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Uther Pendragon: Blog


The Crew

Posted at Updated:

Back when I was trying to sell my stories, I invented The Crew

They are 6 men and 3 women who moved to Wisconsin to live together in a converted farmhouse.

If you want to read their beginnings, you'll have to pay the publisher. (Though I'd like to hear from you if you do.)

Otherwise, the current story, Gayle's Ceremony finds them ensconced in the farmhouse and deciding to start a kid.

Being who they are, they decide to combine that with a fertility ceremony.

Some have been posted as I write this.

The last chapter is 9.

= =

Some time ago, another writer wrote me that he thought that WL -- "Wedded Lust," stories of sex within the marriage relationship -- was merely a subset of "Happily Ever After."

Not to me.

Not all marriages, not even all fictional marriages, are happy.

Not any real marriages are always happy. Not the better fictional ones, either.

The Brennans (Any Uther story whose title begins with 'For . . .') have a good marriage, but they also have sadness and quarrels.

The alternatives for real relationships are not restricted to:

1) unending bliss, or

2) cheating.

Restricting stories to these to alternatives is stultifying as hell.

= =

Anyway, whether The Crew is a marriage or not is a matter of definition. They sure as hell aren't a legal marriage.

However, the same issues arise, and some others, as well.

When you have two people in a family, you have one relationship between them, even if that relationship is quite complex.

When you have 9 people in a family, you have 36 relationships between pairs of them, even if only 18 of those are actively sexual.

Read, enjoy, comment.

Anyone miss Uther?

Posted at

Anybody miss me??

My home computer gang agley, and I've only been online from a library computer which I can only use infrequently and under restrictions.
So, I'm still alive; I'm just not very active right now.



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