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Smutreader: Blog


Here we go!

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Book 2 of the Nexus starts posting today. I hope you enjoy it.

Another quick update:

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I should be wrapping up edits of Book 2 soon. My plan is to post the prologue on Friday, Feb 2nd. I will then continue to release new chapters every week on Friday. Until then!

Quick update:

Posted at

I'm currently trying to juggle busy life with proofing the second book. I hope to start posting chapters in February. Stay tuned! IMO, book 2 is better than book 1.

Book 1 finished

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I just uploaded the epilogue for Book 1. It's great to be finished. I appreciate the readers who have stuck with the story week after week. I plan to start uploading Book 2 in the next few weeks once I've had time to fully proofread the chapters.

If you enjoyed the story, PLEASE leave a score and/or a review. If you're interested in purchasing it, please let me know via message, and if I get enough interest, I'll put it up on Bookapy as it's currently only somewhere else.

Feedback is always great. So please send it my way!

Wrapping up The Nexus Book 1.

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Howdy readers!

Only a few chapters left with The Trinity Entanglement. I appreciate everyone's support and reviews. If you haven't rated the book, please do. With four chapters and an epilogue left for book 1, I expect I'll need a few weeks to go through book 2, clean up the chapters, fix any errors, and then begin posting book 2 in January or February. I don't intend to make you wait long. Feel free to leave comments or feedback, and I'd love to get an active discord community going here:



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