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The Scot: Blog


goodbye to a longtime friend

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I have just learned that Earnest Bywater has passed away. For close to 20 years, we have been as close as two people could be to have never seen each other. We worked together writing Shiloh, which was my first published book.

When I was in an explosion at a job site in 2006, he encouraged me to not surrender to the pain and anguish of not being able to walk normally for several years and cried with me over my divorce after 47 years of marriage. He was proud of my fighting through everything to complete my last book, Winds of Change. He has functioned as my Publisher and since I have ended up in a nursing home, he has strongly encouraged me to re-write my first book, (Ashes to Ashes), as well as the sequel to Hawk and the Chipmunk. When they are finally finished, I will dedicate both of them to his memory.

Thoughts on Winds of Change

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As I began on Apache Nation, I was very surprised to learn that Hawk and the Chipmunk has had more than 650,000 downloads and Winds of change more than 200,000. I also learned that I had (in my burned out state) asked (or caused) for no comments. With my renewal, I would like to request for comments and suggestions for improvement, especially in fleshing out the ending. I concentrated on the surprise ending that I feel that I rushed it. It has now become one of my favorite stories and I think it can be improved. I don't plan on it taking precedent over AP (Apache Nation), but having it to work on at times could be positive for both stories.

Tragedy leads to renewal

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In early February (2021) I went to the local emergency room feeling pretty rough and with a sore throat. I was told I had Covid and Strep. I got a couple of shots and was sent home. I woke up in the hospital, 5 weeks later, and my mind was 'fried'. I didn't know where I was, what was the year, the location or who was president. In addition, it seems that the Covid attacked my legs instead of my lungs. I am now wheel chair bound in a nursing home in Birmingham, AL. MY Aid was appointed my guardian and now all my money, my car, and my apartment are gone and I only get $30 a month from my Social Security, with the rest going to the nursing home.

Now, from this, I have lost more than 40 pounds and 8 inches in my waist. I'm happy about that, but not about having to replace most of my clothes.

The second part of the renewal is that my mind is now clearer and sharper than it has been in close to eight years, and I have fresh ideas running in through my mind. With this, I am planning to start writing again, with the long awaited sequel to Hawk and the Chipmunk (Apache Nation) being my first effort.

Please pray for me and send words of encouragement often.

All stories are now on Bookapy

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Now all of the stories are available as ebooks on the Bookapy website which is a sister site to this site so all sales also supports the site as well.

voices from our past

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I too was saddened about the passing of Xalir, though it brought questions to my mind of other writers who gave me great enjoyment in the past, as well as helping encourage me in my own writing efforts. I'm now 72 and have serious mobility problems, as well as declining mental facilities. Some weeks I can barely function enough to go to the bathroom and I have a live-in aide who helps make my life at least tolerable.

Anyway, my primary point of this Blog is that I would like to know the current status of writers such as Warlord, Cmsix, Duel Writer, Morgan, Wes Boyd, Alistair Acorn, Tallorder64, Argon, Lazlong and so many others who have seemed to fade into the sunset.



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