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wcoyote: Blog


New chapter going up.

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Chapter Six should be up soon. I am really happy people are enjoying it. A couple of things, first there is a lot of cartoon violence in this story. I am writing a comic book with sex (well, some sex so far). No one ever dies in old style comics. Batman throws Joker off the top of a multi-story bridge and a year later he's back. So yeah, my character shot a bunch of little kids and some naked ladies with a NON-LETHAL paint ball gun. Get over it. I thought I had made it clear that no one could possibly DIE from his Curare II. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. So here is it. CURARE II IS NON-LETHAL. That means he can shoot who ever he wants which is kind of the point. Otherwise I would just have him use a machine gun or poison gas. But he is not that kind of super villain. He does meet that kind of super villain in an upcoming chapter and doesn't like the guy.

Second for all the kind people that pointed out minor flaws in spelling or grammar, thanks. I am saving them up to do one big repost. That way I don't drive Lazeez crazy with resubmissions.

Oh, and if anyone is interested, I was thinking about making this a "World" and letting other authors write about similar characters or take the other side and write a super hero. Just saying.

New Story

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Well, my new story or one of my new stories is up. I hope everyone enjoys it. If anyone is interested in helping me by doing some editing, drop me a line. So bring on the "1's".

Sorry about the delay

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To all the people patiently waiting for an update on "My Second Life", I humbly apologize. Several bad things have happened in the last several months and the last one kind of killed any joy I had in writing for a while. I still want to continue the story but it may be a while.

The other hang up I have is that I fell into the ol' caterpillar joke trap. Someone (rightly) pointed out that I had some problems with my story logic. I can accept that I am a poor speller and that my grammar seems to have reverted to a third grade level. I know that unlike some if not most of the other people writing on SOL I only have a high school degree and that was almost forty years ago. But I can not STAND the thought that my story is not logical within the frame works of the story. More than grammar or spelling that is what I rag on other people about. So I haven't given up on it but it is going to take a large re-write AGAIN before I am satisfied with it.

I have another story that I am working on also. I am trying to do better on it. The plan right now is to write about 10-13 chapters in advance. I will submit them to my editor about 3 chapters at a time so that I don't overwhelm them. I will submit chapters as I get them back from the editor.

Not new but fixed

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No new chapters but I am reposting 1-10. Jim S. did a great job of editing for me. I made a very few changes after his fine editing job so if you find any errors they are probably mine. I hope these are easier to read. Oh and thanks to oyster50 and others for encouraging me to try an editor before re-writing it all.

Re-thinking and re-writing

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A number of people (a large number) have pointed out my spelling and grammar errors. I can do better on the spelling just by calming down and not posting until I have reviewed it and ran multiple spell checks. But the past/present tense on some of the verbs is driving me crazy. So I am rewriting the whole thing in a third person perspective. That seems to make the tenses easier to me. I had a couple of people offer to edit it but one got the writing bug bad and has posted several stories since (good ones, too) and the other never emailed me back. So for time being I am going it alone. I should have the whole story rewritten in a couple of weeks and I can get back to adding to it. Plus I got hooked on Roustabout's Arlene and Jeff and have been reading instead of writing. But I got the first three chapters done today so I hope to get it all straight soon. Hopefully this will make it a better story.



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