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So, I want to wish y'all a Happy New Year early, seeing as I'll be at work. Y'all be safe and have a good time tonight. If you're drinking, don't drive catch a cab or an Uber.
Before I give my apology, I'd like the thank all of you that enjoy this story and read the mess I post. Also, I'd like to thank the people who try and correct my mess only to have me jack it up again.
Now for the apology. I thought that I'd have the final chapter ready to post on the 1st. That's not going to be the case. When I was writing, a lot more got written than I was expecting. It's off for editing and proofreading, but with the size it's going to take a bit longer than normal. Plus, I write like an idiot, so it takes them a while to fix that idiocy.
The final chapter to Book 1 will be posted as fast as I can. When that's done, I'm going to take a week to recover from the holidays and rushing to finish the last chapter. Then I will climb back into my head and begin Book 2. Like I said before I'm going to try and get the bulk of Book 2 done before I start posting the chapters.
Again, have a happy new year, stay safe and healthy
Merry Christmas or whichever similar holiday that you celebrate. I hope everyone has a good time with family. If you're the Creepy Uncle, tone the creep down the family children will appreciate it. If you don't know who the Creepy Uncle is in your family, it's probably you.
Everything is going fairly well with the last chapter of Book 1. As long as nothing pops up it looks as if I'm still on track. I'd like to thank all those that read the weird stuff that makes it from my head to paper, and then to the interwebs.
Have fun, stay safe, and may all your holiday wishes come true.
Everything is going pretty well. The writing is seemingly flowing well, knock on wood, though that could change in an instance. I figured I might be done early and possibly have it done in time for Christmas. That is not to be, this is looking to be the longest chapter of the first book. I'm still looking at a 1st of the year for it. Things just keep popping up that demand to be added. Hope y'all are having a good weekend. Stay safe and healthy, if you're going to do anything sketchy, don't get caught.
So, a rather glaring mistake was brought to my attention. To be completely honest I spaced on it, and somehow it made it through the editing process. It has been fixed, and I'd like to thank those that brought it to my attention. Hope y'all are having a great week.
The next chapter is in the queue for the morning. I'm already working on the next chapter which will be the last chapter for Book 1. I'm hoping for a New Years drop for that chapter, hopefully my cluttered brain and the writing gods will be kind enough to allow that to happen. Y'all have a good week. Stay safe and healthy.
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