to the pack much like Silver did. A new mate for Fletcher and Arrow. You'll get to watch her grow from a terrified little twig to a full fledged Radkial worthy of Wogtal spirit under Silver's warm, gentle tutelage. Until then, have a fun little banter between the boys and stay tuned! I promise I won't be idle too long.


Peering at Silver with wide eyes, searching his face for permission, he smiled warmly and nodded once with a little jerk to indicate for her to follow after the two. Hesitating a moment, her first few steps were shaky, but she soon gained confidence and hurried off to keep up with them, vanishing into the treeline.

“She'll be makin’ a fine addition to the pack.” Jack came to stand beside him.

Silver nodded. “Aye, she will. Wit’ time.”

Jack slapped a hand on his shoulder as though proud of some accomplishment. “A long term investment. Like Anubis.”

Smirking, Silver peered at him and cocked his head playfully. “Who?”

Jack’s face fell instantly, glaring back with a growl. “Terra's brother?”

Gasping dramatically with a hand over his snout, Silver wagged his tail. “She's got a brother? Why ain't I met ‘im?”

Now Jack bared a full fang, his tail tense and twitching to avoid wagging. “I could demote ye,” he warned.

Struggling to hold himself together, Silver thought for a moment. “Okay, but would ye still introduce me?”

With a snort, Jack spun on his heel and stomped away, growling over his shoulder as he went. “That's it! I'm demotin’ ye! ‘morrow! After I eat an’ sleep an’ fuck! Probably after breakfast!”

“Maybe after lunch?” He mocked after his Alpha.

“If yer lucky! But ‘fore dinner!”

“‘Less ye ferget?”

Spinning full around, Jack cocked his head. “Ferget what? Oh, right! I were gonna fuck Luna while ye was busy!”

Chuckling to himself as Jack hurried off to make good on his promise, Silver returned to patiently watching the treeline, occasionally catching a glimpse of the trio among the nearly naked trees.


[Hey Eddie, I think you may have blocked me by accident. My messages don't seem to be going through, but I'm getting yours. :( ]

Good News, everybody!

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It's been a while since I've posted on this pen name since I've been busy over on Cly Anders with my elves. However, this news affects this page more (though you will also see an update over there later). I had to take a very sudden hiatus due to, well, a lot of reasons, not just one or even two, which makes it really complicated. One of those reasons is mental health, one is family drama, another is sick (the flu snuck up on me, please put me out of my misery) and yet another.... IS GETTING PUBLISHED!

Werewolf stories don't go over as well on this site as they do over on Inkitt. But let me tell you, werewolves are majorly trending! At most, I would get about 300 views on my story whenever I'd post here. There's 76 bookmarks, and only 60+ ratings of a little over 7 points. Well, guess what? Since I posted my novel on Inkitt end of November, I've had over 13,000 views. If I had even 50 cents for each one, that'd be a part time job... and only since Nov! I'm on over a thousand reading lists, already had several 5 star reviews, numerous emoji reactions (which this site could benefit from majorly) and a lot of praise. So....

Remember that friend I mentioned who was working with me on "The Dragon Tamers?" Well, he agreed to shift gears and go through "In the Enemy's Territory" with the same eye. I gave him permission to be ruthless. And, oh boy, he has been exactly that! Oof. Love you, Psycho! You fucking psycho... here's the carving knife, just be done with it! His suggestions, as always, are spot on. I can't wait to show you just the first chapter! He had 43 comments on it alone, and that was the smallest chapter! This is better than sex for a writer. "I like it" is great, but "rearrange this sentence structure for flow" is better! Maybe because I'm a masochist. I am addicted to constructive criticism. And boy, he's giving me a constructive beat down.

Of course, I am not blindly following his suggestions, and he's not offended when I disagree. After all, he's not a professional, he's just a high level manager who has read entirely too many smut novels. Telling me to set a hard deadline for this was weirdly erotic... fuck, I'm such a sub. But, a deadline was chosen. Disclaimer: I suck at deadlines so take it with a grain of salt.

So, when will you see the copy hitting self-publishers? End of Feb/ beginning of March (and absolutely no later than end of March). I will be publishing through Amazon for sure, while several others are in consideration. Maybe through Bookapy, but I am unsure. I already published through Amazon once long time ago so I know that process. Also eyeing If you know of any other good self-publishers, drop me a DM!

So. All that said. Guys, I'm sorry, but my elves and my werewolves just don't play nice in my head. They never have. Roan's over here with his pussy posse while Roscrow's vehemently against anything fuzzy, furry or fluffy. And Kupper... is too busy blowing shit up to notice the dog breath. This is not to say you won't see any posts between now and then. As I've said before, I've given up on trying to write the first draft in one whole story as I've done before which slowed me down immensely, so I've been forging ahead with bits and pieces, summary parts to remember what was going to go there, and just various random sentences and descriptions. When all the elves play nice, I could roll back and finish a chapter that was 80% done in just an afternoon if I needed. There's probably a good story somewhere in there about the power struggle between the human-based werewolves and the elves, but I've already got 9 stories (including sequels) waiting so I'm not trying to add more. However, there will be no schedule for awhile. If I have an available chapter, I will post it on its alloted day ("Mongrels and Music" on Thursdays, "The Dragon Tamers" on Fridays, and "The Rat and the Dragon" on Saturdays) with a blog the day before to let everyone know. No posting block, no schedule, no guarantees. But I'm not idle (except for right now... please unalive me). I'm still forging ahead (slowly) and trying to close the gaps to make a flowing script. As always, remember that they are rough drafts and subject to change.

Lastly. Once published, I will remove the copy currently available on Inkitt (and elsewhere) as it's too close to the finished product, so all other places I've posted it for free will be removed... except for here. I will no longer update the one here, but it will remain a SOL exclusive rough draft as it's in its roughest form here. Because all my one-offs and shorts about my version of werewolves will be based off that world, I leave the rough draft here and here only. If you see it anywhere else after March, please be so kind as to let me know as it's been stolen.

I hope you guys are as excited as I am! I've been wanting this since the 2nd grade, when I read "White Fang" and decided I wanted to kick Jack London's ass at writing... until I found out he was dead long ago... pussy! Afraid to face me!? I kid, I kid. But not about the getting published part! Huzzah! Now excuse me while I die....

A new pen name and another revival!

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TL;DR: I started a new pen name. "The Dragon Tamers" is going to be moved over to it. "The Rat and the Dragon" is getting a revival to be posted on Saturdays. And I highly suggest clicking on the song....

So, I had forgotten this site had separate pen names. I've been here almost 20 years, I still don't know shit. XD I'm still trying to process the 00s, okay? Well, I decided that, rather than clutter up this old account with a bunch of [old] in the titles and a zebra print of yellow lines, I would simply start a new pen name and there will be no dreaded yellow lines.

I have no intentions of being known separately from Woofajuana. I am one in the same. But, I will leave that name for my were-stories, FFFs, and anything else fur and bestiality related. The new pen name for all continuing revivals will be the same as my Inkitt. Cly Anders. Enough people still like my old stories and read them on occasion so that is why they stay. Also, as a writer, I think it's really fun and helpful to see how rough drafts can change over time, what things stay and what changes. It wasn't something I saw a whole lot of at the start of my journey. Books were finished products on the shelves. Maybe it will help someone to know that it doesn't have to be right the first time... or the 500th time (looking at you, Roscrow...).

I make this announcement because well... I heard a song and, uh, Roan's short enough that he can just walk right under Roscrow's strangle hold and slip right to the front where he hasn't been for *checks notes* almost 15 years and have a little fun with his elf... and Roscrow has been okay with this. In fact, he might be taking notes.

Ugh, but c'mon, Roscrow! You're, like, 4 more chapters to your own elf sex. Let's goooo! "Yeah, but they're doing it now." But- "And you gave him ropes? Why don't I get ropes?" Yeah but- "He gets knife play?" He's an asshole... "I'm an asshole!" I swear to god... "Yes, that's me." *head in hands* I'm going back to the werewolves....

Here's a little kernel of internal lore... Roan is older than Roscrow. I have roleplay skits of good ol' "Silvereye" from when I was 13. Ah, the old forum roleplays that never went anywhere.

So, Roscrow and Roan can share space. I've been jumping back and forth between them, and it's been surprisingly easy since it was straight impossible to do anything else while writing "ITET" (as Roscrow has put it with perfect clarity, he lives on a planet where everything is scaly, feathery, or leathery, and he will not be made to share a room with barking rugs *cue Anubis in the other corner with a WTF face*).

But it also helps that not that much has really changed other than my skill and the headspaces I can get into. While Roscrow's a bit of an overbearing scoundrel, he was raised as an aristocrat held to strict rules, both to his titles and also his species. Roan, however, was raised to be a cold, soulless murderer because sometimes demons look like children, and even people you know. Probably a good thing I couldn't get into his head so well at that age. So a lot of the same stuff happens, but it's quite a bit rougher, and he's not a nice guy to start.

While Dragon Tamer's a slow climb to a mountain of trouble (run Roscrow, Dane knows!), Roan and Cylthan just plunge head first. There's not much to their world, though, so there's that. No lore, just action. All the "lore" is character based instead of characters already living in and navigating a lore rich world. I could not tell you what planet Roan and Cylthan (no, she was not named after me, it just worked out that way) are on, or even if it is a planet. Maybe it is simply a dimension. I cannot say because I only know of them and their adventure through the world.

So, I will begin posting it over on my other pen name on Saturdays. I will post the first 3 chapters this upcoming Saturday just to get the party started. They are short. I'm working really hard on keeping these 3k words or shorter. Seems to help with actually feeling like I'm progressing.

All that said, one last thing... guys, I got a puppy! A corgi! She's so perfect and cute! I might be dying a little... she has flopped over my feet as I write this. ^.^ May she live to be as old as my old man. So, this will slow down my progress a bit. I have chapters backed up, but if I start getting too behind, I will skip weeks until I can catch up again. No yellow lines.

And seriously... the song is great and perfectly sums up Roan and Cylthan. From the words to the beat. May not seem like it at first, but as the story progresses, it becomes more obvious.

Posting issues

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Hmm, seems the new chapter of Dragon Tamer didn't quite come out correctly. I will be resubmitting.



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