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Wolf: Blog


Character List Through Book 10

Posted at

The list of characters in the Loosening Up series is complete and available through Book 10. An email to me using this site's email function will work, BUT you have to give me YOUR email address so I can email the PDF file to you. It's about 32 pages now, and contains some other summary information about the Circle.


Loosening Up - Book 8 Coming Soon

Posted at

I've been working for over two months now on Book 8 in the Loosening Up series. I've also been helped with the suggestions from a dozen 'fans' and for that I am thankful. I expect to start posting around Thanksgiving.

One other feature of the posting is a EDIT of all the previous books. I admit to embarrassment at some of the trivial errors that escaped not only me, but also my dedicated editor. I suspect, like all written work, there are still some lurking typos. Let me know, and I'll correct them.

I wanted to comment on the hundreds of suggestions I received. For one, while I am a science fiction fan, I don't write too far into that genre - about as far as perhaps having an innovative product or two (batteries, super iPhones, etc.). Having alien sex fiends invade the Circle and do a mind-meld with all the Circle members was not on MY agenda, but several suggestions verged on those ideas.

Further on Suggestions: I don't want those who gave to me to think that because I didn't use some of them, I didn't appreciate them. I did. I noted that some suggestions, even the ones with aliens, made me think further outside the box about what the characters in the story could or should be doing. Thus, suggestions A, B, and C that I didn't use, resulted in R, S, and T in the story with lots of thinking in between.

Just to give you further peek into my life, I just got my right knee replaced with metal and plastic parts that will hopefully soon be working better than the original equipment that wore out after over seventy years. I'm suffering through the healing process now and have fallen in love with an ice machine that circulates cold water in a knee wrap and numbs things. People didn't do things like this when I was a kid, but then most people didn't live this long.

Back to the Word document on my laptop that represents about 250 pages of single space text in Book 8.

By the way, I do accept the recommendation of one comment, and that is to just NOT end the story. So, maybe in the future there'll be Book 9, 10, and so on. This will be like the 'Rocky' movies.

Enjoy life. Namaste.


Loosening Up - Story Ideas Solicited

Posted at

I am asking for your suggestions, ideas, and so on regarding Book 8 (or more) in the Loosening Up series. I think I've incorporated most of the suggestions I got up to Book 6, but now I'm ready for new ones. Several of my readers have mailed a couple and I thank you. I have them in my notebook.

Regards to All.

Doc and the Porn Star Comment

Posted at

This one is for a change of pace relative to Loosening Up, which has been ongoing the past two years. (I am working on Book 8, BTW.)

FYI, the story is 21 chapters long as Doc and Jasmine collect a few friends and carry on in what you'll see is a predictable way.


About the Batteries

Posted at Updated:

The Lithium-Thallium batteries written about in the story are fiction. The characteristics of batteries like those written about in the story are the quest of multiple companies, universities, and research labs around the world, at least according to my authorial research. Some places have made progress only what they have been able to develop are yet cost prohibitive to bring to market. Someday - soon - however, researchers will overcome the issues preventing them from bringing them to market as cost competitive. The past is prolog to the future.

Several of you have written that 'my' batteries are too pie in the sky. True, but someone will do what I've written about, probably by 2030, AND it is that timeframe that I have chosen to at least write about that technology in my fictional story.

The technology in this and many areas is exponentially exploding as more and more researchers add their focus to the subject. The batteries of the future will not resemble those we know today.



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