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Tyrone Wilson: Blog


Godless and Faithless 2 took a while

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I wanted to post this last year but it took me forever as I was super careful about posting second book most of what I have written is short stories, Godless and Faithless is the first story I could call a book just going by length.

But since it's been months I'm going to give a review of events from 1st book.
Next post will be a review of powers then characters.

Axel and Rayner our MCs got asked by their Best bud Yazid. They didn't quite believe him when they said yes. But they liked the idea of leaving their crappy world. Axel had debts and Rayner was dealing with too much pressure.

Turns out Yazid wasn't joking. He stabs them and this is the ritual that sends them to new world. They find out Yazid is a necromancer and dying at they are in a world where power is granted by the gods and the world is going through a religious war

Because everyone is beholden to the gods for their power, many injustices are allowed. But as they are from a different world they don't need the gods. They are Godless and Faithless.
They quickly run into trouble, not getting much time to rest. Armies, bandits, monsters challenge them.

They make a few allies among refugees they have helped, make a brothel their home and so some training before taking a quest that spirals out of control. They end up fighting corrupt soldiers, monster hordes, and a dragon.

Oh and I skipped over a spooky side adventure involving zombie-like goblins, Miasma, and the birth of a dungeon.

I jammed the first book with action and the second has almost just as much but we get to see them develop Axel and Rayner abilities and see new POVs.

New stories and Godless and Faithless update

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Hey! Posted two new stories. One a light cuckold story with a twist for readers of my other series and another incest story.

The incest story is in a post-apocalypse world where men are few and the idea was in my mind for a while. It was a kind of like a prologue or side story for what might be a larger story. I have always had this thing for side characters getting their time to shine and the characters in that story are the side characters, they go through trials and tribulations but ultimately as they are not the heroes, they only struggle to get by.

That was why characters in like Sasha, Evans, Grace have so much time in the story in Godless and Faithless.
As for my progress in writing the story. I'm 45k words into it so like halfway through the first part. Soon i will get vacation and finish it up i hope.

Godless and Faithless chapters 6 to 8 posted

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Been holding off on the blog posts for a time until I had more significant updates and since I last posted I have added four more chapters. As I said in an early blog post. Godless and Faithless is a 60K~ story, so it has one chapter left but I am still proofing it. Feminist Sorority has also been finished since then but I like that idea and when I can, I will come back to it but in a high school setting, it will have less sex though.

For those worried that the next book will take forever. No worries, though its been harder to find free time, I write fast. so far I am 15k words into the second story. It will also be much longer due to the addition of two more POVs.

I have a question for those interested. If I posted on the blog a snippet of a scene. A fight scene. Would people like that? It would be completely raw though, no spellchecker.

Godless and Faithless chapters 4+5 posted

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As the title says, I have posted chapters 4 and 5 of Godless and Faithless. A lot more people have read it than my Feminist Sorority story. Though they are very different stories. Is it because high-fantasy is more popular? Was the summary better? I wrote it around half-way through writing Feminist Sorority, so maybe my writing improved.
I don't like to pester for comments but its been bugging me. I can see why people are so obsessed with stats now of days. How many people clicked? What did they search? How long did they read? Data is truly king.

I hope people continue to like the story. I am outlining the second book and will post the last chapter (epilogue) of Feminist Sorority soon.

Have messaged editors and am waiting for a response. Thanks!

feminist sorority almost complete +new story

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There are 4 chapters left of Feminist Sorority and 3 are finished and I'm writing the epilogue. I will post once its gotten a second pair of eyes for editing.

I'm posting the Gamelit/litrpg story today, I'm nervous about it, but then I remembered I've been posting stories about a sorority of sex-crazed feminist cult members. lol.
The story is called Godless and Faithless, the idea behind it was if internet personalities were friends in a fantasy world. Meaning if a Social Justice Warrior and Red-piller Reddit folks are not your thing then this is a warning.
I edited story myself so if there are errors feel free to tell me. This story is light on sex, for now.



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