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Woofajuana: Blog


Random werewolf info

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Hey everyone! I'm still working on stories and whatnot, but thought I'd write a quick blurb about each breed on Planet Farkash. Also, there is a bit of an "easter egg" in the planet's name. "Farkas" is Hungarian for "wolf." I am half Hungarian. I put an H at the end so when people say the word in their head, they are closest to pronouncing the way the word is actually said. Pretty much all my stories have something Hungarian related, whether it's a name or a food dish. Let me know if there's anything else any of you would like to know about any of the breeds. The names in () are their derogatory insults for one another. Breedism is alive and well among them.

All of the female wolves have monthly heats like human periods, but like animal wolves, are only fertile 1-3 times a year. Gestation is 8 months and they very rarely have more than 4 pups to a litter, 2-3 is the most common. They have a second set of breasts on the upper belly that only swells for nursing. All but the fire wolves have ranks, and their ranks are shown in societal braids from a chunk of hair behind their ears. A braid is never cut even if the rest of the hair is. Every breed has a different age and way of gaining rank, and ranks mean different things for them, though commonly among them deals with breeding and eating rights. The wolves are not often monogamous, though there are levels of matehood, like mates who will only produce puppies together but are otherwise free when not in heat. The wolves have the ability to change into human form, but no one has really done that in centuries. They do all share a language that was common among them all after arriving to the planet but there are many accents now. Their life spans are slightly accelerated and 80s is considered like our 100s to them. Average is about 20 years. They consider 50 to be elder. The females of all the breeds find old age to be attractive as males rarely live as long as the females. The older the male, the more action he's likely to see.

Some common terms among them.
No-kin: not related.
Dam-kin: related by mother.
Sire-kin: related by father.
Litter-sibling: born in same litter.
Omma: mother.
Queen: female Alpha who will not mate with male Alpha.
Rite of Rank: coming of age/adulthood.

Ranks: 3 tiers, and 3 ranks in each tier: (this is in general, not all packs follow this guide, but most do across the breeds with ranks)

High: Alpha (full breeding and food rights), Beta (may mate with all but omegas), Deta (may mate with all but omegas)

Mid: Gamma, Theta, Kappa (mids may mate within their tier and higher at will)

Low: Omicron (may have sex with high ranks but only make pups with the Alpha), Sigma (same), Omega (may only have sex and make pups with the Alpha)

Angar'rai- Fire Wolves- (Red Devil, Hellhound, sand licker)- The largest of the wolves. Males average at 7'2", females hardly smaller. Pure bred lineage are bright almost crimson red to a dirty tan color with black around the eyes and down the sides of the snout. They need very little water and have extreme stamina, well known to be able to run a full day and night without the need to rest. Absolutely ruthless, they regard all other wolves inferior, only treating the Dires as almost equals because they offered a steady supply of slaves. They are the only wolves that have anything that genuinely looks like a nation since there are very few places for the wolves to go and create new packs like with the other breeds. After discovering that the desert held many precious metals and minerals desired by off world investors, they built only a few cities near water sources and do not form packs in the same manner as the others, instead holding elections for their many leaders, everything from foreign affairs, slave gathering, water management, and more. However, some get pushed out of the cities for various reasons (including protesting the enslavement of other wolves), in which case they live in very small packs clinging to the borders of the desert since their thin coats and large veiny ears are not designed to deal with colder climates. However, some of them will bundle up and, knowing full well the prejudice they will face, travel and trade all over the continent, and unlike other wolves, they don't mind being alone for long stretches of time on their travels. While they do not have "rank" the way other wolves do, they do have a sort of caste system an individual can start working through at the age of 16. To feed themselves in the desert, they build giant, water efficient hydroponic gardens that are divided by caste, and maintain herds of a desert beast that are sold in the market, and herd barons are not uncommon controlling different market places and lower castes. (The plants are free, you work for meat. Meat needs a lot more water.)

Wogtal- Mountain Wolves- (Dire, Dog, tree fucker)- The Dires of the mountains are the uncontested heavy weights of the wolves. Males and females average 6'8" and both are powerfully muscular. As the mountains are full of very large and very aggressive predators (and it's suspected that the Banished of the Aroogar gave rise to this breed) they're society revolves around power, strength, and aggression. However, the packs lower on the mountains that breed often with the Aroogar generally tend to be more docile and even occasionally trade with them. Considered to be primitive compared to the rest of the breeds as they reject most technology and medicine, opting instead for their own might and only occasionally using herbs with little to no regard of science and living by the rule of "survival of the fittest." They have small packs, often no more than a dozen or 2 adults at best, and are fiercely territorial. They are widely known as master sculptors. They build their homes from the trees that they worship (even giving larger trees names and associating them with deities) by bending saplings together and filling the spaces with stones and fallen logs until the trees grow large enough to fill them in themselves. Few Dires live in caves, leaving those for the other predators and prey they share the mountains with. Female Alphas have the final say, and the females chose their mates, and the males don't get much choice in that. It's not to say they are female ruled, just that females are more likely to bite even in heat, and the males just really don't appreciate that. Their Alphas are generally the most powerful, but it is not uncommon for them to prefer the one who leads the pack to greater prosperity and food. They are almost pure carnivores and live almost entirely on hunting, which causes fertility issues for them as there is no balance with their human side. There is a massive variety in etiquette, traditions, rules, and punishments across the various packs with very little similarity even among neighboring packs. In general, they begin gaining rank at 14 as their average life span is one of the shortest of the wolves and they gain rank through competitions primarily, proving their worth against others to show they can better provide for the pack, though moving up with direct aggression is not uncommon. They can come in any natural color or pattern.

Cha'huo- Ice Wolves- (Snatchers, ice mane, ice licker)- An offshot of the Wogtal, these wolves live even higher in the mountains, as well as the frozen wastes and tundras. Males average 6', females are shorter but no less muscular. Though known to be as cool in personality as the environments of their choice, they are not inherently violent and won't go seeking conflict, but they are also fiercely territorial and are generally not friendly with Dires. With such small packs, inbreeding is a major issue for them so it's commonplace for a male or two to travel far to snatch females of the other breeds who live anywhere near their lands, most often the Aroogar. Since their packs are so small, often no more than a dozen adults, it's rare for them to have two Alphas, and it's generally a male. Males will travel often and far to find a pack they can have breeding rights in. Pure bred linage is almost completely white with black smudges under their eyes to help with vision in the reflective snow. Most of the other wolves don't know much about them as they actively seek isolation, however, there are almost as many stories of their wisdom and spirituality as of their kidnappings. Unlike the Dires, though, it's highly uncommon for them to find pleasure in cruelty and their victims often times end up staying by choice. Their age of rank is 14 as the winters can be brutal and they don't live very long. They hunt, ice fish, and forage, and are known to build igloos for their homes.

Fa'val- Sea Wolves- (sheller(pirates), bottom feeder, crusty mane, salt licker)- Lean and tall, males average 6', females smaller. Living most of their lives on boats and floating villages, the seafaring Fa'val have full webbing on their paws with elongated toes, and partial webbing on the hands. They are usually a dark color on the back and light on the front and rarely come in any crazy color variety or pattern, with the fur similar to otters. Their packs tend to be small and nomadic, following the schools of fish throughout the oceans, and eagerly trading genetic material when meeting to keep packs from inbreeding due to years of no contact with others. It's very common for larger packs to become predacious towards smaller packs and piracy is a big issue that any coastal Aroogar packs have to battle against. Their packs work differently than most as they have an Alpha and a Captain who share command, but one is concerned for the well being of the pack and the other the well being of the ships as the two do not always match up. While most often both leaders are male, this is not a rule by any means and both can even be female. Their rank begins at 15, and they gain it by bettering the pack, maintaining the ships, and competitions. They welcome technology that does not harm the ocean which is a deity to them and have found many types of herbs and medicines from the ocean that they share openly with each other when meeting. There is a small, little known subspecies that have moved inland to live in marshes, swamps, and mangroves and are known as "Ratters" for their shaggy, sometimes moldy fur and near hairless tails. Few of the other wolves have encountered them and they are not universally known to the other breeds.

Aroogar- Prairie Wolves- (grasser, mutt, dirt licker) - considered to be the original wolves that came to the planet, the core of which have remained largely unchanged throughout history. Free spirited and science minded, they understand the land and the plants and animals with almost paranormal accuracy, and willingly leave large areas of land untouched as sanctuaries for the wild animals they share the prairies and plains with. They believe in free love and often have enormous packs, fed entirely by their great feats of engineering of land management, irrigation, crop breeding, and animal husbandry. Males are average 5'8, females much smaller and docile, and are much more fertile than the other breeds, which is why it's so commonplace for them to be kidnapped by other breeds and why they rarely leave their packs, while the males will travel far and wide to find other packs where they can actually make puppies. Incest is discouraged but not always frowned upon as their breeding habits often make for many overlapping sires and it's not always known who is related. They consider compassion and kindness to be extremely attractive and when given the choice, the females will naturally gravitate to any male that conducts himself as such. The male and female Alpha generally share power and there can be more than one in packs that are big enough, usually at about 100 members. The Alphas chose a Head Beta who helps them coordinate, keeps them up to date, and generally will back them in a fight. For the male Alpha, who is most often a no-kin, the Head Beta is usually a permanent male member of the pack who knows the inner workings of the pack, while for the female Alpha, it is most often an elder daughter or a sister. Their Alphas are elected and can be overthrown if their choices consistently do not better the pack. As they have hospitals and medicine/advanced herbalism/alchemy, they are the longest lived of the wolves, and it's common for them to reach elder, after which they often retire into the towns and be a voice for the pack in the councils. As such, their age of rank starts at 16, which helps limit deaths during the carrying and birthing of multiple pups. Packs own land to care for while their elders rule the central towns where many packs can come together and trade. Every few years, they rotate which packs are breeding with which neighboring pack to keep inbreeding minimal. Known well for their use of various natural drugs and intoxication, they are often looked down upon by the larger breeds. Their society revolves around reputation, while their justice system will hang violent offenders but Banish the non-violent offenders with deep Xs on their faces, either cut in or even branded on. While they do not exactly form nations, there are rules of conduct that are taken very seriously among the long term established packs, and the towns hold ultimate power as they can ban whole packs from entering and trading if they allow abusive behavior or highway robbery on their stretch of road. These wolves can come in any natural color or pattern.

Furre Fuck Flick rewritten

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10 whole years since I first wrote Furry Fuck Flick. I've learned a lot and grown a lot in 10 years. Gotten better at my craft. So, thought I'd throw out a fun little rewrite of a very hot fantasy I had years ago. Well, still makes me hot today. Like, excuse me, my husband is about to be very tired...

No, you're not gonna find the old one anymore. Why wear a stone when you can wear a diamond? Unfortunately, it won't get nearly as much attention since a repost doesn't end up on the front page. But hey, a gem for those who check, and a pleasant surprise to those who return to find it changed. Enjoy! I did. ;)

Dragon Tamer is dead

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I had kids, life, and things changed. I had an epiphany about my story and it is not even what was written. It no longer exists in the form it takes here. Many people enjoyed it. Good enough for a free story on a sex site, that's all it was. Some day, I will republish it. I get constant emails about it years later. Glad you liked it. You'll like it more when I'm done with it now. No seriously. It's worth the wait. Until then, life calls. Stay safe and wash your hands, folks. Before and after enjoying yourself.



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