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As the title suggests, another chapter of MM is in the pipeline. I expect to post it within the next couple hours. I truly hope you enjoy it.
So many of you continue offering friendly feedback! I'm sending my deepest gratitude in your direction...
With that in mind, I've re-posted chapters 10 & 11 to include many of the suggested changes (primarily spelling and/or proofing mistakes on my part).
So - to answer a couple questions:
1. Yes, MM is continuing. Chapter 12 is an initial draft right now - expect it to be posted within the next few days.
2. Yes, I am chatting with some potential 'beta readers' now. Hopefully, a working relationship will blossom from that effort and the stories can be closer to error free (fingers crossed) in the near future.
My thanks again to all who provided feedback. Happy reading!
I've just submitted Chapter 7, so it should be posted soon.
All the huge titty action we've come to expect from this crowd - - AND (for those who've requested it) Sherry gets Jim's big dick in her ass while her daughters watch.
THANK YOU to the people who've sent messages, offering hints and pointing out where I'd flubbed my proof-reading. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Because of this, I've updated the first 5 chapters of MM and submitted them for re-posting just moments ago. Chapter 6 is currently underway and should be posted within the next 24 hours (or so).
Happy reading!
** Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year celebration. **
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