Wojtek: Blog


New Story

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So, I have created a series called The Badzinski Tales. This will all be very short stories, or vignettes of various content. Some will have sex, some won't. They will all be independent of themselves, though will have characters from my main story.

You don't have to read the main story to be able to read these. I don't know how often I'll be posting these stories as my main focus is on Book 2. I might write them here and there to give myself a reset on getting Book 2 done, though it's going pretty good right now.

I'm setting the first one for upload tomorrow morning. It's fairly short at only about 1,200 words. Hope y'all enjoy and are having a great week.

March update

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So, writing is moving along, though not as fast as I hoped. Hopefully things get better and pick up enough so that I can get back to where I wanted to be or maybe a little bit ahead. The update next month will probably be a week or so behind. The end of this is my birthday, and I'll be something years old. So, I'm taking the first weekend in April to have a birthday dinner and go somewhere for the weekend. I've decided to take a week here and there to write a series of short stories that will kind of tie into the overall story world. I'll post those as the inspiration hits. They will all be under one title but separate from each other. Hopefully y'all all well and healthy.

Feburary update

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So, I've begun sending things off to the editors for Book 2. Writing is going fairly well. I've also had an idea that popped into my head for a sort of companion collection of short stories. I haven't decided to do that at the same time or save it for when I'm having trouble writing Book 2. Hope y'all are doing well and staying away from the Rona.

Thanks and a bit of info

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I was quite shocked at the flood of emails, and comments on the story. I appreciate them all, and try to answer as many as I can.

The piece of info I wanted to relate was to a question that has been asked by a bunch of people. Yes, there is going to be a book 2. I'm going to start writing that on Monday. I have about 3/4 of it mapped out, which should help me keep things straight and the writing flowing. My hope is that this helps to get it into y'alls hands as quick as possible.

I got a peice of advice, sort of, that I thought was a good one. A person mentioned that they appreciated the author keeping updates as to how things are going. I'm going to do that once a month until I'm ready to start posting. I think it might be time to get white girl wasted this weekend before chaining myself to the grindstone.

Have a great weekend, and if you can't be good, don't get caught.


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So, the last chapter of Book 1 is finally scheduled for upload. It will drop tomorrow morning. I hope this caps the first book off appropriately.

I'm going to start working on Book 2 this coming Monday. I'm going to try and get at least halfway done before I start posting. This way there can be a set schedule to posting, rather than the willy nilly way I've been doing it.

As a reader on Stories, I know how frustrating it can be to have large gaps between chapters. I hope y'all won't hold that against me for my inaugural attempt at posting. I have learned a lot through the 2 yrs or so posting.

With all that being said, I want to thank all of y'all that read my story. I enjoy all the comments, and emails whether positive or negative. If I haven't responded to an email, I try to but am not always successful.

On that note I'm going to end this. Be safe, healthy, and if you can't be good, don't get caught



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