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Smutreader: Blog


Merry Christmas!

Posted at

The Prologue for book 3 goes live today as soon as it is approved. The first chapter will post on the first Friday of the new year and every week after until it is done. After that, I will likely be taking a long break before any further posts. I hope you enjoy book 3! Please rate it and send feedback.

Book 3 coming soon.

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Hey everyone,

I plan to start posting the third book in the early new year. However, I do have to warn you that there may be a very long wait before Book 4 arrives. I've been very busy writing other projects that actually make money whereas this series has yet to earn me a dime.

It's not selling a lick on kindle or anything like that, so it's just not a huge priority over books that are actually paying the bills. However, I do hope to do a book 4 and 5. Anyway, I think book 3 is coming along great, and I look forward to sharing it with you soon.

Book 2 is finished.

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I just submitted Ch 25 and the Epilogue for posting. I hope you enjoyed book 2. Book 3 is completed but not ready for posting. It will probably be a few months before that begins. I'm disappointed at the reception of book 2. Scores are pretty low, and I don't get much feedback as to why. If this continues, I'll probably finish let book 3 be the last. So if you are enjoying the series, please give the books a good rating. I'm not getting money from these books, and reader feedback is literally all I go for. Thanks!

Wrapping up book 2.

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A few more weeks and Nexus 2 will be finished. Afterward, I will be taking a break before Nexus 3 is ready to post. Honestly, I've been disappointed with the lack of interest and poor ratings for book 2. I receive very little feedback, and I don't feel like the score represents the quality of writing I'm putting into this. It's frustrating to see books with so many typos and errors get scores in the high 7s and 8s and yet my books are in the lows 7s or high 6s. Am I mistaken and readers are finding lots of errors in the chapters?

Nexus 4 is mostly unwritten, however, I do intend to write it. I can't say for certain when that will happen. I suppose the reception of Nexus 3 will have some impact on that.

1/5 through book 2

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Hey friends,

I hope you're enjoying the 2nd Nexus book. If so, please leave a score for me. If you catch any issues, please let me know. I'd love to hear back from readers with their thoughts!



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