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Before Book 5 gets to the last sentence, I have to comment because I am sure that some readers will totally pan where and how this book ends - a cliff hanger, of sorts.
I assure my readers that no animals or humans, either fictional or real, in the writing of my work or in the plot lines of my work. I believe in happy endings, although some characters may suffer some pain from misunderstanding a situation. There may even be some regression to 'Pre-Circle' mores and values.
Thank you for reading this, and continue to enjoy the story. Book 7 is alive and well and being worked on every day or so on my computer. When I get deep enough into it, it'll start to appear on SOL.
OK. OK. OK. I KNOW I have too many characters in my story Loosening Up. Instead of writing separate stories I just kept adding characters. I do think I'll soon get to a spot where I stop on Loosening Up, or at least go on pause. I have a few notes (some from some of you) with story suggestions, including focusing on one or two of the characters in LU in a special way. They're good ideas (yours).
I've started on Book 7 as of 12/31/2018. Yes, there are a couple more character additions. SIGH! I'll try to taper down. My New Year's Resolution.
Happy New Year
As some of you have noticed and commented to me in emails, I have done an imperfect reference from my ongoing story Loosening Up, to two previous stories Billionaire and the Sisters and Road Trip/Crystal Clear. I wanted to make the linkage, and yes, I did realize that I'd have to bend some of the facts established in the older stories to make them fit in the way I wanted into the newer one. Here are a few if the discontinuities I ask that you forgive:
• Billionaire took place near St. Louis, not Tampa or Sarasota
• Cricket's story about Road Trip and Crystal Clear make one wonder if the story really took place (as written)
• The ages of several characters in the three stories don't align.
• The timelines are a little strange
There are others, but these will do for now.
I was not writing the linkages to trick anybody, only to create some interesting twists and turns in the current story.
Mea Culpa, but I do hope you'll forgive and forget the small disparities and enjoy the stories.
Happy Holidays
Wolf and the many, many characters in all my stories
Well, Loosening Up (LU) Book 1 was completed two days ago, and we've started Book 2 postings. I'm working on Book 3 and Book 4 now, adding an increasing amount of controversy between characters as I go. I'm not sure how far I want to take this, but I've already surpassed 1,000 pages in MS Word. Book 1 was around 30% of that, and I'm still writing away.
I realize that I've duplicated the theme of an 'innocent' becoming 'sophisticated' theme in a number of other stories both on this site and on my Literotica.com sites that go back over ten years. On Lit, I wrote under the name Romantic1 for a number of years, and then shifted to SteveWallace [sic]. I shifted Road Trip from Romantic1 to TLCgiver at one point, but I couldn't complete my plan to move Crystal Clear (the sequel) over because I can never get anybody at that site to respond to my emails. Further, the only way I can even get emails from readers on that site is if they see my note to write me directly at Romantically12@aol.com; comments left via clicking on that box at the end of the story never get emailed to me and I have struggled with that site for years trying to fix that. SOL (here) is very responsive.
Enjoy. Wolf
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