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Uther Pendragon: Blog


Stories About Sex

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I know it's 40,000 stories too late to really do it, but what we should have instead of

No sex, . . . Stroke is:

1) Story without sex

2) Story with sex

3) [ ]

4) Story about sex

5) Sex without story.

A story with sex is like the "J. D. Robb" stories. Eve Dallas gets called to a murder site, finds it is a serial killer, and solves the case. In the course of this, she has sex with her husband three times.

Longarm stories are another example. He catches the rustler, and fucks the woman.

The novels in either series would work -- if not sell so well -- without the sex scenes.

I may have been a little hard on category 5. There uually is a plot in stroke stories; it's just that the plots are usually so paste-board that the sex scenes are the only thing attractive about the stories.

A story, though, can be as original, believable, and intriguing as any other and still be *about* sex. It doesn't have to be, "Will she or won't she?"

And they don't have to be explicit. My _Afterwards_ recounts a conversation that a couple has right after intercourse. It is *about* sex.

I would call category 3 _inter alia_, except that people keep complaining that my vocabulary isn't primary enough. "Inter alia" is one of those Latin phrases that appear in most English dictionaries. It means "among others" or "among other things." I mean it for stories that are about sex among other things.

My Brennan story _Forks_ is about sex, but it's also about how you get things done when you're sick but not on your death bed, whether you need a full place setting for every meal, what is the question behind the question asked, being mad at your spouse but still quite clear that you are going to remain married, and other issues.

(2,154 words.)

Never Marry

Posted at

Alicia enjoyed making out, she enjoyed going on dates, and she enjoyed being in control.

Being in control not only meant earning her own money; it meant holding off the guy who was too eager. Someday, it would mean having sex, but only when she had decided to say yes.

Having seen what marriage did to her mother and sisters, being in control meant that she would never marry.

New story, never posted anywhere. 9 chapters. Tuesdays and Fridays. Contemporary.


Posted at Updated:

A recent short-short story, "Rite," has received nearly 2,000 downloads.

That's nearly twice the downloads for all 4 chapters of my latest serial, "Formez vos Bataillons."

"Rite" didn't get all that favorable a rating, and I've become convinced that short-shorts don't please the SOL audience. What of this story got all that attention?

I made it.

Posted at Updated:

The random story selector actually selected one of my stories.

I don't know how long it's on, but "Forgiven" is now at the top of the story list for anyone who logs on.

The title of the story should be "Forgiven," but the site barfs on quotation marks in tiles. FORGIVEN is the title of the poem which Bob reads up Jeanette's vagina to their as-yet unborn child.

Formez vos Bataillons

Posted at

My current long story, Formez vos Bataillons, is a Brennan piece. It's intended posting dates are:

1 - Mon. July 9
2 - Weds. July 11
3 - Sat. July 14
4 - Tues. July 17
5 - Fri. July 20
6 - Tues. July 24
7 - Fri. July 27 -- the end.



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