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Tessa Void: Blog


Now on Bookapy: The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy!

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I decided to be bold, and I put up The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy up on Bookapy! You can find it here.

It's the full story, so if you don't want to wait for the whole thing to come out here on SOL, you can go pick it all up-and it's in a nicely formatted (IMO) ebook for your consumption.

Or you can wait until the whole thing posts on SOL, though that won't be until November 17th that the Epilogue will post, according to the posting calendar I have.

I seriously don't mind either way, but a couple of people have asked about an ebook copy, so I wanted to provide.

In the meantime, the next chapter will post on Saturday, and sometime the week following, I plan on having a blog post with a little bit more behind-the-scenes information, so stay tuned!

New Story Coming! The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy!

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I have a new story scheduled to post, and I'm just too excited to wait for it to go through before blogging about it! (All my friends who know I write these sorts of stories have been hearing about it this whole time)

This is The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy, and despite the corny name, I hope you enjoy the story. It's a time travel story (of course) that I've been working on for a while, though I don't want to give too many details for fear of spoilers.

It is told from a primarily male POV, which isn't exactly my favorite to write, but I think you'll understand why eventually.

The story itself is 86,000 words, and is split into 19 chapters along with a prologue and an epilogue (meaning 21 posted items).

Assuming I've used the automatic scheduling thing correctly, each posting should be 3 days apart. This will mean that over 7 weeks-starting with September 21-I should hit each day of the week 3 times, so that more people can see it. If you're the sort of person who wants to wait until it's over, I believe the epilogue will post on November 20.

Anyway, be on the lookout. I really hope you find it an interesting and entertaining story, and that you enjoy it.

(Fingers crossed that all of my submission stuff is right; the peril of announcing a story before it gets posted!)


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Hi everyone! I realized I posted some stories without also talking about them in a blog post, so I thought I'd do that. Especially once I finish up and post some of the longer-form things I'm working on (I want to wait until I'm done before posting so I don't leave people hanging), I'll blog about them a little.

So I've put up two stories so far, both of them are short little ditties.

There's "One Risky Night", which is about 6500 words about a one-night stand. I enjoyed playing with the dialogue in this one.

And there's "First Anniversary Camping Trip" (unimaginative name, I know) which is only 2600 words about a married couple starting a family. With this I was trying to cut out as much of the boilerplate as possible and just get to the sex scene, since I have a bad tendency to over-exposition instead of doing the good parts.

I do think there's a place for both long and short stories, and not everything's going to be short ones like those, but I hope you can appreciate them for what they are.

I have some big plans ahead, so I probably should go continue working on those. I hope to keep writing things you enjoy, and thank you so much for reading and bearing with me as I figure all this stuff out!



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