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Tessa Void: Blog


New Story: The Midnight Game!

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I have a new story that I just submitted, called "The Midnight Game".

It comes to a shade under 29,000 words across 11 chapters. Assuming I did everything correctly, it should post one chapter per day starting today.

I have also submitted it to Bookapy if you want a nice eBook version; you can find it here.

This story is a relatively simple premise: two characters play a game of hide and seek, where if he finds her, he gets to rape her. Needless to say, content warning on this one if you're not into rape at all. It is ostensibly a consensual non-consent sort of situation, where both characters are consensually playing out the rape fantasy, but the acts themselves aren't entirely easily distinguishable from rape.

You might still find the ending surprising.

This is a bit outside of my normal lane, I have to admit, but after I bounced the premise off of a friend I kept getting ideas and wanted to write it out. Not my best work, and there are plenty of quibbles and things like that...

But I still hope you enjoy it anyway. And if it's not your cup of tea, that's also fine; I hope my next story is more for you!

As always, thank you so much for reading!

The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy - Finished!

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In case you missed it, The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy is now completely posted! If you were waiting for it all to be out there before reading it, now's your chance!

And if you're on the fence about it because of the goofy title or whatever, I understand. I hope that you give it a try, because despite having a very sex-heavy setup, it eventually delves into a lot more than just sex.

And if it's not your cup of tea because you just don't like time travel or something, that's also okay. I hope you catch the next thing I write, which will be significantly more straightforward.

As always, thank you so much for reading!

New Story: Dinner Date

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I have a new story that I submitted for posting tonight, called "Dinner Date".

This is a short little ditty that I wrote at the behest of a friend, who asked me to write a sex story between a trans woman and a cis man; I was more than happy to oblige. So, that's what you can expect with this one.

I realize it's not for everyone, but I do hope the people who do read it enjoy it.

It does come to about 9500 words, and was originally supposed to be a Stroke Story, but I toned it down to Much Sex simply because of all the other content. No Bookapy for this one; someday I'll probably put together an ebook of all my short stories, but not right now.

Let me know what you think!

I do also have the last three installments of The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy on schedule, and I'll blog again once it's done. I hope those of you who have been following enjoy what's coming; and I hope those of you who wait until something is fully posted will also take a read and enjoy it.

As always, thank you so much for reading. It really means a lot to me, knowing that I've made other people happy from the scribbles of my pen.

The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy - Sorry!

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I know this next chapter of The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy is a really short chapter. I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I promise from here on in it gets much more meaty.

I figured when writing it that it would read better in the archives, when you could go to the next chapter, and forgot to change the posting date between chapters so there was more in one day.

I'd also hoped to have my next thing-a much shorter piece-ready so I could post it the same day and make up for the gap. Alas, that did not happen because sometimes characters refuse to cooperate.

So I'm sorry, and I promise, there's more awesome stuff to come!

Also, there are a number of details in this part of the story that end up being more important or more crucial, and I'm curious if anyone ends up noticing them and picking up on some things.

So far, no one's messaged me about any of them (including an absolute bombshell in recent chapters), but I don't know if that means people haven't noticed them, or just haven't asked me about them (and/or pointed them out to me) yet.

That said, their relevance will be more obvious in the near future, as more chapters post. So keep holding on to this ride, because it's going to be a lot of fun :)

As always, thank you so much for reading, and also thank you for getting through my blathering on a blog post like this. I appreciate the kind words you all send to me so much, and I only hope my future work lives up to your expectations!

The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy - Behind the Scenes!

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It looks like Chapter 8 of The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy posted this morning! That's a chapter that I wanted to talk about a little, and in general some behind-the-scenes things about the story, because I've gotten a couple of questions!

So the first thing is that I actually did a decent amount of research for the story, and tried to be as historically accurate as I could (aside from the time travel bit, of course).

I did have in my mind a particular city that their unnamed university was in, and used that to make decisions about things. In particular, I looked up historical weather records in order to make sure I was describing things as accurately as possible.

So when in Chapter 8-set on February 18, 2006-it's described as a cold snap, that is in fact a weekend that a very real cold snap came through in that particular city. It's possibly I had the precipitation wrong (I don't know that their records were keeping it during that time), but I'm willing to fudge it just a little for the sake of story!

But there are other things. For instance, the sports game in Chapter 1? That was a real game, where an underdog team beat the heavy favorites in a second overtime (if you do a little googling, I'm sure you can find it)! When I mention video games, or music, or movies, or anything like that, I almost always did research to at least know for myself what it was they were referring to. So when later on, one of the characters talks about "the new Zelda game", that is, quite in fact, a reference to a Zelda game that had literally come out a month earlier than that, and I did the legwork to figure out what sort of game could realistically be talked about like that.

Bamboo Wok, however, is a fictional restaurant, if based on one that was popular in my college years. But I do have a friend who raves about hot braised chicken all the time, so...that's where that came from! (Myself, I always preferred sweet and sour chicken)

A number of people have asked how on Earth I kept the timeline straight, and it was mostly: lots of documentation.

But I'm going to take a step back.

The story idea came to me with the scene of the first chapter, where a guy is sitting down to watch some sports when a girl shows up on his doorstep five months pregnant and saying he's going to do it in the future. I took that scene and started running with it, and ended up sketching out most of the first chapter as a result-though as I wrote, I kept needing to change a lot of things, and that first chapter went through a lot of revision before it got to the end.

But also, in that very first conception of the story, both Megan and Rory were unstuck in time, and so I was actually going to have to keep track of both of them bouncing around!

I put the kibosh on that, because that was just too much to keep track of! (But there are some remnants of that idea in there, what with the time mites and all)

That said, my Scrivener project has several files in it called "Timeline" in various incarnations, and do follow a progression as I wrote as my figuring out the timeline and working through it. Ultimately, there's a gold standard file that's "Megan's Timeline", which details the sequence of events from her perspective (and is coupled with "Main Timeline" which is Rory's perspective), with chapter numbers indicated. This is how I worked out the list of chapters that'll be in the end note once it finishes posting (or is in the Afterward if you purchase the ebook from Bookapy).

And when I did editing, I did my first editing pass from Rory's perspective (so, front to back) and then the second editing pass I took Megan's timeline and did it from her perspective, making sure that her journey also made sense. She's having to learn things about her crazy twisty-turny life just like Rory is, she just does it in a different order.

(I then did a final third pass again through the book in normal order just to make sure it still read fine)

Oh, I'm sure there are other behind-the-scenes things I could talk about, and I'm still really excited about it. We're really going to start getting to some of my favorite parts pretty soon here, and I cannot wait to hear what you all think of it!

As always, thank you so much for reading. We authors would be nothing without readers, and I seriously do appreciate each and every one of you, and I love hearing what you have to say. Your kind notes are what sustain me as I work on my next thing (which, I'm afraid to say, is probably going to be significantly more mundane than The Time Traveler's Baby Daddy is).

Hope to hear from you!



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